TabMail Services Directory and Misc. Information

Last Updated 07/18/17


TabMail is the email distribution list available to residents and property owners of the Taberna development in New Bern, NC.  The email distribution list has been in operation since December of 2004 and now numbers over 550 subscribers.


Over the years, TabMail has been a resource for people looking for advice on honest service providers who delivery quality workmanship on a timely basis and at fair prices.  In order to reduce the amount of traffic on the list where people are asking questions that have been asked many times before, and to provide a ready resource of recommendations, we have created the following linked web pages. 


The first is a list of service providers by category who have been recommended at one time or another by TabMail subscribers.  This list does not pretend to be all-inclusive. We have been compiling the recommendations since the first quarter of 2009, but it can often be difficult to find the time to update the list on a regular basis.  Note that the presence of a service provider on this list does not in any way guarantee that you will have the same favorable experience that caused a Taberna resident to recommend that person or firm.  As the saying goes, ‘your mileage may vary’.  At the same time, the absence of a service provider from this list does not mean that they are not capable or that their work is any less satisfactory;  it merely means no one on TabMail has had experience or reason to add their name to the recommended list - or that your administrator has not found the time to update the list. 


To view the list of recommended service providers, go here:


  Recommended Providers  


The second list is a directory of Taberna-resident-owned enterprises that others may want to consider in choosing where to shop or who to contact for services.  It is provided as a courtesy to those residents of Taberna who operate businesses of their own or provide services to the public.  This list is not vetted for quality of product or service.  It results from information provided to the web master by the business operators themselves, not from any list of recommendations provided by others.  We do encourage TabMail subscribers to consider patronizing their neighbors when searching for quality products and services.

To view this second list, go here:


Neighborhood Providers




Resizing Photos


Emails can often fail to be sent because they are too large, and the usual culprit is a high resolution photo that is many megabytes in size.  Most digital cameras now take photos at very high resolutions which result in huge file sizes which will quite possibly cause your email message to get rejected.  You very likely need to re-size your photo before inserting it in the email. This is not a difficult process once the proper software is installed on your Windows computer.  For instructions on what software to install, please go to the following link which is a reprint of a Sept. 2009 article that appeared in the Taberna Tribune.