CUPSMeanings of the cards
When this card comes up in a spread it is signaling a new beginning in your emotions. This could be a new relationship, a new child, or a new sense of freedom from or within a relationship. REVERSED: Should this card fall reversed, you should hesitate about starting a relationship that you were contemplating. It could also mean that now would not be the time try to get pregnant. Or that a relationship that you have been in will be ending.

This is the card of partnerships, either in business or personal life. The card suggests that matters will be healed and harmony once again attained after a time of disenchantment. Any problems should begin to fade. If you are thinking of taking a partner, this bodes well for your union. REVERSED: Any plans will meet with delays or opposition. Quarrels with others may end with separations of some sort. Beware of people who appear very charming, this is just a facade.

There is going to be an end to a difficult situation. This is a card of healing; emotionally, spiritually, and physically. If you have been ill you will be feeling better now. You may meet someone to whom you will feel drawn, and this will be the beginning of something good. Weddings, family gatherings and parties are likely. REVERSED: You should watch your eating patterns because problems in this area are likely. You will feel out of sorts. An important relationship is ending, and you may find yourself fending off unwelcome attentions.

This is the card of new beginnings, new directions, and new hope. Things will turn out better than you thought and you need to learn from this that optimism pays off. Do not expect to see much progress during this time, because it's a time for you to think things through without jeopardising other projects. You may feel unloved and unwanted at this time, and you may resent this, so try to avoid confrontations. REVERSED: This is a time of possibilities, and you are likely, now that you've thought things through, to find the answers to problems that have been bothering you for a long time. This is the time to learn new things, and join groups to meet new people.

It's now easier to deal with your life. You are moving away from the past and any negativity that was attached to it. You will find some old and valued friends. You may have extra money through a small win or inheritance. REVERSED: Old hurts will be healed and reunions will take place. You still have a sense of loss, but things aren't quite as bleak as they were. True and trusted friends will be there for you with their support.

You are spending a lot of time thinking about your childhood and people who are no longer a part of your life. You may wish you could turn back the clock. You should understand that the past is behind you, and you lived the past for a reason. You are now a stronger and better person for your life. You are likley to find a use for skills you had put aside and forgotten. Family and friends will be there for you. REVERSED: This is a time for new and good opportunities. You should guard against being over suspicious. Family concerns may not be going the way you would like.

Now is not the time for you to daydream. It's not a good time for being foolish, unwise or unrealistic. REVERSED: You can come through any situation with determination. You must stay logical to find the answers easily. Now there is no confusion.

Your whole life is moving out of a phase of darkness and into the light. There are going to be many changes in your personal life and views. You may be depressed or find yourself thinking of moving. REVERSED: A lot of happiness will be coming your way and family gatherings are likely.

This is a money card, and signals prosperity, abundance and success. Despite opposition, you will enjoy good health and victory. You will feel secure and be content. A marriage is likely. REVERSED: There will be losses due to opposition and difficulties. Beware of misplaced loyalties. Now you should be very careful about making choices.

All relationships are well aspected with this card. You will have a feeling of security and happiness. This card signifies contentment, happiness, love, peace and harmony. There is the possibility of a birth in the family. REVERSED: Look out for fights and jealousy. The family unit and friendships will be strained, and although most of this will clear quickly, there is a possibility of permanent splits. This card warns of the possibility of divorce or separation. This card carries the warning to wait and see if the situation will clear up, as the problems may only be temporary.

This card signifies a new birth. This may be the birth of a new idea, or a child. Studies and learning are well aspected with this card. Matters concerning jobs or business will move slowly when this card is drawn. REVERSED: This card suggests a need for discretion. Things will not turn out as expected, and you must beware of the false charms of shallow minded people. Expect problems with children or studies when this card is drawn.

This card suggests new people on the scene. You are likely to receive an invitation of some sort, and it could be a job opportunity or some form of proposal. Changes in your emotions are on the way. Travel is also well aspected by this card. REVERSED: Beware of all kinds of overindulgences. You should be watching your behavior as gossip is likely to be flying, and they may use your own actions to fuel the accusations. Be very careful with money during this time, especially where your partner is concerned.

This lady is trusted and beloved, probably a mother and because of her years, she is wise. The presence of this card can signify domestic happiness and good sensible advice from someone with these qualities. This card may also advise you to develop your inner vision. REVERSED: There is likely to be deception in your personal relationships, and sacrifices of some sort may be necessary. You should not dismiss out of hand any advice given at this time. Guard against immoral or dishonest behavior.

This card represents a fair, hardworking, wise gentleman. This man could be a religious leader, healer, or counsellor. His emotions and time are given freely to people of all ages. This card could indicate the need to develop these things in yourself, or that you will be helped by someone with these qualities. If the advice given by this person is taken, there will be a favorable outcome to whatever you undertake as a result of that advice. REVERSED: Be on the lookout for legal difficulties and the possibility of scandal. Be very careful when dealing with business contracts, and the people around you may not be what they seem to be. If this card is reversed, you would be wise to avoid taking any advice from the person this card signifies.