Thomas Tinsley V
9/4/1752 - 12/17/1822

Thomas Tinsley V, first son of Thomas Tinsley 4 and his wife Agnes Garland, married Susanna Thomson on May 30th, 1782. She was the daughter of John Thomson by his first wife, Ann Garland. John Thomson was born on 1/1/1732 and Susanna was born on 12/5/1765 and died 7/29/1844. They had issue: [NOTE: I (Fred Preston) was just accepted into the "Sons of the American Revolution" through Thomas Tinsley V]

Following supplied by Maria Rippe. Many papers show Thomas Tinsley V as being born in 1755. An obituary published in the Richmond Whig on January 4, 1823, stated that Col. Thomas Tinsley died December 17,1822 in his 70th year of age. He was buried near Hylas in western Hanover in a cemetery on Spring Grove property owned by C. C. Tinsley. The cemetery is apparently the final resting place for a number of local veterans, as the stones all bear military inscriptions. Tinsley's stone reads as follows: Thomas Tinsley, Lt. Col. 93rd Regiment Virginia Grenadiers 1792, Colonel of the 74th Regiment Virginia Light Infantry 1795. None of the stones in the cemetery give birth and death dates.

Thomas lived in Hanover Town and seemed to have something to do with salt which was used for the preservation of meat. Thomas served as Sub Sheriff for Hanover County in 1783 and as Sheriff in 1799. On April 8, 1789 he was elected as a Delegate to the General Assembly.  Also in 1789 he was serving as Warden of St.Paul's Parish in Hanover. Thomas was also President of Washington Henry Academy, a school for young boys.   Thomas was a commissioned officer in the Hanover Militia and defended the county when Cornwallis marched through in 1781 and he was usually referred to as Colonel Thomas Tinsley.

  1. John Thomson Tinsley, 3/5/1783 - 3/16/1783.
  2. Second child, 1/1/1785 - 1/8/1785
  3. Mary Tinsley, born 8/10/1786 m. David Johnson on 9/12/1805 and died 9/22/1819. (Note:Book on Hanover Co. cemeteries shows Mary's date of birth as 8/16/1786, not 8/10/1785.)
  4. * Thomas Garland Tinsley, born 12/30/1788 died 9/14/1859 married first Harriet Washington Bryan 1803-1841 and second Patsy Rutherfoord.
  5. Nancy Tinsley, born 2/22/1791 married on 10/4/1818 Mr. Seaton Grantland (picture). Seaton was born in 1782 in New Kent Co. he was a Whig, newspaper editor and lawyer. Seaton and Nancy (Ann) settled in Milledgeville, GA where she died on 12/12/1823. Seaton served as U. S Representative-at-Large for Georgia from 1835 to 1839. He died in Milledgeville in 1864.
  6. Harriet Tinsley born 10/26/1797 died 11/6/1803.

The land known today as Totomoi Farm was granted to  George Wilkinson and John Wilkinson in a patent dated 1703.  It was then purchased by the Thomson family in 1747 and 1758.  Col. Thomas Tinsley purchased the land in 1800.

Thomas Tinsley, son of Thomas Tinsley and his wife Agnes, was a member of the House of Delegates in 1789 and 1790. In Calvin Cotton's Life of Henry Clay, is the following:

"Through the efforts of Col. Thomas Tinsley, a member of the Legislature of Virginia, a Col. in the Revolutionary War, he persuaded his brother Peter Tinsley to take Henry Clay in his office, prior to his course under Chancellor Wythe, of the Supreme Court of Virginia." Thomas Tinsley took the "Mill Boy" to his home, fitted him out with clothes suitable for his city life.

In Sparke's "Life of Washington and His Letters" is mention where Washington has under consideration, the appointment of Col. Thomas Tinsley as Surveyor General of the United States, but as his appointment was considered along with prominent Generals in the Revolutionary War, he failed to receive the appointment, but did receive other appointments.

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Original 7/6/97
Last updated 05/14/2012
Page by F. L. Preston