French map of North America in 1845. Shows Texas as independent and southwest still as Mexico.

Scotch map of United States in 1832.

The Beverley Patent of 1736. 118,000 acres divided in Orange and Augusta Counties of Virginia. Many SURNAMES shown.

  • South East Quadrant, shows description and scale.
  • North East Quadrant.
  • South West Quadrant.
  • North West Quadrant, shows description.
  • Map of US showing State Abbreviations. Includes links to West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Pennsylvania US GenWeb pages.

    Animated Map of US showing State Boundries and how they changed from 1650 to Present.

    U. S. Territorial Maps, 1775, 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900 and 1920. Also, link to Univ. Virginia and more maps.

    U. S. in 1775 showing State Claims.

    Virginia Expansion 1738 TO 1791.

    Virginia in 1792, just after 9 western counties split off to form Kentucky. Shows location of Prestons of Virginia and Tinsleys.

    Virginia today. Includes links to Augusta, Bedford, Botetourt, Hanover, King & Queen, King William, Montgomery, Washington and York County US Gen Web Home Pages.

    Sullivan County Tennessee today and where it was in years past.

    England, Scotland and Wales prior to 1974 boundry changes. Shows location of Prestons of England (included in my pages), origin of Tinsley, Barber, Robinson, Leigh and Gaines.

    Ireland, shows location of Prestons of Gormanston and in Northern Ireland for Walnut Grove and Smithfield Prestons and also the Hays homestead near Horns Head in NI.

    Original 2/9/98
    Last updated 12/31/2006
    Page by F. Preston