Kitchens Creek
Baptist Church
7231 Monroe Hwy @ Kitchens Creek Rd
Ball, Louisiana 71405
Milton W Howard
PO Box 740
Ball, LoUiSiAna
Newspaper Articles
The Town Talk
(Luke 2:25-30)
"There was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon...waiting for
the consolation of Israel...he came by the Spirit into the temple...he
took him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said...mine eyes have seen
thy salvation"
found Christ in the temple, according to the promise of God.
It was the gracious promise of God that brought him to the right
place. They find Christ who
are led by the Spirit to Him. We
never come of our own will or understanding.
We must be drawn by the Spirit to Christ.
shows us that Christ is God's Salvation.
is Salvation itself. The
essence of what He is lies in Who
He is. He is God's
Salvation. There is no
Salvation when the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ is left out. Had
He not been man, He could not have died.
Had He not been God, His death would have had no value to redeem
us. He is the only
Salvation there is. This is
God's Salvation.
came to the temple day after day looking for God's Salvation.
There were many who rose up in that day saying they were the
Messiah. But when God the
Holy Spirit moves on us, we will never be content with another
man as devout as Simeon could have had Salvation by the Law if there
were any there. If church
going could save him, he would be saved.
He almost lived in the Temple.
He saw the sacrifices every morning and evening.
He did not find Salvation until he found it in Christ.
Christ is God's Salvation.
is the Salvation which God has promised from all eternity to bestow on
His people. This is the
Salvation of which the prophets spoke.
This is the Salvation to which all those symbols pointed.
This is the Salvation to which the Law pointed.
The Law of God was never given to save us, but to point us to
Christ. The Lord Jesus
Christ fulfilled all that Law for us.
you have seen Christ you have seen all His work of redemption.
You know who He is,
you know why He came, you
know how He came, you know
what He did, you know where
He is now, and WHAT He is doing for us.
is complete Salvation. "He
that believeth in Him hath everlasting life." We
are saved from sin. He
purchased with His blood all that was required for our redemption.
Because He lives we live. "The Lord hath laid on Him
the iniquity of us all."
not look for any part of this Salvation to finish yourself, for this is
God's Salvation. This is
Good News. This is the
take God's Salvation into your arms as your own, embrace Him, and you
will have all the life you need. No
wonder Simeon could say, "Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace
For mine eyes
have seen thy salvation."
you find all your Salvation in Christ.
To Him be glory forever
and ever.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Is This?"
(Matthew 21:10)
"And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was
moved, saying, Who is this?"
constant prayer is that something will move this great
area in which we live!
greatest danger we face is indifference to the power of the Gospel.
We need our heart our home, our church, and this area moved to
worship God. And there is
only one thing that will do this a reigning Saviour riding in
triumph. Jerusalem was
never moved until the Lord Jesus Christ rode into is as King.
is a lot of Jesus preaching today, but not the Lord Jesus Christ of the
Scriptures. There is a lot
of salvation preaching, but not the salvation of the Scriptures. There is a lot of God preaching, but not the God of the
most religion today, you can write Ichabod, for "the
glory of the Lord is departed."
There is no glory in a place unless Christ alone is
preached as the sinner's only hope.
down through the ages, that which disturbed this world was when people
put their lives on the line for this Gospel when people stood up and
preached in the middle of the night to the few who had the courage to
come together to see Christ lifted up in the preaching of the Gospel.
will stir this place is to cry, "Hosanna to the son of David:
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."
When Christ is exalted in the pulpit, and in the hearts of the
congregation, people will come to hear, and the Gospel will get hold of
reigning Christ will move this town.
A reigning Christ will become important to our children, friends,
and neighbors. A reigning
Christ will be worth living and dying for.
This is when they will ask the question, "Who is
we know who Christ is? Is
what we believe according to the Scriptures?
Will we stake our life on it?
Will we stake the eternal welfare of our soul on it?
Will we stake the eternal welfare of our children on what we
believe? Is it according to
the Scriptures?
best and only good thing we can do for our fellow-man is present Christ
to him. But, to do this, we
will have to know Who this is.
I have one more sermon to preach before I die, I want it to be about my
Lord Jesus Christ.
love to tell sinners that "God was made flesh, and dwelt
among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of
the Father, full of grace and truth."
I love to declare that Christ came to this earth as a Substitute
for His people. I love to
declare that His holy life is accounted our righteousness that His
sufferings and death constitute a complete atonement, satisfying the
wrath of God for all our sins. I
love to declare substitution, for this is the heart of the Gospel
the sinner in Christ's place, and Christ in the sinner's place our
debts to God paid by Christ "the chastisement of our
peace laid upon Him" that we might "be justified
by faith."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Christ Came"
Timothy 1:15)
is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus
came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
There are a lot
of things in this world that are very doubtful.
Sadly, we must realize that a lot of what people are telling
sinners is suspicious and questionable.
It will be in
our best interest to search the Scriptures and try and prove what we are
being told. There are no
contradictions in the Scriptures. The
eternal welfare of our soul depends on what is written in God's Word.
The faithful
saying of God's Word is, "Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners" and
it never changes.
The God with Whom we have to do never changes.
Salvation never changes. Christ
Jesus never changes. Man
never changes. The way of
salvation never changes. The
way we meet God's requirements never changes.
This "saying"
is the same in any culture, any society, and any walk of life.
I can say to all men
every where, without any fear of saying something wrong, "that
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
I have learned
some things in my life that I want to share with you this morning
first thing I want to tell you is that I am a great sinner.
I am not proud of
this, but it is true. I pay
my debts. I am a preacher of the Gospel of Christ.
But, nevertheless, sin
is mixed in everything I do. In
my life, I have never had a thought, never spoken a word, and never done
one thing that was not stained with sin.
I have been saved by the grace of God.
I have been redeemed through the shed blood of Christ, yet sin is
always present with me. The
foolish imaginations of my mind increase with the years.
I open this Bible to read the blessed Word of God and sin grabs
me. I bow to pray, and my
mind wanders up and down every road of iniquity.
I join together with the saints of God to worship the Lord, and
my heart is filled with unholy imaginations.
With Paul, my soul cries, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this
I have learned something else, and that is that God is love.
That gives me a
hope. By nature I am guilty, without hope, lost, and condemned, and
sentenced to death for sin. Divine
justice demands the death of every sinner.
But, "God
is love." There is hope for sinners like me. Because
of His great love for sinners, God sent His Son into this world to die
on that Cross so that the sinners that He loves with an eternal love,
can be eternally saved by Him.
I learned that the Lord Jesus Christ is the all sufficient Substitute
and Saviour of sinners.
The Lord Jesus Christ has never saved a good person.
Christ did not die for just and holy people. Christ does not show mercy to those who according to their
own thoughts have no need of His mercy.
Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
God shows mercy to me in Christ.
God saves me in Christ. God
pardons me in Christ. God
accepts me in Christ.
If you
come to Christ as a sinner, a poor bankrupt sinner, He will save you also. As
a guilty sinner, simply trust in Him the all-sufficient Saviour
and you have eternal life.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
"Jesus - Saviour"
1:21) "Thou shalt call
his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
It was the angel of the
Lord that spoke this Name to Joseph.
The angels bow at the mention of this Name.
They regard this Name with reverent love.
Here is a Name that has with it a peace that passes all
understanding. The angel
said, "fear not," for no name can remove fear
like that Name. Here
is the end of despair and the beginning of hope. Let a sinner hear of "the Saviour"
and he sees a reconciled God and fears no longer.
The Name Is Of The
Lord. It was the Lord
God of Heaven that chose the Saviour, that appointed Him, and the sent
Him to save. The Christ of
God has other names but this Name sums up His Person and
This is the best Name
He could have. To the best
born of woman, God gave the best Name a person could have. The Father knew all about Him, and gave Him the best Name
for His work. Our Lord is
most of all a Saviour, and it is His glory to be a Saviour.
It was the Father that "made Him both Lord and
Christ." It
was the Father that "set Him forth to be our
This Name
identifies Him with us, and this is what we most need.
This Name, chosen by infinite wisdom, must be true, for it
is verified by facts. In
giving Him this Name God authorized Him to do a work; and because
He did that work, God accepted it.
We are given the reason
for this Name "He shall save His people from their
sins." The Name
means Saviour. The angel
said, "He shall save."
"Save" means deliverance and
preservation. By using this
great word, the eternal God guarantees the success of the Saviour, for
God Himself declares that He "shall save His people from
their sins."
We know He can fulfill
His mission because of who He is. The
next verse tells us "They shall call his name Emmanuel, which
being interpreted is, God with us."
He alone can be Jesus our Saviour because He is "Emmanuel,
God with us." Being
God He is able to save, being man He is willing to save. Man cannot satisfy Divine justice, and God cannot suffer for
sin. But the God-Man
suffered the penalty of sin, and satisfied the divine justice of God.
The Name, which
is given by God, is accepted by those who know it.
Those who are taught of God recognize that Christ is salvation.
When Simeon saw Him that day in the temple, he declared, "Now
let Thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen Thy
He "saves
His people". He
saves all that come to Him. He
saves all that the Father gave Him all that belong to Him.
Who are they?
They are sinners. For, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners." These
are those who need to be saved. The
self-righteous are not His people.
If you are not a sinner you are not His people.
He came to save sinners, not to give Himself as a reward for our
righteousness. He comes not
to reward virtues, but to forgive sins.
Go up to Heaven and ask
every one there how they got there, and without exception they will say,
"They overcame by the blood of the Lamb." They will tell you "They washed their robes and
made them white in the blood of the Lamb", for "Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
W Howard Is Pastor Of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church In Ball
Testify Of Me"
5:39) "They are they
which testily of Me.
Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of Hole Scripture.
There is only one theme in this Bible.
It is the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the constant theme in every one of its sacred pages.
Every page speaks of a Substitute.
Every page speaks of a Saviour.
Every page speaks of a Redeemer.
Every page speaks of the Christ of God.
From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21,
the whole Bible speaks of Him.
Creation we see Him as one of the sacred Trinity.
We catch a glimpse of Him in the Promise of the woman's seed.
We see Him Typified in the Ark of Noah.
We walk with Abraham as he sees the Messiah's Day. We dwell in the Tents of Isaac and Jacob, feeding upon and
trusting in the gracious promises.
We hear Israel talking about Shiloh.
And in all the types of the Law the ceremonies, rituals, and
sacrifices we find our Redeemer pictured, promised, and prophesied.
we found them to be Prophets or Kings, whether Priests or Preachers,
they all looked the same way. They
all looked one way. They
all stood as the Cherubims did over that Ark of the Covenant, desiring
to look inside, and to read and know the great mystery of God's great
Propitiation, which is in Christ Jesus.
