About Us

    What is Key Club?

  • K - Kiwanis
  • E - Educating
  • Y - Youths
Please talk to any of the officers or the advisors in order to join or learn even more information about the Key Club organization.


YOF (Youth Oportunities Fund) is a Key Club service project for
the home, school, and community. For more information on YOF please look
at this Microsoft Word doument --> YOF Information.

The San Angelo Key Club has adopted many organizations and participates
in many activities throughout our community. The following are the
current groups we are participating in:

    - Adopted Elementary Schools -
  • Fort Concho Elementary
  • Angelo Catholic School
  • Trinity Luteran School
    - Other Groups -
  • Adoption of the Kiwanis Park
  • Charter Members of the D.E.S.K. Project
  • Adoption of Meals for the Elderly
  • Safe Kids Coalition

- Key Club Pledge -
I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

- Key Club Vision -
To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.

- Key Club Core Values -
  • Caring
  • Character Building
  • Leadership
  • Inclusiveness
- Key Clubbers of the Month -
  • The Key Clubbers of October and November are Mason Hunt and Nikki Findlay