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Other Pictures

This is a page for those pictures that just don't fit in anywhere else.

A shot of the King (and Timber) with his famous "Horse."  This Ford Ranger has, as of this writing, over 300,000 miles on it.  A huge percentage of those have been by taking the K&R all over WV.  The Horse will always be celebrated in song and memory.

During the rare times the Horse was left in the stable, the Rooster's Tacoma has admirably filled in.


Third trip from Babcock State Park to Sewell and back over Buery Mountain on foot.  A brutal 14 mile hike with a 2,000' elevation rise.  A nice off-season workout.


A new era in K&R travel begins.  A black Jeep Grand Cherokee is the third installment of primary K&R travel - and by far the most comfortable.  Can it reach 300,000 miles, though?  Check back in 10 years...



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