But in
spite of all this, still in the New Testament we find in greater clarity
our Lord Jesus Christ, the one pervading Subject.
He is not like a gold nugget the gold miner might find
occasionally, just scattered around in some places, but He is the Mother
Lode. He is the Solid Gold
Foundation upon which the whole thing stands or falls.
The whole
Substance of the New Testament is Jesus Christ and Him crucifies.
Even in the last Words of the closing sentence of the Bible we
find it graced with the Redeemer's name.
This is
how we ought to read Scripture. This
is the light by which it must be read.
We should consider the Word of God to be as a mirror into which
Christ looks down from Heaven; and then when we look into that mirror we
see His face reflected. We
do see it darkly no doubt, but one day we will see Him face to face.
Bible contains the Love Letters of the Lord Jesus Christ which He wrote
to us. They have the sweet
fragrance of His love to us on them.
The pages
of this Bible are the garments of our great King.
They speak of Him. Tell
of His person, of His
holiness, of His love.
Scriptures are as the Royal Chariot in which the Lord Jesus Christ
rides, and it is paved with love for the Daughters of Jerusalem.
Scriptures are as the Swaddling Bands of the Holy Child Jesus.
They are all wrapped around Him.
When you unroll them, you find the Saviour.
The Heart
of the Word of God is the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the key that will unlock this Treasure Chest to us.
If you miss Him you miss it all, for "They are they
which testily of Me.
Milton W Howard Is Pastor Of
Kitchens Creek Baptist Church In Ball
This Hope"
John 3:3) "And
every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is
is not much possibility of unhappiness, when we know that "now
are we the sons of God."
A knowledge of this relationship brings joy to our soul.
Moses sang, "Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O
people saved by the Lord!"
who are the sons of God are a blessed people.
But the believer's joy is not so much in what he has, as in what
he shall have. "We
know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see
him as he is." To
the unbeliever, all that is to come is in darkness, but to the believer,
only the present is darkness. All
the future is light. There
is a glory which is yet to be revealed. So,
when you are down, refresh your soul with the thoughts of the future.
We do get comfort when we see how God has dealt with us how
He brought us out of that pit, and set or feet on that Rock. But most of our comfort comes from seeing what shall be
revealed. John
speaks of that man
that hath this hope in him.
This is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is that hope of the one in Christ.
This hope is being like Christ.
The thoughts of many concerning glory are very strange.
They speak of sitting around in an eternal party.
Seldom is Christ mentioned.
The Heaven the believer looks for is
the Heaven of being like his Lord to be free of sin. He desires perfect holiness.
hope is based on divine love. Look how this chapter begins,
"Behold, what manner of love the, Father hath bestowed upon
us, that we should be called the sons of God."
It is because of
the love of God that we have been
"called the sons of God". We have been adopted into the family of God, so we will be like our Elder Brother.
We will have what He has, and be what He is.
hope is to be like Christ. The
world does not know Him. If
He came now it would still not know Him.
He is hidden from the world.
He will be manifested to angels and men; and when He is
manifested, we will be manifested too. Knowing that we are united to Christ, when we see Him as He
is, we will be like Him.
hope lies completely in Him. If hope lies in us it is a
delusion. If our hope lies
in this church it is a lie. If
our hope stands with one foot on the work of Christ and the other foot
on our own merits, it will fail us.
Hope in Christ is the only hope which can be acceptable to God.
Our only hope of Heaven will be through Him alone.
Here our hope begins, and here our hope ends.
This hope does not puff up, but purifies.
It will not let you pat yourself on the back.
It stops all boasting. When the Lord makes a person His child, when He shows a person
His great love to him, He humbles him.
An expectation of Heaven and absolute perfection never exalts a
person. If your religion
gives you something to brag about, it is not of God.
"And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth
himself, even as he is pure."
Milton W
Howard Is Pastor Of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church In Ball
by Grace"
(Ephesians 2:8-10) "For
by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
the gift of God: Not of
works, lest any man should boast. For
we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which
God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul tells us HOW God
saves sinners, WHY God saves sinners the way He
does, and WHAT is the sure result of God's saving grace.
HOW does God save sinners?
Paul says, "By grace are ye saved through faith."
Salvation, from start to finish, is the work of God's
free grace in Christ. Grace
planned the way of salvation by the Substitutionary Sacrifice of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace
chose those who would be saved in eternal election.
Grace brought the Lord Jesus Christ down from Heaven to die in
our place at Calvary. Grace
calls sinners to Christ by its irresistible power.
Grace gives us life. Grace preserves us in life. And
that same grace of God will present us holy and without blame before the
presence of His glory in Heaven.
All the many blessings
of Grace in Salvation come to all of
God's chosen "Through faith."
Faith is not our Saviour. Christ
alone is the Saviour of His people.
But faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is necessary unto salvation.
Every one of God's elect people looks to Christ in faith and
receives salvation from Him. Faith
is the channel through which salvation comes.
Paul further declares that this faith is "Not of yourselves: it
is the gift of God." He
is telling us that Grace is
the gift of God Salvation is the gift of God and Faith is the
gift of God. None of
these things are or can be attributed to us.
We believe according to the working of God's almighty power
within us. Faith is not the
work of the sinner. It is
the work of God in the sinner.
WHY does God save sinners by grace, and not by works?
It is "That no flesh should glory in His presence."
Salvation is "not of works, lest any man should
boast." If
there was anything, which we as sinners could do, that would contribute
anything toward our salvation, then we could claim a part of the glory
of our salvation for ourselves. But,
God will have all the glory.
He will not share His glory with another.
Salvation is by grace alone, without works.
It is not the work of man;
neither is it a co-operative work of God and man together.
It is not God doing His part and man doing his part.
Salvation is the work of God alone.
"We are His
God has made us "New creatures" in Christ
Jesus by the almighty power of His Sovereign Grace.
Let all the proud, foolish
thoughts of self-salvation by the works of the flesh be forever put out
of your heart and mind.
WHAT is the sure result of God's saving grace? "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto
good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in
them." Even
if we could do some good works, they will not save us.
But we can rest in this, that when the grace of God comes to us,
bringing salvation to our heart, good works will follow.
When grace reigns in the
heart it produces good works.
Salvation is accomplished by the grace of God it is given through
faith in Christ and is not the result of good works by us, but
produces them.
Milton W
Howard Is Pastor Of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church In Ball
Mercy On Me"
(Mark 10:46-47)
"They came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with
his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of
Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry
out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me."
Bartimaeus is an example provided by the mercy of
God, for all who desire to see Christ in all His glory.
He is a picture of what the sinner is by nature hopelessly
blind, unless the healing Saviour intervenes, and gives sight. He was a man that was prepared to do everything necessary for
the sake of his soul's salvation. He
would not be discouraged.
He had heard that from the seed of David there had
arisen a great Prophet who worked miracles, and preached glad tidings to
the poor. He was convinced
that this One who was passing by was the Christ of God.
This blind man could see the fulfillment of the Old Testament
prophecy. He was convinced
that Jesus was the promised Messiah.
He was determined that if Jesus came his way, he
would cry out for mercy, because he knew that the Messiah would come to
open blind eyes. So, when
he heard that Jesus passed by, he cried out to Him, "Thou
son of David, have mercy on me."
Every example in the Scriptures of Christ healing a
person is a picture of how He saves a soul.
I wish you would consider the claims of Christ, and that you
would cry out to Him. You
have done a lot of commendable things in the name of religion, but have
you cried to Christ for mercy?
You may not be able to see, but you can cry for
mercy. You may not be able
to get up and get into that pool of Bethesda, but you can claim
hopelessness and helplessness. You
may not be healed of your issue of blood, but you can touch the hem of
His garment. You can hear this Gospel when it is preached.
You can believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bartimaeus had no sight, but he had ears and a
voice, and he used what he had. When
the Saviour passed by, he cried to Him with all his might.
And the cry of a sinner for mercy never disturbs God's preacher.
When the Spirit of God brings this Gospel home to your heart,
nothing will stop you from crying for mercy.
It was after he continued to cry that Jesus
"stood still". If
you think He does not hear you, "cry the more a great
deal." Do not
give up in despair. Do not
be afraid to come, for, "He calleth thee." The
only reason we cry for mercy is because He calls us.
When He calls you, you will come to Him.
You will not go to another.
When the Spirit of God brings Jesus near you, and brings you near
to Jesus, then this word is for you, "Be, of good comfort,
rise; he calleth thee."
And Christ said,
"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and
him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
Milton W
Howard Is Pastor Of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church In Ball
Shall Glorify Me"
(John 16:14)
"He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall
show it unto you."
The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking of the Holy Spirit.
In the Acts of the Apostles, their Epistles, and in the Revelation,
we have the full revelation of the truth of God by the Holy Spirit taking
the things of Christ, and revealing them to us.
The different offices of the Father, The Son, and the
Holy Spirit are usually distinct and clearly defined, but they are joined.
It is the work of the Godhead.
The Lord Jesus Christ bears witness to the Spirit, and the Spirit
of God continually bears witness to the Lord Jesus, and glorifies Him.
When the Spirit convinces the world of sin, it is
that the convinced sinner may learn the preciousness of that Saviour of
whom the Spirit bears witness. When
He convinces the world of judgment, it is not only that the Judge may be
honored as He deserves to be, but also to make clear to the sinner how
that judgment may be avoided through the substitutionary sacrifice of
Christ. When He convinces the world of righteousness, it is the
righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ by which alone saved sinners are
able to appear before God without spot, or wrinkle, or any such
The Holy Spirit always works to lead sinners to
admire, and adore, and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
His omnipotence bows to this end, that the Lord Jesus Christ may be
glorified in the hearts and lives of sinners saved by His grace.
And any teaching, which does not glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, is
not the teaching of the Holy Spirit of God.
This is the greatest, yet simplest test, by which we
can judge what is right and what is wrong.
Never be afraid to judge all preaching by this test, and to reject
that which does not meet this test perfectly.
We can safely listen to any preaching which lifts up the Lord Jesus
Christ, and close our ears to all other.
The Holy Spirit does not go outside of Christ to find
things to use to honor Him. He
uses that of Christ to honor Him. "He
shall glorify me: for he shall receive, of mine."
We can never honor Christ by bringing anything to Him.
If we want to honor Him we must honor Him with that which is His
own already. We can do it no
better than by the preaching of His own Person, His own Manhood, His own
Godhead, His own life, His own death, His own resurrection, His own
ascension, and His own coming again in the glory of His Father with the
holy angels.
He glorifies Christ by taking what is His and
presenting it to the hearts of believers.
"He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto
you." The work
of the Holy Spirit of God is to shine upon the beauties of Christ so that
we can see them.
