Will - of Fannie Spindle from Hanover Co. Chancory Wills and Notes by William Ronald Cocke, III

"In the name of God amen, I Fanny Spindle do make and ordain this my will and testament in manner and in form following to wit.  I first will and devise that all my just and funeral expenses be paid, my Exor. here in named.  2ndly, I give and bequeath my granddaughter Sally Garlick Gaines when she attains the age of eighteen years or shall marry, my negroes Rebecca and Cook, and six hundred dollars provided my daughter Jane she be disposed that she shall receive this legacy at that time, should she not be thus disposed I wish her to retain the said legacy so as she lives and at her death, I then give the same to my said granddaughter, Sally G. Gaines to her and her heirs forever.   All the rest and the residue of my both real and personal I lend to my beloeved daughter Jane E. Gaines for and during her natural life and at her death I give the same to all her children who may survive her and to the survivors of such as may have died before her to them and their heirs forever.  Lastly I nominate and appoint my son in law Dr. Wm. F. Gaines my exor. of this my last will and testament.  In testimony thereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this 28th day of December 1833."

Fanny Spindle (seal)

NOTE: Fanny Unknown Spindle was the wife of Philip Spindle.  Their daughter Jane Spindle married Dr. William Fleming Gaines.  Their daughter Frances 'Fannie' William Gaines married Seaton Grantland Tinsley, my Great Grandfather.  Fred Preston (Will provided by Hilliary Turner)


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Original 4/4/2002
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston