Will of Samuel Garlick

14 July 1765

Be it remembered this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and sixty five that I, Samuel Garlick of the County of King William in the Colony of Virginia, being in perfect health and of sound sense and memory, but considering the uncertainty of life do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament and dispose of my worldly estate (my first debts and funeral expenses being first paid off and discharged) in manner and form following that is to say: Imprints I give and devise to my son John Garlick one equal half or moiety of a certain tract of land in Caroline County whereof I am now seised containing about eleven hundred acres more or less which I purchased of William Carr and William Burdett to him the said John Garlick and his heirs forever. I also give unto the said John Garlick one equal half of moiety of a tract of land of Louisa County whereof I am now seised containing by estimation two thousand four hundred acres more or less which is commonly known by the name of Buckmountain tract to him the said John Garlick and his heirs forever. I give and devise to my son Samuel Garlick the other half or moiety of my said tract of land in Caroline County and also the other half or moiety of the said tract of land called Buckmountain in Louisa County to him and said executors hereafter named may full power and authority to work any number of my negroes they may judge necessary or any part of the lands aforesaid for the benefit of my family until my said sons John and Samuel shall respectively attain to lawful age.

Item: I give and devise to my lovely wife Mary Garlick during her natural life and widowhood the tract of land I now live on in King William County in lieu and satisfaction of her dower in all my lands, and after her death or upon her marriage I give and devise said tract to my son Camm Garlick and to his heirs forever.

Item: I devise and appoint that if either of my said three sons, John, Samuel or Camm should die before they attain the lawful age and without issue lawfully begotten that the lands hereby given and devised to the child so dying as aforesaid shall pass and go to the survivors and their heirs to equally divided between them or if either of my sons should die leaving issue that such issue be entitled to one moiety to the land belonging to such child as may die without issue and underage, and further that I direct and appoint that in the division of the land aforesaid my said son John shall have his first choice of the several parts or equal moiety of both tracts.

Item: I give and devise to my said son Camm Garlick a tract of land on Hickory Creek in Louisa County containing about four hundred acres more or less which I purchased of Louis Davis.

Item: Whereas my mother Hannah Garlick late of the City of Bristol by her will devised and bequeathed sum (sic) of six hundred pounds sterling money to be paid after my death to such of my children as I by deed executed in my life time or by my last Will and testament should appoint and direct. And whereas my bother Edward Garlick hath by his letter to me signified that he hath given security for the due and faithful payment of the aforesaid sum of money at the time of my death to be disposed of agreeable to the Will of my said mother. I do hereby direct appoint and devise that the said sum of six hundred pounds sterling be equally divided among my four daughters to wit: Hannah the wife of Robert Hill, Mary Garlick, Sarah Garlick, and Elizabeth Garlick and that my said brother his executors and administrators pay the aforesaid sum of money to them or their legal representatives then to the survivor or survivors of them the interest of their respective parts to be paid to them annually until they shall be entitled to receive the same, to be applied to and for their better support, education and maintenance, and their several shares or proportions of the same to be paid immediately upon their marriage or when they shall respectively attain to lawful age.

Item: I hereby direct, appoint devise and bequeath that after my decease my executrix and executors hereafter named shall keep my estate together (after laying off the share hereafter mentioned and devised to Hannah Hill) and that the profits thereof be applied to and for the support, education and maintenance of my beloved wife and children in the best manner that the said estate will afford during my wife's widowhood, and until my children respectively come to age or marry, and I further will and direct that as soon as conveniently can be done after my death, one equal eighth part of my estate, including what I have already given to my daughter Hannah Hill be laid off for her and that what I have already given her may be equally valued and appraised and allowed out of my share of the estate, and that the residue be kept together in the Manner and for the purpose aforesaid until another of my children come of age or marry, or until my said wife marries again, and that then an equal part of the remaining estate shall be allotted to such child and so on until every child had their respective share or part, leaving always one share for my said wife, which share after her death I desire be equally divided among all my children and their legal representatives if any should be dead, but if my wife should marry again then I will and direct that my residuary estate be equally divided immediately between my said wife and all my children my daughter Hannah Hill allowing in her share for what she hath already received in the manner as before directed and that my said wife shall hold her share during her natural life and then to be equally divided among my children and their legal representatives as aforesaid and that upon every child coming of age the said residuary estate, with the increase of the negroes be valued and divided equally as then shall be, whether increased or decreased, in value and it is further my will and desire that whatever estate real or personal I may receive or which my be given or devised to me by any of my relatives in England or by my father-in-law, Mr. John Camm, or which shall come to me by the death of Dr. John Walker by, or under the will of Mrs. Alice Bullock, shall be taken and considered as a part of my residuary estate and divided and disposed in the same manner as before directed in regard to the residue of my estate.

Item: It is my will and desire that if any of my children aforesaid should die before they attain to lawful age or marry, that then the share or part of such child shall be equally divided among the survivors and the legal representatives of such of them as may be dead and it is further my will and desire that if I should hereafter have any child or children born that such child or children have the same benefit of maintenance and education and to be entitled to an equal share of my residuary estate with my children before mentioned in the same manner as if such child or children were now alive and expressly mentioned in this my Will.

Lastly I do and hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary Garlick executrix and my son-in-law Robert Hill, my sons John and Samuel (when they shall attain to lawful age for that purpose) to be executors of this my Will and testament. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year within written. SAMUEL GARLICK (Seal). Signed sealed and published as the last Will and testament of the sd Sam'l Garlick before us who also signed the same as Witnesses in his presence John Semple, Joseph Temple, Ann Pollard.

At a Court held for King William County the 10th day of October 1772 this will of Samuel Garlick dec'd was proved by oaths of the several witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. By the Court Edmund Berkeley, Clk. A Copy Teste Robert Pollard C.C.


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Original 5/27/99
Last updated 4/13/2007
Page by F. L. Preston