"He shall glorify me: for he shall receive
of mine, and shall shew it unto you," no matter who or what
you are. If you are one of
His, you will see Him see Christ as the Spirit shows Him to you
and God is glorified in the believer by their seeing the Lord Jesus Christ
as He is revealed to them by the Holy Spirit.
The desire of the believer is that the Lord Jesus
Christ be glorified in this world. To
glorify Christ we must rely on the Holy Spirit.
We need His help. We
need this Word. We need the
Spirit of God to teach us this Word.
Without the Spirit we will see words, events, historical facts,
religious icons, ceremonies, rituals, and priesthoods, but the Spirit of
God will show us Christ in everything.
Milton W
Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball

I Good Enough?"
good do I have to be to go to Heaven?
This is a serious question that many ask themselves often.
They wonder if they are good enough to get there.
Even if we do not know what God's Word says, we have been taught
by tradition that if we are good we go to Heaven and if we are bad we go
to Hell. Right?
Well if I have to be good to go to Heaven, how good do I have to
be? Will God accept from my
sincerity? Will God accept
me if I do the best I can and live a good Christian life? What
if, starting today, I live a good life and serve the Lord?
Will God accept me if I do these things?
The Bible says
no! "Therefore
by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his
sight" (Romans 3:20). The
very best that we can do is not acceptable in God's sight.
are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy
rags" (Isaiah 64:6).
It is not
possible for any of us to please the Lord God of Heaven in ourselves
do anything that is good in the sight of God.
The Holy, Just, and Perfect God demands absolute perfection of
us, and cannot and will not accept anything less than perfection from
us. "It
shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein"
(Leviticus 22:21). In
order to get to Heaven we must be as good as God perfect in all
things perfect in heart, perfect in thought, perfect in works
perfectly holy.
no man is perfect.
We are all sinful. We
are all corrupt. Is there
no hope for us? Must we all
perish in our sins in an eternal Hell?
Blessed be the
Lord our God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, He has made a way to
make fallen, sinful, depraved sinners perfect, perfectly holy, and
perfectly accepted. Every
person who is in Christ is perfect in Him and will be presented to the
Father in that last day, "Holy
and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight."
perfection is not the result of anything in us, or anything done by us.
It is the work of God's free grace in Christ.
(Ephesians 5:25-27)
"Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That
he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having
spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and
without blemish."
Our Lord took
our sins and imputed them to Christ, making Him to be sin for us, and He
has taken Christ's perfect righteousness and imputed it to us, making us
to be the very righteousness of God in Him.
By the shedding of His blood at Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ
has put away our sins, so that the Law of God can no longer charge us
with sin. "He
was manifested to take away our sin" (1 John 3:5).
That perfect
life of obedience to the Father's will, which He lived as our
Representative and Substitute, has been imputed to every sinner who
believes on the Lord Jesus Christ.
That is how we are made perfectly righteous, In Christ!
Would you be
made perfect? Take all your
sins and your righteousnesses and pile them up to be burned and trust
Christ alone.
Milton W
Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
"What We Preach"
24:47) "And that
repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem."
These are some of the last words spoken
by our Lord to His disciples before He returned to Heaven, impressing on
them His purpose and desire that their lives be devoted to the preaching
of His Gospel to all the nations of this earth.
Throughout the New Testament, the stress is laid on preaching,
which is the great battering ram that shakes the gates of Hell.
It is Gods chief method of calling souls to Himself. It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to
save them that believe.
Today many rituals, ceremonies, human
learning and literature, have the place of the preaching of the Gospel.
But Gods purpose and way has never changed.
Until we are given different instructions, repentance and
remission of sins are to be preached in his name among
all nations in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are to preach repentance as the
gift of God. Christ, was
exalted, with His Fathers right hand, to be a Prince and a Savior, to
give repentance and forgiveness of sins.
When you find a sinner turning from his sin to Christ, you
can rest assured the power to do it came from God.
It is a gift of Grace. It
is not in our heart to repent.
We first learn what sin is.
We learn something about what God requires of us.
We learn that Christ alone, through His shed blood alone, can do
for us what must be done. We
learn that it was our sin that nailed Christ to that cross, so we come to
Christ. And coming to Christ
is a turning from sin; and that is repentance.
Repentance is the token of the pardon
of sin. If any persons
heart is turned away from sin, if he prostrates himself in the dust before
God because of his offenses, if he looks with true sorrow for sin to
Christ on the cross, crying, Lord, remember me, Lord, save
me, God be merciful to me a sinner, it is not a question
whether forgiveness may or may not be granted to him, but it is a fact
that he is already forgiven. The
Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be
of a contrite spirit.
I can only declare to you that sin is
taken away, when I have declared to you repentance in His name.
To those who come to Christ, there is the promise of full pardon of
every sin you have ever committed, whether in thought, word, or deed.
This is true pardon. Pardon
for everyone. The
blood of Jesus Christ, Gods Son, cleanseth from all sin all
who repent and believe in Him. It
takes away every sin that closed to us the way to God.
The believing sinner turns his weeping
eyes to Christ on the cross, gazes with both sorrow and joy on the blood
that flowed from His wounds, and puts all his hope in Gods appointed
propitiation, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the
world. Then we sing with David, Bless the Lord, O my soul:
and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities.
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin
is covered.
This blessing of God never changes.
God never goes back on His promise, and the saved never goes away
from Christ. He never goes
back to sin. My
sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow met: and I give unto
them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck
them out of my hand.
Milton W
Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Hath God Exalted"
5:31) "Him hath God
exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give
repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins."
The Apostles had been asked, "Did not we
straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold,
ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this
man's blood upon us." They
replied, "We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our
fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree."
They were witnesses for the risen and reigning Prince and Saviour.
They were the representatives of the Messiah the Prince.
They acted under His authority.
Their preaching and teaching was done by divine command.
They declared that that Jesus, whom, the chief priests had
crucified, was still alive reigning in glory, enthroned at the right hand
of God, and that they were only fulfilling His royal commands when they
were "standing in the temple, and teaching the people."
They also declared that Jesus was both Prince and a
Saviour. He had been exalted
with His Father's right hand to "give repentance to Israel, and
forgiveness of sins." This
was the reason they were preaching in His name.
This is our authority. That
is the sinner's hope. "We
ought to obey God rather than men."
And we will continue preaching repentance and remission of sins, by
Christ Jesus, until we have filled the whole world with this message of
God has exalted Jesus that He may be both a Prince
and a Saviour. As a Prince,
He is worthy of all praise and honor.
As a Prince, His every word is to be instantly and implicitly
obeyed. He is a prince before whom all who love Him bow.
The Lord Jesus Christ is a Prince among men, a Prince in His
Church, and a Prince in the highest heavens.
He is "King of kings and Lord of lords."
And He is also a Saviour to be trusted a Saviour who exactly
meets our need. His name is
called Jesus, because He came to save His people from their sins.
That is why He took on Himself our nature, lived in perfect
obedience to the Father's will, died a shameful death on the cross to
offer the one sacrifice for sins that alone could bring salvation to all
who believe in Him.
God exalted Him, to be a Prince and a Saviour, and we
must receive Him in both characters, or not at all.
Some want Christ as Saviour who will not have Him as Lord.
It is not possible for anyone to receive Christ as Saviour and not
receive Him as Lord. One of
the first instincts of a redeemed soul is to fall at the feet of the
Saviour, and cry, "Lord, who wilt thou have me to do?"
A person who is saved by grace does not need to be told that he is
under an obligation to serve Christ.
The new life in him tells him that.
Instead of looking on it as a burden, he gladly surrenders himself
body, soul, and Spirit to the Lord who has redeemed him, which
is his reasonable service.
To receive Christ as our Saviour depends on Him being
our King, for salvation includes deliverance from sin's dominion over us.
To be delivered from the power of the prince of darkness, the
Prince of light and life and peace must come into our soul.
He casts out the intruder, and sets up His throne in His own
rightful place as our Lord and Master.
He would not be our Prince if He were not our
Saviour, and He would not be our Saviour if He were not our Prince.
But what a blessed combination these two offices make.
The believer who receives Christ both as Prince and Saviour has the
blessed experience of bowing to the will of His Prince, and, at the same
time he daily realizes in his soul the cleansing power of the precious
blood of Jesus. God hath exalted Him "to give repentance and
forgiveness of sins."
Milton W
Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
From The Fear Of Death"
(Hebrews 2:15)
"Deliver them who through fear of death were all their
lifetime subject to bondage."
To fear to die is natural, because we were not
created to die. There was
no reason for unfallen man to die.
It is sin that has placed the seeds of corruption in this flesh,
and now it is appointed unto men once to die.
Never try to avoid this fear by forgetting all about death.
Many have peace only because of they never allow themselves to
think about death.
To fear death is not wrong.
It is this fear that restrains this flesh.
But this fear also causes many to endure needless sorrows.
They die a thousand deaths dying one.
Many who are well make themselves sick thinking about death.
This fear of death is very dishonoring to God.
It looks like we can trust Him in fair weather, but not in
storms. It looks like we
can trust Him while we are well and strong, but cannot trust in Him when
health and strength are failing. Remember
what David said, "He that is our God is the God of salvation;
and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death."
What an honor to God when we can say with Job, "Though
he slay me, yet will I trust in him."
But a fear of death makes it look we do not trust Him. "Perfect
love casteth out fear."
This fear of death also dishonors what we claim to
believe in the eyes of those who are not believers in Jesus. The calmness with which the believer looks toward death, even
the holy joy with which he anticipates it, is one of the things which
the ungodly cannot comprehend. The
person who contemplates death with joy is a living sermon.
Looking to Christ delivers us from this fear of
There is no true deliverance from the fear of death except by
looking unto Him whose death conquered death.
"Through death he has destroyed him that had the power
of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death
were all their lifetime subject to bondage."
Christ takes away the fear of death by taking
away from us sin, which is the sting of death.
To die forgiven, "accepted in the Beloved," is
not really to die, but to leave this world and go to the Father.
It is unforgiven sin that makes it hard to lay down in death.
But when sin is forgiven, and we have peace with God, we long to
sleep in Jesus. We know the
truth of Christ's words, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he
that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
This comes from resting completely on that sacrifice which He
offered on the cross when He made a full atonement for all who believe
on Him.
Christ takes away the fear of death by changing
the very character of death itself.
He said, "Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall
never die." Those
in Christ never die in the sense in which others die.
The unbeliever dies in order to endure the penalty of sin, but
for the believer, that penalty was borne by Christ.
All our iniquities, and the penalty of them, were laid on Him.
Death to the believer is no penalty.
It is a passing from this life to another. This is a removal of the chains that bind us.
This is liberty. This is not an execution, but a deliverance.
It is the believer's entrance into the glory of God.
Let your eyes always look to Him, then the fear of
death will not make you subject to bondage.
