Robert Preston, Jr. ~1772 - 9/9/1858
of Walnut Grove Prestons

Robert Preston, Jr. is somewhat of a mystery. It is believed he was the son of James Preston and Sarah Gilliland Preston of Northern Ireland. It is also believed his grandfather was James Preston, Sr. also of northern Ireland. I have no dates or places other than somewhere in the Londonderry area. James Preston is believed to be related to either John Preston b.1726 and his wife Eleanor Fairman (Ferman) b.1725 or of John Preston b.1699 and his wife Elizabeth Patton 1700.

We know that Robert Preston (Irish Bob or Jr.) came to America in 1793, probably about 20 years old. This would make his birthdate around 1770-1773 and his father James Preston Jr. born perhaps 1748-1752 or about the same time as Robert Preston Sr. Likewise, James Preston, Sr. would have been born about the same time as John Preston or 1726 +/- a few years. Can we assume James Preston, Sr. and John Preston were brothers ??? Just food for thought.

Robert Preston, Sr. 1750-1833 sent for Robert Preston (son of James and Sarah Gilliland Preston) and he came to this country in July 1793 along with another cousin Samuel Preston. Samuel is believed to have been born about 1775 and was the son of Thomas and Nancy Preston. Don't know what their connection is to James and Sarah or the John Prestons. Robert Preston was then adopted by Robert Preston, Sr. and called Robert Preston, Jr. or 'Irish Bob'. Irish Bob then married Robert Preston, Sr., daughter, Jane Preston 1781-1863.  They were married April 12th, 1798.

Have very recently found that Robert Preston, Jr. had a sister Mary who married a Andrew Dennison in Northern Ireland. They had two children, Sarah and Elizabeth Dennison before they left Ireland and came to America in 1800. Mary and Andrew had three more children after arriving in this country, Mary, Jane and Robert Dennison. Mary Preston Dennison died 21May1852 and is buried in the Walnut Grove Cemetery.

For the children of Robert Preston, Jr. and Jane Preston see Jane Preston.

For cousins, friends or connections in Ireland, see Letters

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Original 4/9/2007
Last updated 7/31/2010
Page by Fred L. Preston