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Hunting Pictures


Fishing Pictures

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[WV Scenes]










WV Scenes

In the course of the K&R's hunting and fishing travels, we have come across some scenes that would be right at home on a post card.  The following are pictures that were just too unique or scenic to pass up.


A good shot of an early trip to what would later become a standard cold-weather duck option.  A great picture of the steep valley walls fading into the wintry background.

We regularly grouse hunt on long abandoned strip mines.  These ridge-top mines always seem to give an awesome vista as an added reward.  This shot shows a typical late winter scene from one such area.

The solitary dead tree.

While grouse hunting way back in the middle of nowhere, we came across an old abandoned house.  It just had a feel to it and the colors were vibrant.  A great WV scene.

Can you feel the chill in this brisk morning hunt?  Great silhouette of Timber amongst the icy trees.

Hunting in one of the most scenic areas of WV, the Rooster stands next to a lonely pine.

Beautiful marshland tucked away in a secluded valley. 

An early fall day just days before the trees will burst into full color. 

Sun peaks out over the swamp after a rainy day.  Nice. 



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