Letter - Matthew Rhea V to Mary 'Polly' Looney Rhea

April 29th, 1820

Augusta, Ky.
April 29th, 1820
My dear Polly,

I have just received yours of the 12th inst. It affords me a moments most pleasing employment than I have had since I left home.

On the 22nd inst. I crossed the river at this place and have been in Ohio ever since untill this evening. My health has been very good save one or two days headaches occasioned by getting wet. I expect to be ready to leave this place in 3 or 4 days for Blountville nine days will be sufficient for that journey. Should it please a kind providence to aid my success in business here and at Blountville. I shall have made quite a good trip I am already tired of travelling, but I hope the ballance of my way will be more pleasant than the part I have passed. It will never be necessary for you any more to insist on my staying home for should I quit home again I will make journeys scarce with myself The moments are few when the past enjoyments of home and friends are not present to my mind. All the endearing transactions of past felicity constantly flood in upon my recollection and disturb the little composure which I still strive to promote. If Christian faith and fortitude ever were essentially necessary to the happiness of a man, it must be so to him whom necessity drives far from the objects of his love and affection.
The thousand trifling incidents which might if permitted, forever debar a return to his home must proclaim his complete dependence on the beneficince of a Creator.
Upon receipt of this letter if you write directing to Knoxville, I can get it as I go through that place.
I intended to write to your father from this place but as I have nothing worthy of a letter I think it not worth while.
Money is scarce and of a very bad quality. I expect I can get enough to answer my purposes but nothing more.

My love to the family. May your God be with you conferring his best blessings.

Your affectionate husband

M. Rhea


Mailed 3 May, 1820
Mrs. Matthew Rhea
West Tennessee


Notes: This letter provided by Annie Rhea Bruce. Spelling errors are neither hers nor mine, but as the letter was written.


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Original 9/15/97
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. Preston