(Romans 8:38-39)
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things
to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
Milton W
Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Thoughts Of God"
50:21) Thou thoughtest
that I was altogether such an one as thyself.
Man was
made in the image of God, and, when he was in his perfect state, he
could have learned more of God. Before
sin corrupted, we were more like God.
But flesh could never reflect the majesty of the Eternal.
Even had we remained as pure as the holy angels, we would have
felt ourselves to be less than nothing in His eyes.
But now fallen in sin, how unlike God we are. Sin has made us the very opposite of God.
The greatest mistake we can make is to think that God is like us.
Thou thoughtest that
I was altogether such an one as thyself.
wicked think God is insensible to moral emotion. They do not care whether a
thing is right or wrong. Right
gives them no joy, and evil no pain.
They continue in their wickedness, and because God does not
strike them dead, they think He is like them.
They think He is not angry at sin.
But, to God, sin is exceeding sinful.
wicked think God is careless in His work.
If they were in charge of this world, they would neither fear God
nor man. They think God has
no regard for His own Law. He
will allow men to do as they wish.
There is no way God would ever punish every sinful action, and
word, and thought. They
think God is as lax as they are, and will never call people to account
for their actions. Everlasting
punishment might be for somebody, but not for them.
wicked think God is deceived by appearances.
They go to church and think that by doing it, they wash away
their past sins. When death
approaches, they get some good man to pray for them, and that makes
everything OK. But God is
not deceived by outward appearances.
He looks on the heart, and for the holiness found there by the
new birth.
wicked think God is an accomplice in their sins. They blame His providence
for putting them in the circumstances where it was necessary for them to
do wrong. How many people
blame their sin on I could not help it?
How many blame their actions on need?
This is saying that God is like you.
you think God is like you, there is no reverence for Him.
There is no worship of Him.
His Word means nothing to you.
You reject both God and His salvation.
you think God is like you, there is no repentance.
As long as you
think that God is as bad as you are, you will never turn from your sin.
It is the holiness of God that brings people to know their guilt.
you think God is like you, there is no faith in Him. You cannot have faith in
one you do not respect. If
I can bring God down to my level, then I cannot trust Him.
If He is like my depraved imagination pictures Him, faith in Him
becomes an absurdity, and it is not possible for me to believe in Him.
You cannot trust the God you imagine.
But when we know Him as He is, we will bow to Him.
How is God?
We can answer this with the Scriptures.
As high as the heavens are above the earth so high are
my ways above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity,
and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage?
I am glad God is not like us.
He is a merciful God.
W Howard is Pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church, Ball
You Believe On The Son Of God?"
(John 9:35)
"Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had
found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
I have a question for you today the most
important question you will ever have to answer "Dost
thou believe on the Son of God?"
When you look at this man to whom our Lord spoke, it
is hard to find a more determined person.
What he believed could not be beaten out of him.
He believed Jesus to be a Prophet sent of God, and he stuck to
This is a personal question "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
Our Lord did not preach a sermon, but asked a question.
He did not ask him if he went to church or read his Bible, but "Dost
thou believe on the Son of God?"
This is the question that will help you realize your standing
before God.
This question
led this man to see a very serious flaw in his condition. He was spiritually ignorant.
He did not know the Saviour even though He was standing in front
of him talking with him. He
said, "Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?" It
is not have I believed, but do I believe now.
This is the
vital point "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
The Pharisees would not believe Christ they hated Him.
They put this man out of the synagogue because he spoke of
Christ. This man had
suffered for Christ's sake, but it is not enough to suffer for truth's
sake. The question is, "Dost
thou believe on the Son of God?" There are those who give their body to be burned for Christ's
sake, but if you do not have faith in Him, you are not be saved.
This man could
have said, "I believe that you are a Prophet."
But the question is, "Dost thou believe on the Son of
God?" To
believe that Jesus is a good man, and a great Prophet, and that He was
sent of God, is not enough. This
man said, "I was blind, but now I see."
But he still had not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ Himself
asked, "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?" It is not if He has healed your blindness.
The question is has He saved your soul.
Morality is good as far as it goes, but without holiness no man
shall see the Lord, and holiness far exceeds mere morality.
Morality is what the Pharisees had.
But what we need to stand before God far exceeds what they had. Holiness
can only be produced by a real change of heart, and that real change of
heart can only come through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit,
which manifests itself through faith in Jesus Christ.
thou believe on the Son of God?" is the most important question you will ever have to answer.
You can take the stand in court and refuse to answer certain
questions taking the 5th amendment.
But you cannot escape this.
You can go to Hell as a Baptist, or whatever, but if you believe
on Jesus Christ, "you shall never perish, neither shall any
pluck you out of his hands."
This is a
reasonable thing to do. This
man had been blessed of God. He
had received his sight. If
God has blessed you to bring you to this point, why will you not believe
on Christ? Can you not see
He is God over all? You say
you believe the Bible. Then
why do you not believe on the Son of God? You say that the testimony of God in Scripture is true
then why do you not believe it? Why
do you not trust your soul to Him who you know is able to save you?
"Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,
and thy house."
Milton W
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
5:20) "Where sin
abounded, grace did much more abound."
Since the
Garden of Eden, there have been 2 forces working in the world sin and
grace. All the
sorrows, sicknesses, and deaths in this world are the result of sin.
It rules our every action, thought, and word.
The only power to overcome sin is described in the Word of God as
grace. Grace is not something
we do. It is the free favor
of God, who, delighting in mercy is always ready to pass by transgression,
iniquity, and sin, and to save His people from the consequences of their
guilt. This favor of God never changes; and when once it purposes to
bless a person, it will bless him, and none can take that blessing away.
But Paul
says, "The law entered, that the offense might abound.
But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound."
Though the Law was given by Moses to show us the holiness
of God, and His hatred of sin, and how it is removed, by blood sacrifice,
the text speaks of the Law coming to our hearts.
The Law engraved on the two tables of stone the Law recorded in
the Bible does very little for us. But
when the Law enters our heart, it does some things to us.
first thing the Law does is reveal our sin.
It does not create sin, but it shows what is there.
Paul says, "I had not known sin, but by the law: for I
had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet."
But, as soon as he found that there was a Law against a certain
sin, he wanted to do the very thing that he was forbidden to do.
Our wicked heart is full of enmity against God, while all the time
we think that we are good. But the Law comes, and the sin in us is revealed.
You never know a wall is crooked until you put a plumb-line on it.
The plumb-line does not make the wall crooked; it just shows it to
be. That is when we see our
true condition, and that is what drives us to Christ.
The Law will not allow us to rest in our self-righteousness,
because it shows us we have none.
Law causes grief. When
the Law came, it did not just come with a plumb-line as the pattern of
straightness, but it also came with a heavy whip and that whip was
laid on us and every time it fell it stung to the quick.
Law shuts our mouth. We
no longer criticize God's justice. There
is no comfort in the Law. It
kills us. It strips us. It
brings us down. But it does
this so that God can make us alive clothe us with Christ's
righteousness, and lift us up.
Law drives us to despair of ourselves.
Until the Law comes we think we can keep it as good as everybody
else, and with a little polishing, we can be good enough to win the favor
of God. But the Law enters
and smashes all our hopes.
Law curses us. The
Law can only say to the sinner, "Cursed is every one that
continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to
do them."
But the
Gospel comes to that person, and replies to the curse of the Law, "Blessed
is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is
the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit
there is no guile." The
Gospel says, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
It says, "there is therefore now no condemnation to
them, which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after
the Spirit."
W Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
(Luke 8:46)
"And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive
that virtue is gone out of me."
When our Lord preached, His preaching was very
plain and clear. He did not
beat around the bush and dodge the issues.
Of all those gathered around our Lord this day,
only one is mentioned and this one is only called a "woman"
Today you are reading this short word and in a few minutes
you will be through. But,
you will not be as you were. This
Word will have its perfect work. Some
will be moved by it. "Somebody"
will be rejoicing in Christ. Somebody
will say, "I have touched the hem of his garment, and I have
been made whole." That
is what makes it worth all, for in this pile of rocks called humanity,
God has His precious jewels.
All we do has no meaning unless we touch Christ.
This has to be our only desire.
Peter said, "The multitude throng thee, and press
thee." For
many that is enough. All of
this religious doing means nothing if none are moved to touch Christ in
Some go to church because they think they are
supposed to. There is no
interest in being there. Some
go just to maintain their place in the community, or to keep someone
else from getting their pew.
What a sad thing it will be when we come to
judgment and find out that custom has nothing to do with it. That is when we will find out that to have heard the
preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ is a serious matter.
We will have to answer before the great Judge of all the earth
for what we have heard.
For some it is enough to go through the motions of
religion. You are content
with the form of godliness, but reject the power.
There were many around Jesus in the crowd, but only one touched
Him in faith. Christ said, "Somebody
hath touched me," and that is the heart of the matter.
In all your religion, never be satisfied until you have touched
Christ. Never be satisfied
with just watching what goes on. Unless you touch Him, it
is only form without power. It
is a dead performance.
This woman must touch Him but it was not an easy
thing to do. To touch
Christ we have to get through all of our religion to get to Him.
Religion is a great obstacle to the salvation of our soul.
This disease had taken all her strength.
It left her helpless, just as our sin keeps us from God.
It bars the gates of Heaven to us.
God hides His face from us because of it.
But, all that stood in her way is what qualified
her to come to Christ and touch Him.
There is no great show in what she did.
It is not how much I touch, but Who I touch.
It is not how much I look, but to Whom I look.
It is not how much I believe, but Who I believe.
It is not how much faith I have, but the Object of my faith.
Our plea must not be our goodness, but our guilt.
The emptier I am, the more room there is for my
Master. The more I lack,
the more He will give. A
touch of Christ will heal your sin-sick soul.
The precious blood of Jesus will cleanse you from all sin, and
make you white as snow.
is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuels veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
Milton W Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist
Church in Ball
13:6) "They
were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten
Hosea was a
faithful prophet of God for 70 years during the time of Isaiah.
Israel was given over to idolatry, and that brought them into a
state of utter immorality.
calls Israel by different names each connected with failure sin
rebellion idolatry and corruptions calling for wrath and
judgment. But His message
is also a message of immutable grace unfailing mercy and
indestructible love.
think this is the most disturbing thing to think that we would
forget God. What if your
children forgot you would it grieve you?
But we do not have the claims on our offspring that God has on us
yet we forget Him. We
forget our Maker our best Friend and our greatest Helper.
And this is an accusation that can be made against most of us. It is surely true of those who continue in their sin and do
not look to Christ alone for salvation.
