There's a New macOS!

And to answer the question of "will the old Pyware versions run on it" here is the answer:

It's a circular link. So if you click the link in the above Facebook post, you just come back here.

Once you upgrade, though, download the legacy Java package here:

Once it's installed, you should be good to go for any of the old Pyware versions.

Now for the bad news: you are venturing into unsupported territory. This can break at any time for any reason and there isn't much that can be done about it. Apple has made it clear that the legacy Java will be 100% unsupported from now on. That being said, there might not be something Pyware can fix down the road due to this unsupported territory we are in.

For the immediate future, though, it installs and runs as well as it did under Sierra…at least for now.

Texas UIL "Pre-Slug"

Many groups in Texas do a pre-UIL contest that I affectionately call the "Pre-Slug." It comes before the "slug" of the actual UIL day. NAMMB's "pre-slug" will be on October 14, 2017 (10/14/2017 or 14/10/2017 depending on geography) at Carthage High School.


In case you didn't know, there is an organization called the National Association of Military Marching Bands, or NAMMB. They've been doing a lot lately, so I have a bunch to cover.

First, their Facebook page has a Monday series and "Monday Is Coming…" so go and check out their Military Monday series.

Secondly, mark your calendars NOW, as the Texas Military Marching Contest is on November 4, 2017 (11/04/2017 or 04/11/2017 depending on your geography). As far as I know, KGAS will be doing a live stream of it again. If you can go live, go! Admission is $3 USD and children under 11 are free.
