Let's Go Viral (opine)

First off, today is Easter Sunday. To those who celebrate it, I hope it's a great Sunday.

So I was over at Cracked, and yes they still exist, when I came across this little piece of Donald Trump viral marketing. It caught my attention. It was meant to be a bit humorous, but as I was reading it, I kept thinking, "This is workable for military style." So let's take a look at how this can be applied.


This is where I am a bit ahead of the curve with the #Retrolution hash tag. It's a portmanteau of "retro" and "revolution," so a Retro Revolution or Retrolution.

Why #Retrolution? It's short, sweet, and to the point. With little more than a second of thought, it can be decoded. It's searchable. It's where YOU come in.

Use the hashtag. When posting a military styled band video, use that hashtag. Make your stuff easily searchable and come up whenever anyone looks for Retrolution. Unfortunately, it cannot be myself and Denver Satterwhite from NAMMB doing all the work while everyone else stays myopic with their own problems (and that tends to get myself and Denver in trouble, but I digress). You want viral? You want a retrolution? You have to help. Two people does not a #retrolution make.


"The United States dropped a huge bomb" is everything about the #MOAB the general public needs to know. What about us? Even the NAMMB pledge is just too wordy for the general public. So in that interest, here is my one sentence summary of the style:

"We do things meant to scare you."

It isn't the best, I know. If you have one sentence summary ideas, place them in the comments.

However, note that we need a simplified message for everyone that isn't a band director also. Make it easy to read, easy to catch on to, and MOST IMPORTANTLY get it spread like wildfire.

We all want more military styled bands. We won't get them unless we can create a tremendous demand. The trail is getting blazed right now. It's time to follow the trail and make our style go viral.

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