Lord our God who bought us with the blood of His dear Son counts
us so dear to Him that a wandering thought in our mind becomes a crime
against Him. To give up of
any part of our heart to the love of the world to self to sin
to Satan becomes to Him the cause of great grief and sadness.
did Israel forget God? If we can find that out, it will help us to
guard against similar sin. They
forgot God in prosperity, that is when their heart was exalted and they
forgot God. It was when
they were delivered after 40 years of wandering in that desert, and came
into Canaan that they forgot God. It
seemed that the greater God's goodness was to His people, the less was
their gratitude to Him.
every trouble of that wilderness, God provided a remedy.
When they were hungry He sent the manna from Heaven He sent
the quail. He sent water
from a Rock when they were thirsty.
He saw the morning and evening lambs which were offered in
sacrifice for their sin. But
when they came to Canaan to the land of milk and honey they
forgot God.
many times have we been down and remembered God and then prospered
and forgot Him? When we had
less we had more for then we remembered God.
We had time for God.
This forgetfulness begins by forgetting times of
worship. Then our heart
turns from God. I tell you, this is so gradual, that we are not even
aware of it.
Then we start to mind earthly things, and that brings on
spiritual poverty. That is
when we start bringing earthly things into God's house.
Then we give up all together.
we have forgotten God, we have forgotten the many deliverances we have
had in days past. We have
forgotten the wiping away of our tears of sorrow.
We have forgotten the precious blood of Jesus that spoke peace to
our soul. We have forgotten
the Holy Spirit, who came and gave us joy and rest in Jesus Christ.
We have forgotten the glorious covenant of His grace ordered
in all things and sure on which our hopes of Heaven are based.
There is a cure for this forgetfulness.
The first step in taking a medicine is to realize there is a need
for it. Go back to the
cross as though you have never been and cry for mercy.
Look to Christ alone as your only hope, and continue to hang on
to Him.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
True Child Of God"
(Matthew 18:3)
"Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become
as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
I know that all who are reading this article are
convinced that it is appointed unto all men once to die, and that after
death comes the judgment and that the consequences of that judgment
will be eternal separation from God, or eternally joined around that
throne singing praises to the Lamb.
I am also sure that no matter what kind of life you live all
are hoping to go to that place, which the Scriptures call Heaven, when
you die. I also know that
my heart's desire, and my prayer to God for you all, is that you will be
in the kingdom of our heavenly Father.
But, though we all hope to go to Heaven, I am
afraid that many who hope to go to this blessed place after death are
not now in the way to it while they live.
You call yourself Christian, and are offended if anyone doubts
you are Christian. Yet,
there are so many, who call themselves Christian, who have no clue as to
what real Christianity is.
The hope most have is that they belong to this or
that denomination that this or that man is their pastor that
they have been baptized that their name is on some church role
so their name must be in the Lamb's Book of Life.
They build their hope of salvation on a very rotten foundation
on the fact they are good neighbors honest moral people help
the poor and are considered by this world as being good Christians.
These have a Christ in their heads but they have no Christ in
their hearts.
The Lord Jesus Christ knew this. He knew how desperately wicked and deceitful men's hearts
were. He knew how many who
would get close, and would be turned away with "I never knew
you". The Lord
plainly tells us of the great change that must be worked in us, and what
must be done for us before we can have any hope of entering into the
Kingdom of Heaven.
He said, "Except a man be born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). He said, "We must be converted and become as
little children". There
must be a great change in our soul.
We must be loosed from this world as uncaring of this world
as uncaring for earthly things, as this child, or we will not enter
into His kingdom. I am not
saying we must shut ourselves away as hermits because we cannot
leave our wicked hearts behind, when you leave the world.
But we will turn loose of this world use it for what it was
given, and nothing else as a means to the end.
We must see that we are unable to save ourselves,
as a little child is unable to provide for himself.
We must come to the point where we know that we are not "rich,
and increased with goods, and have need of nothing," but
that we are "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind,
and naked" (Revelation 3:17).
Life is short death is imminent. Today, tonight, or tomorrow we may be called to stand before
God. How will we stand?
Know this "Except ye be converted, and become as
little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven."
Do you have a well-grounded hope that God has made
you new creatures in Christ Jesus?
Are you perfect before God?
Do you stand in His Righteousness, or are you still going about
trying to establish your own righteousness?
Are you as that Publican who would not even so much as lift up
his eyes to Heaven but beat on his breast crying for mercy?
If not, then remember "Ye shall not enter into the
kingdom of Heaven." May
the Lord God impress this upon your soul.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
1:21, 23) "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call
his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins...Behold, a
virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall
call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."
about that. The infinite Jehovah God with us. No wonder the angels burst into song when they sang "Glory
to God in the highest."
This is worthy of a new star in the Heavens worthy of
preserving on record for us to read today worthy of the martyrs'
Apostle Paul said, "This is worthy of all acceptation."
is the great mystery of the church "God was manifest in
the flesh." He,
who was born in Bethlehem is God, and He is "God with
there are so many things to do this time of year that we get caught up
in them and seldom take the time to stop and think what this time means.
you stopped to think why the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world?
He came into the world to redeem sinners by the offering
of Himself on the cross suffering the wrath of God for our sins as
our Substitute. He did not
come to prescribe a duty we must perform ourselves, but He came save His
people from their sin.
Saviour came not only to provide salvation, but He is that salvation.
"Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, but
with the precious blood of Christ...(Who) loved us, and washed us from
our sins in his own blood" (1 Peter 1:18-19).
the world is brought to think about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
at this time, we must never think that there is any spiritual value or
even any spiritual meaning in observing Christmas, or that we will stand
any more in the favor of God by doing it.
know that our Saviour was not born on what is known as Christmas Day,
yet many people's religion requires that they keep this day holy.
for me, I wish there were more Christmas Days in the year.
This seems to be one of the days in the year when cease-fires are
declared in wars, and when men everywhere join together in a moment of
peace. And we could use
more of that. We know for
sure that there is enough work to do every other day, and a little rest
now and then hurts no one.
Time, and especially Christmas Day, is a good time for us a time of
rest for us a time for us to gather with family and to visit with
is no harm done in taking a time to consider the incarnation and birth
of the Lord Jesus. I believe that true believers everywhere can take all the
good that is signified by Christmas, and leave all of its superstitions
to the superstitious.
unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord" (Like 2:11).
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
3:13) "Christ hath
redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us."
When the Lord Jesus Christ hung on that cross, He was made a curse for
us the object of God's wrath and judgment.
We who believe will never endure the curse of God's wrath.
Being made a curse for us, "Christ hath redeemed
us." He did
not make our redemption possible, nor did He make us redeemable.
"Christ hath redeemed us."
The us are those who have looked to Him
believed in Him trusted Him.
The work of Christ is the theme of Holy Scripture, the foundation of our
faith, and the only hope we have of eternal salvation.
This is the Good News that we proclaim.
We say to every sinner, who will believe, that, "Christ
hath redeemed us." The
Work is accomplished. It is
I want to give you four words which will help you remember this work of
Christ in redemption. They
will comfort your heart and fill it with thanksgiving and praise to Him.
The first word is SOVEREIGNTY. Redemption was an act of Divine
sovereignty "He laid down His life for us."
There was nothing in us that obligated Him, or moved Him
to die for us. He
voluntarily laid down His life for us, because it was the free and
sovereign pleasure of His love to do so. "The good shepherd giveth his life for the
sheep" (John 10:11).
Christ, the sovereign God, determined everything about His death
that He would die, who His murderers would be, when He would die, where
He would die, how He would die, for whom He would die, and the results
of His death.
The second word is SUCCESS. Because He is the eternal,
sovereign God, we are assured that His death and redemptive work is not
a failure "He shall not fail."
What He determined to accomplish at Calvary, He accomplished.
He completed His mission. He
has successfully put away sin, brought in an everlasting righteousness,
and redeemed unto Himself a people.
The third word is SUBSTITUTION He died as the Substitute for a particular people.
Those for whom Christ stood as a substitute at Calvary, bearing
their sins and enduring the wrath of God in their place, shall never
perish. They are
redeemed! Their sins
have been put away. He who
was made sin for us has made us the righteousness of God in Him.
The fourth word is SATISFACTION His substitutionary sacrifice for our sins has completely and perfectly
satisfied the wrath and justice of God that is against us.
His sacrifice was infinitely meritorious, so that every sinner
who believes on Christ is freely justified and fully
pardoned. And
now, God looking on the merits of His Son, pardons every sinner who
looks on His Son in faith.
Think on these four words Sovereignty, Success, Substitution,
Satisfaction as they relate to the death of Christ.
They will help you remember the death of Christ according to the
Scriptures and comfort your soul.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
"Hardness Of Heart"
(Mark 3:5) "And
when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the
hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine
A man was present in the synagogue this day with a
withered hand. And by the
grace of God the Saviour was in the same synagogue that same day. What gracious providence that the Lord God would bring the
needy where the Saviour was present.
There were also Scribes and Pharisees that had
gathered in the synagogue you would think to worship God and
especially when they saw a miracle of divine goodness but they
gathered to watch the Lord Jesus Christ, "whether he would
heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him" (Vs. 2).
But the only thing they could hold against Him was that He had
healed a man on the Sabbath. They
overlooked the miracle and probably covered their face with shame
when they saw such sacrilege on such a sacred day.
Our Lord asks them a question which could only be
answered one way "Is it right to do good on the
Sabbath-day?" (Vs. 4).
But to answer it correctly would have condemned these good
religious folk so, "They held their peace".
These who always had an answer for everything, and were so
precise in all their religion, would not answer the simplest question.
Mark describes the Saviour as looking round upon
them all with anger and grief (Vs.
5). The Lord of
glory the meek and lowly in heart is described as being angry.
His meek and lowly heart could only have been stirred with anger
by some overwhelming cause as He looked at each person. He did not speak a word more words would not have had the
slightest effect upon them. "If
they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded,
though one rose from the dead" (Luke 16:31). He saved His words for the poor man with the withered hand.
The wrath of a lion is great but it is nothing compared with
that of the Lamb (Revelation 6:16).
Our Lord was angry that they would willingly close their eyes to
a truth so plain.
Mingled with this anger there was grief.
He grieved because their hearts were so hard a hardness of
heart which comes through the continuance in sin.
He knew that the hardness of their hearts would one day bring
upon them an awful misery. Their
blind hatred of Him their unbelief of Him was securing their own
destruction. They were
willfully rejecting the Light, which would have illuminated them.
They were destroying their own souls out of hatred to Him.
We may grieve the Saviour while all the time being
good Bible readers, as the Scribes were and while practicing all the
outward forms of religion, as the Pharisees did.
Some will say they are neutral they say, "I'm not into
religion," and think that excuses them.
But, in the eternal world there is no provision made for
neutrals. Those who are not
with Jesus are against Him.
And remember, this hardness of heart may not
overcome you at once it creeps over men by small degrees.
The hardest hearted person in the world was not always that way.
