
This page is on the TAROT. This is an ancient tool used for the art of divination. I am not going to be doing any readings on this page. This page is simply here to serve as an introduction to this amazing tool. I've used the Rider-Waite deck on this page because this is the most commonly used deck, and the most readily available. It is also the one I use most in my readings.

The Rider-Waite Tarot deck consists of 2 separate parts. These are called the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana describes a spiritual journey, beginning with the Fool and ending with the World. These are virtue cards. They express where you are in your journey through life.

The Minor Arcana are what the common deck of 52 standard cards came from, with the addition of 4 extra face cards. They go King, Queen, Knight, Page, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace. The suits are generally swords (spades), batons or wands (clubs), cups (hearts), and coins or pentacles (diamonds). Swords represent action, progress - either good or bad, ambition, opposition, authority and strength. Wands represent challenge in all its forms and creativity, progress and growth through negotiation. Cups represent anything emotional, marriage, personal possessions and concerns, and relationships with others. Pentacles represent business or tradespeople, business stiuations, possessions and financial matters. These are the cards that deal with the daily things that happen in your life.

There are standard meanings for all of the cards. But, once you have been using the cards a while, you will find that the meanings might be a little different for you. As an example, the book that comes with the cards says that the meaning for the Ace of Cups is as follows: house of the true heart, joy, content, abode, nourishment, abundance, fertility, holy table, felicity hereof. And the reversed meaning: house of the false heart, mutation, instability, revolution. The meanings I have found this card to hold are: new beginnings in emotions, a new relationship, a birth, or a new sense of freedom within or from a current relationship. Reversed: you should hesitate about starting a relationship that you were contemplating. It could also mean that now would not be the time to try to get pregnant. Or that a relationship you have been in will be ending.

I hope that your time spent with these wonderful cards will be as fulfilling as my time with them has always shown to be. Bright Blessings!

Major Arcana