In Wicca, you don't have to have any tools other than the desire, the will, and the ability to visualize. However, there are many tools that can be used. Some are as simple as a flower, and some as complicated as a sword. The tools that have proven the most helpful to me in my years in Wicca, I have listed below.

Altar: This is a table of some sort upon which magical items are placed. This place collects magical energy as it is used as the focal point for most spells done by the Wiccan. This makes it a special place to do magic at any time, for it helps enhance the power of the spells cast.

Athame: Usually has a black handle and a double sided blade. It is used like the Wand to create the circle. Not usually used for anything mundane. In the old days, this was called a short sword. It was used as a sword would be.

Baggies: Used for storing dried herbs and seeds.

Candles: These are used to mark the boundaries of the circle, and to light the altar. Also, used alone they can be used for spells.

Cloth: This is used for making sachets, poppets, and charm bags.

Coffee Filters: I use these for making teas and sachets (for bathes). I also use them when I have to make oils that require heating. When the oils have cooled some, I use the filters to strain out the herbs.

Glass Bottles: Used for storing oils that I make.

Herbs: These are used for any kind of herbal magic. When doing a candle spell, I sometimes place herbs around the holder to send their energies and enhance the spell. Also, they are used for making oils and teas.

Knife: Preferably with a white handle. Used to cut yarn, string, herbs and carve shapes on candles.

Mortar and Pestle: Used for grinding herbs and seeds.

Small Cauldron: Used for holding fire, charcoal, and burning objects.

Stones: These are used to increase the power of particular spells.

Thread and Yarn: Also used in the making of sachets, poppets, and charm bags.

Wand: Used to draw the boundaries of a circle.

Wood Carving Tools: Used for making symbols on any wood item. Wands and Talismans are a good example.