That is why we must "exhort one another daily
any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
Our Lord had not broken God's Law of the Sabbath
He had only exposed the error of these religious folk. Had they not found fault with the Sabbath, they would have
found something else because they hated the Lord Jesus Christ.
We need a new heart, and it takes a miracle of
grace to "take the stony heart out of our flesh, and will
give us an heart of flesh" (Ezekiel 11:19).
Milton W. Howard is pastor of
Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
"Your Own Salvation"
2:12) "Work out your own salvation with fear and
I want us to center our attention this morning on
these three words, "Your own salvation". May the Holy Spirit impress on our minds and hearts the great
importance of "Your
own salvation". There
is nothing than should more concern you today than this. "Salvation" is a word that we do not always
understand, but, "Salvation" is something that concerns everyone of us.
We all fell in sin. We
have personally sinned against a Holy God.
We have violated the Holy Law of God.
We will all perish eternally unless we find this thing called "Salvation".
Salvation is
deliverance from the guilt of sin.
is the guilt of our past sins. But
Salvation is the deliverance from sin.
It blots out our transgressions so that we can stand accepted
before the Great Judge.
Salvation is
deliverance from the power of sin. We are
the bond-slaves of iniquity. But
this salvation delivers us from the power of sin.
Our desires change, and when our desires change, our actions
change. We learn that it is
wrong, we hate it, we turn our back on it.
Salvation is
the deliverance from the present wrath of God. We think that the wrath of God only comes when we die, and we
do not think we are going to die. We
have not faced that reality yet. We
do all we can to prolong this life because we do not want to face the
coming wrath of God. But
the wrath of God is now, and this present wrath of God abides on the
unsaved every moment of his life.
Sinners have been "weighed in the balance and found wanting."
If this moment you are not believing in the Lord Jesus
Christ, the condemnation of God already rests on you.
You may be enjoying a few days of "peace"
now, but it is the peace of a condemned criminal, and the execution has
been set, and the gallows are waiting for that moment.
Your sentence is written in tables of stone with a pen of iron,
and there will be no escape from it.
Salvation is
deliverance from the future wrath of God.
wrath will descend upon the souls of man.
To die without salvation is to enter into an eternal damnation
eternally separated from God, because
where death leaves us, judgment finds us, and where judgment finds us,
eternity will hold us for ever.
But salvation delivers the soul from eternal death.
Being justified by faith in Christ, we no longer have sin to be
punished we are no longer charged with an offense.
The Lord Jesus Christ bore the wrath of God in our place
"that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him."
Against the one who believes, there remains no record of
guilt. Where are they? They have been taken away.
By whom? By the Lord
Jesus Christ, covered with His blood.
So salvation is a deliverance form the guilt,
dominion, curse, punishment, and ultimately from the very existence of
sin. That is why it is so
important. God thought it was important because He gave His son to save
rebellious sinners. Christ
thought it was important because He bled and died to accomplish it. The
angels of God think it is important for "there
is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that
repenteth." Lost
souls think it is important, for they see things in another light in
Hell. "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his soul?" I
think it is important because that is all I preach.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Only Rest"
(Matthew 11:28)
"Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I
will give you rest."
There is a lot of Christianity in name and show
but so little of it in the heart. If
going to church being called Christians being baptized in the
name of Christ if that makes us Christians, then most can say they
are a Christian. But if it
has to do with a work in the heart an inward principle of faith
worked in us by the grace of God a change of our whole nature a
putting off the old man with his deeds a turning from sin unto God
a cleaving only to the Son of Righteousness few know what it is.
If it has to do with a new birth knowing the
wickedness of our sins truly seeking deliverance from them if
this is true Christianity if this is what it means to be a child of
God then few are true children of God.
Many are content with the outward show having
the name only while they are dead in sins.
Very few are weary and heavy-laden with their sins and I know
this because very few come to Christ for rest.
They will say they are sinner but they are not burdened with
their sins.
Usually if we ever feel the slightest weight or
guilt of wrong-doing, we will immediately flee to religion to some
work we have done to someone who will cry "Peace! Peace! to
us, when there is no peace".
And we will then go away with a false sense of security
content until the next bit of depression or guilt hits us.
Religion sends the burdened soul from duty to duty,
until it is worn out from doing and still there is no rest in the
soul. For nothing will ever
give the soul any rest until it goes to the Lord Jesus Christ for
there is the only true rest that lasts.
They are not weary and heavy-laden who think
themselves good enough, and deserving of God's favor.
These think if they are sincere say their prayers read
their Bible make it to church occasionally it is sufficient. But this is not what He requires He wants the heart
and unless you honor Him with that, He does not pay any attention to
your mouths. Do not deceive
your souls. Come to Him as
a poor blind naked miserable sinner and He will give
you rest.
You are weary and heavy laden under sin when
your sins are grievous to you.
This is when you know how hateful they are to God how they
open you to His wrath and hatred and how you would willingly avoid
them and hate yourselves for committing them.
This is when we may be said to be weary of our sins.
How terribly they appear when we are first awakened to a sense of
them and cry out under them.
We do not come to Christ with our own works but
with a full dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ looking on Him as
the Savior who died to save sinners.
Go to Him tell Him you are lost, undone, miserable sinners
and you will find Him an able and a willing Saviour.
It pleases Him to see sinners coming to Him in a sense of their
own helplessness.
We Come To Christ We Will Find Rest.
And if the Lord Jesus Christ gives you rest, be assured it will
be a real rest a lasting rest. It will be the kind of rest from the burden of sin your soul
needs. Come to Him in faith
in all your rags in all your filthiness in all your
distresses and you will find the Lord Jesus Christ ready to give you
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church.
(Romans 10:13-17)
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not
believed? How shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? How shall they preach, except they be sent?...So then faith
cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
When God is going to
save a person, He sends a messenger who preaches the Gospel to that
person. When the Gospel is
preached, that person hears of only One who can save the Lord Jesus
Christ. The Spirit of God
points us to Christ. The
Law of God points us to Christ, and when we hear of Christ, we believe
on Him and we call on Him.
We stand before God,
not because of anything we do, but by faith.
Salvation is not an option of either keeping the Law or believing
on Christ. Salvation has
always been in Christ alone. Many
ignore the righteousness of God, which is Christ, and try to establish
their own righteousness. If
what we know about the Law of God, the Law of Moses, and the Ten
Commandments, does not point us to Christ, all we know is error.
The Law of God shows us
what is required and the punishment for not doing it it does not
give life. It points us to
Christ who alone can do for us what must be done before God.
The Law of God comes to those who are alive, and shows how to
maintain that life by perfect obedience to it.
But, since we have all failed in perfect obedience to it, the Law
of God "brings forth death".
The Gospel comes to us as "dead in trespasses and
sins" and gives us life through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Word of God shows
us that all who "Call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
But we cannot call upon someone we do not trust, and we cannot
trust someone of whom we have not heard, and we cannot hear without a
preacher, and that man cannot preach unless he is sent of God.
God requires of us 2
things A righteousness which we do not have and a faith which we
cannot produce.
Faith is not something
which we develop or work up, but it is given to us by God through hearing the preaching of the Gospel. True faith produces a heart that seeks after true
holiness. The true faith of
the elect of God that faith which saves the soul is a faith
which produces a living union with a living Redeemer.
Faith receives a
complete Christ as He is revealed in the Scriptures Prophet, Priest,
and King.
This is not
"trying Christ", or "experimenting with
Christianity." Saving
faith always and only looks to Christ.
It is not an isolated act that happened to us many years ago.
It is a principle of life, and it continues to the end. You will never be moved from the hope of the Gospel.
This is the faith of the elect of God.
It looks to Christ alone.
Milton W. Howard is pastor of
Kitchens Creek Baptist Church.
He can be contacted at www.KitchensCreek.com.
Radio broadcasts M-F: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF 840 AM
"The Chief
Corner Stone"
(1 Peter 2:6-8)
"Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect,
precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be
disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made
the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them
which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were
Every time you see the
Lord speaking, He is dividing those who are listening to Him into two
groups believers and unbelievers obedient and disobedient. There is nothing scarier than to be an unbeliever and to have
to face God without Christ.
Most of us have been in
church all our lives. We
have heard of this matter of God's punishment on sin mentioned since
infancy, but we have become immune to it.
But, when we doubt the truth of God in His Word, we have opposed
His authority and deny His Godhead, and deny Him the rights of His
When He sets forth His
Son to be a propitiation for sin, the only One who can cover our sin in
His sight when He sets Him forth and we refuse to receive Christ and
look to Him this rejection is flagrant disobedience.
Unbelief of God's Word
is the root of all other sin. When
we reject the Gospel, we reject everything He said, for everything He
has said, is saying, and shall say, points to the Lord Jesus Christ. God has made Christ the chief corner stone, and you either
bow to Him or you must face God in judgment all alone.
Every time this Rock of
Christ is been presented to you, you find something you do not like
about it, so you cast it aside because it will not fit into your life. When we take that Stone and look it over and say it will not
work for us in our plan, we call God a liar.
If you stumble on this Stone, you will be broken, but it will not
affect this Stone in the least. Philosophies
have come and gone, and the Gospel is still preached.
Heresy strikes at the
very foundation of Christianity. It
strikes at His substitution and His sacrifice.
Heresy has made the cross a beautiful thing that people bow to
and worship. Satan is so
subtle. One of his greatest
tools is religion. We are
encouraged to give God's glory to things.
But, God is still on His throne, and the Lord Jesus Christ is
still the only way to Him.
In spite of all that
men and devils have done, not one elect soul has been, or will be lost.
Jehovah has set His King upon His Holy Hill of Zion, all His
decrees shall be fulfilled, the throne of Christ shall stand, and the
covenant sealed with his blood will be sure to His chosen seed.
Not one soul redeemed by His blood will be taken from the
Saviour's hand.
There is only One who
can meet God's demands. The
justice of God can only be satisfied by One of infinite nature becoming
the propitiation for our sin the Lord Jesus Christ.
This rejection of
Christ will cost you everything. All
opposition to Christ is futile, because God made Him the Chief Corner
Stone, the Stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense.
There is a way of salvation by Christ Jesus, the incarnate God,
and I beg you to receive it.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
They Heard This"
(Acts 2:37)
"Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart,
and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren,
what shall we do?"
Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost is one of
the best that has ever been preached.
Through it 3000 were brought to conviction, to conversion, to
faith in and union with Christ. It
is plain and clear. It hit
them hard. It was very personal. It
was to the point. It was
full of Scripture.
It was a powerful sermon because Peter believed
what he was saying. He
knew that these, with wicked hands, had crucified our Lord and Saviour.
He knew that the Lord Jesus Christ had risen from the grave, and
returned to Heaven.
