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Editorial Policy![]() |
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create that fact.
Editorial PolicyIt is the policy of the editor and publisher to present to the reading and viewing public only those materials deemed to be excellent quality and of a leading-edge or avant garde character. We will not necessarily publish everything submitted. If there is a feature dealing with a mail art call or similar project, all submissions, regardless of perceived quality, will be presented. We do, however, reserve the right to comment on the quality or lack thereof of any or all of the submissions. As submitted material increases in quantity, presumably there will be a greater quality of material as well, and choices will be difficult, so if your work is not chosen, don't be discouraged. Try again, the next piece might be exactly what we're looking for. Nothing submitted will be acknowledged unless chosen for publication. Nothing received by mail will be returned unless adequate packing material and return postage is included. If material submitted is not acknowledged by the publication date, it should be assumed that said material will not be used and you should feel free to either resubmit it or send it elsewhere. There will be times when material submitted will not arrive in time to be included, or said material is thought to better suited for a future issue. In such case, I will try to explain my intentions as fully and as soon as possible. The editor would prefer to publish material that has not been previously published, either electonically or in print media. This preference does not preclude the re-publication of excellent material that has appeared elsewhere. If you submit material that has been published previously, please include all publishing history with the submission. Likewise, simultaneous submissions are discouraged as well. If you submit material that you claim to be previously unpublished or that you claim is not being submitted to other publications at the same time, and it is subsequently discovered that this is not the case, your material will be rejected forthwith, and all future material will be rejected out of hand, regardless of its merit. Please include biographical and publishing or exhibition history with any submissions. I like to include a little information about the people whose work I present. This is not to say I won't publish material from people who wish to keep such information private, but the lack of such information will decrease greatly your chances of being included. It is the intent of this publication to challenge and provoke thought in the reader/viewer. I do not intend to rehash, reiterate, or soothe. Some of what is presented here will be of controversial or disturbing nature. All I can say to that is, "Grow up. Learn to accept that there are other opinions out there than your own." If you want material included in a particular issue, your material must be received at least 45 days prior to the publication date, which is currently the tenth day of the month. Currently no payment is offered for any published material. Also, no reading fees or other charges are levied. Copyright assignment is for single issue and archive use only. Any further copyright assignment will be negotiated separately.
Copyright 2003 © J. Michael Mollohan