
Just as all things in the universe possess their own unique energy, so too do stones. They reside in or on the Earth, and are gifts from Mother Earth. (And yes, I call her Mother for to me that is what she is). From the Earth we receive our food, clothing, shelter, and all that we need to survive except Air, Fire, and Water. When I think of what a mother is, that is what I see. Without the Earth, we would have no trees to create our oxygen. We would have no place for our food to grow. We would have no shelter. In effect, we would die. The colors used in magic can be applied to stones, but they each have their own energies. These energies can be directed and amplified by your own energies to accomplish your magical goals. In this next section I will list some of my favorite stones, and what they are used for.

Agate: strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing, and protection

Amber: luck, healing, strength, protection, beauty, and love.

Amethyst: dreams, healing, psychism, peace, love, courage, and happiness.

Apache’s Tear: protection and luck.

Aquamarine: psychism, peace, courage, and purification.

Aventurine: mental powers, eyesight, money, peace, healing and luck.

Azurite: psychism, dreams, divination, and healing.

Beryl: psychism, healing, love, energy, and to stop gossip.

Bloodstone: stops bleeding, healing, courage, wealth, strength, power, legal matters, business, invisibility, and to bring storms.

Carnelian: protection, peace, healing, courage, and sexual energy.

Chalcedony: peace, travel, protection, luck, and to stop nightmares.

Citrine: protection, psychism, and to stop nightmares.

Coal: money.

Coral: healing, protection, peace, wisdom, and regulating menstruation.

Fairy Crosses: elemental magic, luck, and elemental power.

Emerald: love, money, mental powers, psychism, protection, exorcism, and eyesight.

Flourite: mental powers, and psychism.

Garnet: strength, healing, and protection.

Geodes: meditation, fertility, and childbirth.

Hematite: healing, grounding, influencing, and divination.

Holey Stones: protection, health, psychism, eyesight, and to stop nightmares.

Jade: love, healing, wisdom, protection, prosperity, and money.

Jasper: beauty, health, healing, and protection.

Jet: protection, luck, divination, health, and to stop nightmares.

Lapis Lazuli: healing, joy, love, fidelity, psychism, protection, and courage.

Malachite: power, protection, love, peace, and business success.

Marble: success, and protection.

Moonstone: love, divination, psychism, sleep, gardening, protection, and dieting.

Mother-Of-Pearl: wealth, divination, and protection.

Obsidian: grounding, divination, peace, and protection.

Onyx: defensive magic, reducing sexual desires, and protection.

Opal: astral projection, psychism, beauty, money, luck, and power.

Pearl: luck, love, money, and protection.

Peridot: wealth, sleep, health, and protection.

Petrified Wood: healing, longevity, protection, and past-life regression.

Quartz: protection, healing, psychism, and power.

Ruby: joy, power, protection, wealth, and to prevent nightmares.

Sapphire: psychism, love, meditation, peace, defensive magic, healing, power, and money.

Sardonyx: courage, marital happiness, peace, luck, and protection.

Sea Shells: protection.

Sunstone: health, energy, protection, and sexual energy.

Tiger’s-Eye: money, protection, courage, energy, luck, and divination.

Topaz: love, money, healing, weight loss, and protection.

Turquoise: courage, money, love friendship, healing, protection, and luck.

This is a mail order supplier for stones.