It was a powerful sermon because it was full of
Scripture. He quotes Psalm
after Psalm, for that is the best way to preach.
It was a powerful sermon because he was filled
with the spirit. He had
heard "the sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty
wind," which "filled all the house where they
were sitting." He was so filled with God's Spirit in his preaching that many
cried out, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
"They were pricked in their heart"
and this is painful. The
best preaching is that which pricks our heart.
This is the only kind of impression that is a saving impression.
It is not if I please your ears, your eyes, your sense of smell,
but if your heart is pricked.
Many attempts are made to make people religious
from the outside. It is
done with clothes, and how you wear you hair.
How can our heart be affected by what we wear?
None have ever been brought to Christ that way.
Some say salvation comes by eating or not eating,
by drinking or not drinking. Our
Lord said, it is "Not that which goeth into the mouth
defileth a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth, that defileth a
man." It is
the heart which must be changed. If
your conversion is produced in the flesh, it will only be concerned with
fleshly things. Never be
satisfied with a religion which does not affect your heart.
Never be satisfied with worship that is not from the heart.
If you are to be blessed by the hearing of this Gospel, then you
must be pricked in your heart.
When Peter preached in Acts 5:33, we
find that, "When they heard that, they were cut to the heart,
and took counsel to slay them." Did
you notice the difference in some being pricked in their heart,
and the others only cut to their heart? Being only cut to their heart, it did not go
all the way and since it did not go all the way, they were not
converted, but tried to kill the preachers.
These are the 2 impressions the preaching of the Gospel always
makes. If the Sword of the
Spirit does not prick you in the heart, no lasting, saving work will be
When these heard that Jesus was the Christ, they
bowed to Him. That is what
Peter told them. He told
them who Christ was, what
He came to do, WHAT He did, WHO sent Him, and WHERE He
is now. He spoke of Christ.
That is all he talked about, for it was the preaching of Christ
alone that pricked their hearts. And this is what we are to preach, for nothing will more
pierce your heart than the discovery of God's great love in giving His
well-beloved Son to die for you. If
that does not prick your heart, nothing will.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Grace Through Faith"
2:8) "For by grace are
ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
Today's religion has become no more than an ethical
system its purpose being to teach morality to mankind. But according to the scriptures, the true Christianity is
that supernatural, saving, transforming work of God, through the
sacrifice of Christ, which in sovereign grace is freely bestowed on all
who believe. In its
spiritual blindness, the world, led by blind preachers, sees religion
only as the rule of life.
Salvation is by grace through faith. It
is the result of the transforming work of God for man, and not the
result of the work of man for God.
It is what God does for him who trusts the saving work of the
Lord Jesus Christ. The
neglect of this fundamental truth is the key error of modern day
When we deny that the death of Christ was a
substitutionary death for sinners, we reject the only grounds upon which
the saving work of God can be applied to the sinner.
Until God becomes real to the heart through Christ, all His ways
and works are unknown. And
not knowing God, we have no idea of grace and the necessity of salvation
by grace. Those who are
blind are unconscious of their blindness until they are saved by the
power and grace of God through Christ.
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the finished work of Christ.
This is all His redemption, reconciliation, and propitiation,
as they are related to a world lost in sin.
What Christ did for us is the good news of the Gospel of saving
grace. Preaching the Gospel is the proclamation of the mighty,
transforming grace of God, which brings eternal life and glory to all
who believe.
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the convicting work of the Spirit.
By this work of God, the Gospel of His saving grace is
revealed to the mind and heart of the unsaved by the Spirit of God by
which the sin-blinded mind understands the way of salvation in Christ
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the saving work of God the Father.
This includes every aspect of the work of God that is
accomplished at the instant the sinner believes on Christ.
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the keeping work of God. The
believer is kept always and only through the grace and power of God.
By the saving work of Christ on the cross, God is presented as
not only being free to save sinners, but He is presented as being free
and just in keeping those whom He has saved.
He alone is able to keep us from falling.
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the delivering work of God.
The person who is delivered from the guilt and penalty of sin
is delivered from the reigning power of sin.
This work of grace is declared in the Word of
God by the presenting work of God.
The final work of the grace of God is to present us faultless
before the presence of His glory.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
103:1) "Bless the
LORD, O my soul."

This Psalm was written by David in
his later years when he had a greater understanding of the
preciousness of pardon and the wickedness of sin, than he had in his
younger years. It finishes
with the same words with which it started "Bless the
LORD, O my soul." We
begin by blessing the Lord, and after reviewing all He is and all He
does, we end our praise and worship of Him the same way.
In this Psalm there is not one word of petition or
supplication, but it is a song of praise.
David sings this Psalm from his
inmost self. His way of
praising the Lord is with this word Bless.
There is a lot of difference in God blessing us and us blessing
God. He blesses us by
bestowing on us mercies and favors pardoning our sin and giving
us promises of a future hope, but when we bless Him we add nothing to
Him. For us to bless God is to show gratitude for what He has done
for us.
To bless the Lord is to acknowledge His
divine excellencies which make Him the best and greatest of Beings
the only Object worthy of praise.
To bless the Lord is to give Him the praise of all His
glorious attributes. To
bless the Lord is to embrace every opportunity we have of declaring
to all around us, the goodness and grace of His conduct towards men.
To bless the Lord is to do it from a heart full of
gratitude. To bless the Lord is to do it with our life in
holy conduct and with a desire to be cleansed from all iniquity.
This blessing of God must come from the soul.
When we give Him the soul in a duty, we give Him the best.
This is more than saying some things with the mouth.
My prayer is to bless the Lord, O my soul.
If the Law of Justice demands that I love the Lord
my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength how much more
will the law of gratitude bless the God of all grace.
David calls on all his inner parts to bless Him Conscience
Judgment Imagination Affections Memory Thoughts
The Psalmist calls on all that is within him to "Bless
his holy name." Eleven
times Jehovah is used in these 22 verses.
Some praise His divine goodness but the mature in grace
praise His holiness. His
Name shows the revealed character of God and Holiness is the glory
of this Name. Nothing more
exalts the glory of divine grace and redeeming love towards a soul than
the consideration of God's Holiness.
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget
not all his benefits"
David is showing us how we must stir ourselves up from within
when we are going to worship God. We
must not forget what He has done for us.
Our memory is treacherous about the good things God has done for
us. We have to be
constantly reminded of His benefits.
And David is praising God for the most important of
all God's blessings on us. "Who
forgiveth all thine iniquities." Pardon for sin is a preparation for all that follows.
For until iniquity is forgiven, all other blessings are unknown.
This forgiveness is continual, for He still forgives.
It is divine, for He gives it.
It is far reaching, for it removes all our sins, for if just one
small iniquity in thought, word, or deed were left unforgiven,
we would be just as bad off as if we bore the whole weight of our sins.
(1 John 1:9)
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Man With A Need"
(Mark 10:47) "And when
he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth"
have spoken to you several times concerning this man,
Bartimaeus a blind man
of Jericho, who was sitting by the side of the road begging when Jesus
passed by on His way to Jerusalem.
says of him that "when he heard it was Jesus of Nazareth, he
began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David have mercy on
me." Those
around the Lord Jesus Christ tried to quieten him down, but the Word of
God tells us that "he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of
David, have mercy on Me."
There was no stopping this man
who knew something of his need, and that his only hope was a word from the
Lord of Glory.
a sinner gets to the door of mercy and begins to cry out unto the Lord,
all the beasts of Hell set themselves against him.
Satan will do all he can to drive that seeking sinner away.
And if Satan gets his way, the sinner will do all he can to flee
from the only One who can "do him good."
One of the first
weapons used by Satan is trying to convince the sinner that this Bible is
not true that there is no God, no Heaven, no Hell, and no life after
death. But if the Holy God of
Heaven has started you seeking the Saviour, all of Hell will not prevail
against you.
Another weapon
used by Satan is pleasure. Once
you start to seek Christ, you will be invited to places that you never
even heard about before. You
will suddenly have friends you never heard of before.
But if the Lord put the cry in your heart, you will cry out even
Another weapon
used by Satan is the ridicule of this world.
You will be called a fanatic.
You will be scorned. "But
what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and loose his
weapon used by Satan is religious people you have always looked up to.
The religious will tell you that you are not good enough to be
saved by Christ. The
religious hates for a person to get a true sense of sin and to see his
need of a Substitute to come before God, because the religious is looking
to his religion to help him out in need.
His religion is a system of works and ceremonies performed by the
flesh. A believer is one who
looks to Christ alone as his only hope.
this world hates for a man to come to his senses.
How this world hates for a person to start putting the correct
value on eternal things. That
is why Heaven is taken by force. A
seeker must overcome all these obstacles.
Never give up until you have taken hold of Christ to the saving of
your soul.
man Bartimaeus took these weapons that Satan used against him and turned
them to his own use. He knew that the Word was true.
He cared not for the cares of this world, when he compared them to
the value of his soul. He
knew that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners." He knew that "This man receiveth
sinners." He
knew that being a sinner was the only qualification he needed to come to
more you can prove your case hopeless before God, the more right you have
to come. Sinners are the only
ones who can come and who will be received and saved.
So look away from
yourself and look to Christ "all the ends of the earth, and be
ye saved."
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Forsakes Not"
9:10) "Thou, Lord, hast
not forsaken them that seek thee."
In spite of the fact that we are a
"Christian" nation, few know anything about the God we claim to
worship. I hear so much about
"our tradition", "our belief", "our church",
and "my concept" but so little about what God's Word says.
We are afraid to take a stand because of the fear of
hurting feelings the fear of offending.
But, where is the fear of offending God in all of this? This is the best sold book in the world, yet the least known,
the least read. It is bought
as a table decoration, or a place to keep family records, but not to know
the One of whom it speaks.
Oh, to know the mighty workings of God.
What a comfort to us to know something of what God did in days gone
by. The more you know of
God's attributes, the more you understand of His acts the more you
know of His promises and His covenant, the more difficult it will be for
Satan to tempt you to despair.
Satan is constantly attacking God's people. And
the greatest attack he uses is the one referred to in these words of the
Psalmist to think that God has forsaken us, and will be gracious no
more. David had been there.
He saw his enemies and it looked like they were winning.
They seemed to be more than his friends.
But always remembering this comforting promise "When
thou passest through the waters I will be with thee; and through the
rivers, they shall not overflow thee."
He says to us, "Fear not, for I am with thee; be not
dismayed, for I am thy God."
The Lord has not forsaken them that seek Him.
(Isaiah 49:15)
"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not
have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I
not forget thee."
If we could ever find a hint in this Word that He has
ever forsaken one of His own, then we might shut our Bible in despair.
Trusting a God that cannot and will not keep a promise is not worth
trusting. The shed blood of
the Lord Jesus Christ would be worthless if it failed to bring one
blood-bought soul safely home to glory.
