About Us

April & May in our Community:

  • April 24th
    • Manditory Meeting
    • 6:30pm
    • School Cafeteria
  • April 27th
    • Children's Fair/Healthy Families
    • 4-7pm
    • Unidad Park
  • April 27th
    • Safe Kids Coalition
    • 12pm
    • Unidad Park (part of the Children's Fair)
  • May 2nd
    • Little Olympics
    • Stadium
    • 4pm
  • May 16th
    • Key Club Awards Banquet
    • 7pm
    • 1st Assembly of God
    • 1442 Edmond Blvd.
    • $10 per person for the meal
  • May 16th
    • Relay for Life
    • More to be announced

    Officers for 2008-2009 are:

  • President - Elizabeth Ellery
  • Vice President - Nikki Findlay
  • Secretary - Sara Stout
  • Treasurer - Seth Cavness
  • Editor - Angela Ng
  • Historian - Kayla Franke
  • Chaplain/Sgt-at-Arms - Kent Fischer
  • Webmaster - Caleb Scott
  • Public Relations - Mason Hunt
  • Lt. Governor Div. 12/22 - JJ Gossett

Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors:

  • Faculty Advisor - Jason Ibarra
  • Faculty Advisor - Nancy Thompson
  • Kiwanis Advisor - Bea Barron
  • Region 5 Advisor - Rudy Barron
  • Kiwanis Advisor - Tom Woods

    Cody Thomas, Webmaster 2007-2008

    Circuit City

    Last Updated: April 21, 2008