MAJOR ARCANAMeanings of the cards
The unnumbered card, and the first steps on your journey of self-discovery. This card became the Joker in the standard playing deck. This card first and foremost suggests you should expect the unexpected. This could be a change of attitude or a fresh start. Foolishness, naivete, immaturity and a lack of discipline are all suggested with this card. Be careful of your choices at this time. REVERSED: The choices you make now could be the wrong ones and they may cause delays in your journey through life. Do not take unecessary risks at this time.

The main meaning for this card is originality. Choices are again being made, and you are warned not to be inflexible. Trust your own powers and skills and don't rely on anyone else to see you through. Promote yourself and be prepared for change and opportunities. REVERSED: Use any talents you discover well and wisely now. Your lack of imagination or drive could hold up any progress you might make now. Watch out for trickery.

This card represents wisdom in the female form. Intuition is strongly suggested by this card. This is the card of mystery and secrets and your powers of insight will be heightened. Changes now could be quite dramatic, and you could find yourself teaching or helping others. REVERSED: Do not let negative emotions and mood swings get out of hand now. You are likely to be deceived by those who have a talent for finding victims. Guard against being selfish or unforgiving.

This is the card of feminine achievement and fertility. This card can bring news of moves, changes, weddings or births. The need for harmony is strong at this time. Plans or projects are likely to reach a successful conclusion when this card is drawn. REVERSED: You are warned against being too controlling of situations at this time. Lack of concentration, inaction and indecision are all things you want to avoid at this time. Monetary worries are likely due to inaction on your part.

This is the card of masculine leadership, ambition, and worldly power. The emperor is wealthy, logical and he's realised his goals due to perseverance and assertiveness. This man is the father figure and suggests that you must use intelligence and reason to win through to your goals. This man has won against his foes and is a good friend to you when you are in need. This card also could suggest the need to assume these qualities. REVERSED: People around you are not what they appear and you need to put aside your rebellious streak and let go of immaturity and pride.

This card represents the beginning of your spiritual quest. It suggests inner wisdom, ESP, and spiritual power. The heirophant is your spiritual guide and through patience will help you find that which you seek. This card warns against anything unkind, immoral, or illegal. REVERSED: It would be foolish on your part of be over kind or over generous at this time. Guard against your own vulnerabilities.

This card symbolizes freedom of emotion. There is a new relationship developing and the potential is for this to lead to marriage. REVERSED: This love was of a possesive and jealous nature, and the card indicates separation or even divorce.

It is the time to move ahead with a project that you have been contemplating. The path ahead may be a little bumpy at times, but the difficulties will be resolved and you will have Victory. REVERSED: Reversed Chariot signifies failure. You may have little regard for rules and regulations and this will make you appear ruthless. This will bring about your downfall. If you are travelling, it may mean trouble with a vehicle or a delay in your journey.

This card signifies strength and personal magnetism. To achieve victory, energy and good health you must forge ahead. REVERSED: Beware of agressiveness. Stress and physical weakness could lead to a weakening of your strength.

This card is an indication of a time for refliction. Your quality of life should improve due to a period of study and learning. REVERSED: You will feel alone, it's as if it's you against the world. Guard against immaturity and a feeling of failure.

Expect the unexpected. These changes will be for the good, even if you may not think so at the time. All things in life happen for a reason. REVERSED: Disastrous consequences may be the result of bad timing. Be very careful of your fortunes at this time.

There will be dealings with people in authority. Legal matters may be pending. The outcome will be successful and fair. REVERSED: Injustice and prejudice should be expected and you should proceed with extreme caution. False accusations and bias may be your undoing.

This is a time for thinking things through. You will need to bide time and readjust. This is not a time for action. REVERSED: You have now come through you lost soul phase, where things were out of your control, and are now ready to take some postivie action.

This is a time of transformation. Loss and failure are both possibilities. This is the end of a phase of your life and the beginning of a new phase. This is not necessarily the death of a person. REVERSED: The situation you find youself in now is decaying or stagnating. You will recover from all of this, but the changes will be slow.

Now is a time for patience. Good things will be coming to you, but you will have to wait to see the benefits. REVERSED: Frustrations and delays are the call at this time. You may need to curb your impatience, impulsiveness and overreaction.

You will need to take great care with your actions at this time. Troubles and wallowing in self pity due to losses of some sort are your feelings at this time. REVERSED: Now is the time to conquer any weaknesses you may have; even drinking, smoking, gambling or drug abuse. Light is at the end of the tunnel now.

This is a time of shake ups and severing ties. You are going through major misunderstandings and changes. Expect your life or your outlook to change dramatically as a result of these changes. REVERSED: You are in an unhappy situation or stuck in a rut. You feel unable to make changes now.

This is the card of Good fortune and perhaps a wonderful windfall. You will have an optimistic outlook now and feel that your dreams are becoming a reality. REVERSED: You will feel that your hopes are dead and you are disappointed and disillusioned. You feel the dreams you had are lost or have not come true.

This card is about subconscious feelings that get confused by other emotional disturbances. You will feel insecure and you should watch out for false friends, slander and disillusionment. REVERSED: Watch out for an untrustworthy person. You should be careful to avoid the chance of drug abuse or alcholoism that you want to use in an effort to escape your problems.

This card signifies health, wealth and happiness. You will find success and fulfillment in the attainment of your goals. REVERSED: There could be a broken engagement. You will have a lack of strength due to illness or loneliness. Plans will be cancelled.

This is a time of rebirth. You should be willing to repent and forgive. It's a time for improvement. REVERSED: You will have poor judgement at this time. This card is about disappointment, theft, divorce or procrastination.

This is the card of finality. It's about completion, fulfillment, and synthesis. You will be held in high esteem by others and you will find success. REVERSED: Your vision will be superficial at this time. There is disappointment due to failure because of leaving what you began incomplete.