The Holy Spirit of God would be powerless if He could not cause us
to hear when He calls.
It is an unchanging God, an everlasting covenant, a
sure mercy that delights our soul. Take
that away and we have just another religious organization a foundation
of wood, hay, straw, and stubble. But
this foundation stands sure. "The
Lord knoweth them that are his," and He will bring them to
So when Satan comes and tells you God has forsaken
you, send him on his way. "Thou
Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee," nor will He ever
do it. So, seek the Lord.
Peace is only found in God through His mercy and grace to us in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Take this promise home with you, go to bed tonight
with it, get up in the morning with it, and carry it with you to work.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
"Something I Know"
(Jeremiah 10:23)
"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is
not in man that walketh to direct his steps."
Jeremiah says, "O Lord, I know"
and he uses his knowledge as a source of comfort in his hour of need.
What Jeremiah knew was this The affairs of this world are not
under the control of men no matter how much we think they are.
There is a power which rules and overrules and works
according to its own perfect will no matter what we may desire or
determine to do.
At this time Nebuchadnezzar was about to carry the
Jews away into captivity to his own country.
But the Prophet comforted himself with the knowledge that whatever
Nebuchadnezzar would do he was only the instrument in the hands of God
for the accomplishment of the divine purpose.
Jeremiah knew that every step of Judah's way was mapped out, and
that the Lord God would make it all work for His own glory and the good of
His people in the end.
Though the responsibility of our actions lies at our
own door, at the same time, God is omnipotent.
He is still working out His wise designs as He has always done.
He is all the time manifesting His sovereign will among men
even as the potter forms the vessels on the wheel according to his own
This truth ought to be remembered by us because
it tends to take from us all fear of man.
Why should we be afraid of a man that will die?
If we are a child of God how could we ever fear harm when we
remember that ancient promise "No weapon that is formed
against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee
in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of
the Lord" (Isaiah 54:17).
(Proverbs 21:1)
"The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of
water: he turneth it whithersoever he will."
Suppose that the Lord does allow Nebuchadnezzar to
destroy the land that He gave to His people by covenant it is God who
permits it so do not think so much of the instrument employed by Him
as of the Hand in which that instrument is held.
Do not be angry or afraid of the second causes of your trouble
but believe that the Lord permits this to be for our good so we submit
ourselves to Him.
It is an easy thing to trust God when everything goes
smoothly but true faith trusts God in the storm. Faith in a calm may be, or may not be, genuine faith but
faith in the storm is true faith that is the faith of God's elect.
It proves it has divine life in it.
Circumstances will crush that faith, which has to do only with
flesh and blood.
It is still true that "all things work
together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according
to his purpose" and that "no good thing will
he withhold from them that walk uprightly".
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens
Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
"He Cried Out"
10:47) "And when he
heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus,
thou son of David, have mercy on me."
is the third time I have spoken to you from this passage of Scripture.
The message here is very important.
man began to cry out when "he heard that it was Jesus of
Nazareth." He
had a great desire to be heard of the Lord such a desire that he
forgot everything else in order to be heard.
tend to make a lot of excuses as to why we will not seek the salvation of
our souls. This man could
have blamed his lost condition on his hard luck at being born blind
and looked to that as making him worthy to receive mercy from the Lord.
God does not pity people who are down on their luck.
He has mercy of those who come to Christ.
Nor are those who are down and out the only ones who need salvation
from the Lord.
who possess all of our faculties tend to think we are OK, and that the
only ones who need salvation are those who are worse off than we are.
We tend to think that because we have fine buildings to go to on
Sunday, fine clothes to wear to church, and fine robes to dress the choir
in, we are doing all right. We
even carry this to the extent that if one comes along who does not meet up
to our standard of finery, we will not let him in the door.
the Lord Jesus Christ receives sinners.
That is the only qualification for coming to Christ being a
sinner. Rich sinner, poor
sinner, seeing sinner, blind sinner, clean sinner, and dirty sinner
they all come to Christ. "Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
And sinners are the only ones
who can come to Christ.
man was a beggar in the streets. He
was looked down on by all the hard workers of his day.
We have been led to believe that dirty hands manifest a clean
heart. That the harder we work here the better place we will have in
man's business was begging, and he was going about his business the day
Jesus passed by. But, had he
stuck to his begging this day, and not cried out to the Lord when He
passed by, he would still be blind, he would still be standing before the
Holy Bar of God, unable to see God's Glory in Christ.
He would still be lost in his sins.
But, he forgot his begging in order to find his eyesight a
picture of how we forget our doing in order to find mercy.
will you have time to stop all of your doing in order to find Christ, and
when you find Him, cry out to Him for mercy?
It would be worth your while to stop your doing, trying to please
God by your doing, and come to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Religious doing will not put us in good standing with God, but will
only leave us without Christ.
soul salvation pictured here will never be a hindrance to you in
this life. It will never be a
burden to heavy to bear. It
will make life worth living. It
will bring joy and rejoicing to your heart. So, do as Bartimaeus did, cry
out to the Lord, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
When He Heard"
(Mark 10:47)
"And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to
cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me."
last time I spoke to you it was concerning Bartimaeus' cry for mercy.
Today I want us to look at what he heard that brought him to cry
for this mercy.
you notice how short this sermon was that this man heard?
We tend to think that the length of the sermon has something to do
with its importance. We tend
to think that for a person to be saved, he must almost become a
theologian. But this is all
that this blind beggar heard. "He heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth."
That was enough and what he heard caused him to cry out to
God for mercy.
This is so
different from us. Some of us
have heard preaching so long that we could probably give a pretty good
imitation of it. We have heard so much teaching that we are probably the most
biblically instructed people in the world today. We know the letter of the Law almost to perfection, but with
all of our learning, we have not been led to cry out to the Lord.
we have learned is only theory if it does not cause us to cry out to the
Lord to save our souls to cry out as this poor blind beggar, "Thou
Son of David, have mercy on me."
We hear these same things repeated so many times that they become
unimportant to us, and indifference is the greatest danger to our soul.
is done in our churches today is nothing more than a theatrical
performance which we judge with a critical ear.
What we hear in the sermon is so soon forgotten.
I wish that the message of the Gospel of God's Grace would pierce your
heart in such a way that you would cry out unto the Lord who alone could
heal it. What good is a cloud
if it brings no rain? What
good is the sun if it gives no light or heat?
What good is smoke if there is no fire?
This poor beggar, with but one short sermon, never quits crying out
until the Lord meets His need.
cried for mercy for himself "Have mercy on me."
Can you see your own need before the Holy God of Heaven?
Do not pass this off to someone else.
I am
the one with sin. I am the one who cannot stand before the Lord God of Heaven.
pray that God would make this effectual to your heart.
I am responsible for the faithfulness of my preaching, but you, as
the hearer, are responsible for your hearing.
I cannot hear for you. I
cannot cry out for you. I
cannot believe for you. I
cannot wash away your sins.
pray that you can see "Jesus of Nazareth passing by,"
and will cry out to Him as the "Son of David"
to "have mercy on you".
he cried out, the Scriptures say that, "Jesus stood still, and
commanded him to be called."
And when he came, Jesus said to
him, "Go thy way; thy faith
hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed
Jesus in the way."
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens
Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
Mercy On Me"
10:47) "And when he
heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus,
thou son of David, have mercy on me."
love this passage of Scripture so much so that one day between 7:30 AM
and 8:30 PM, I preached from this passage thirteen times to thirteen
different groups of people. It
is a passage that speaks to every one of us everyone who is blinded by
sin and in need of a Saviour to give sight to the spiritually blind.
thing we can learn here is that where we find
the Lord Jesus Christ, a
great work is going to be done. We do not worship a God who sits by helplessly wondering what
we are going to do. When the
Lord has a lost sheep that He is going to save, He always sends the
the Lord Jesus Christ is present, there is a great change in those around
Him. Even blind beggars are
touched by His presence. Even
the most worthless to society is moved to cry out with hope
when he hears the Good News that Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
Christ is present, all cry out to Him.
There is not one mouth that is silent.
If there is no spiritual movement in our hearts and in our
congregations, it is because the Lord of Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ is
not present. When He is not
exalted, He leaves. But when
the Lord Jesus Christ works among us, we will soon see our hearts revived
raised from the dead.
you like to know when He passes by? Wouldn't
you like to feel His holy influence on all this that we call religion?
Wouldn't you like to see the spiritually blind eyes opened?
Wouldn't you like to know that the spiritually deaf ears could now
hear? Wouldn't you like to
see the spiritually lame and halt, jumping with joy before the Lord of
Glory? Wouldn't you like to
see the Lord Jesus Christ working effectually to make hopeless sinners
feel their need for Him, and come to Him that they might be saved?
things do not just happen. It
was providence that brought this poor blind beggar to the place where
grace brought the Lord Jesus Christ to pass by.
Four things were necessary. First
the Lord had to be passing by this place.
Second this blind beggar had to be sitting by the road to
Jericho begging. Third
this blind beggar had to have a need. Fourth the Lord Jesus Christ had to be willing and able
to provide for his need.
of these things came together to give this poor beggar his sight.
He did live in Jericho, he was by the wayside begging, he was
blind, the Lord was passing that way, and He was willing and able to meet
the need of that one who cried
out to Him.
Had the blind beggar not cried out, Christ would not have stopped
to help him. "He is able to save to the uttermost, all that
come unto God by Him."
you read this today, the Lord is passing by one more time.
Do you have a need? Are
you blind and unable to "see the kingdom of God?"
There is only ONE who can give us light.
Christ alone can "give light to them that sit in
darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens
Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"Power To Forgive"
9:6) "The Son of man
hath power on earth to forgive sins."
Did you hear what
these words said to us? The
great Physician's mightiest and greatest works have been seen by the
people. He has the power to
forgive sin! Even while He
lived on this Earth even before He poured out His life's blood on that
Cross as a ransom for us even before that blood was sprinkled on the
mercy-seat He had power to forgive sin.
Does He not have power to forgive sin now that He has died?
What power He
must have if He can forgive sin if He can discharge and take away the
sin debt of His people. Only
the one to whom the debt is owed can discharge the debt.
Only the God of Heaven can write on that debt, Paid In Full!
The Lord Jesus Christ has the power to "forgive
sins," because He has finished transgression and made an end
of sin. He has destroyed sin
by His death on the cross.
If you ever doubt
this, look at the fact that He rose from the dead.
Look where He is raised to.
"He is seated at the right hand of God in Heaven." He
is there pleading before the eternal Father, pointing to His wounds,
pleading the merit of His suffering as our Substitute, for us.
(Acts 5:30-31 "Him hath God exalted with
his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to
Israel, and forgiveness of sins."
1:18) "Come now, and let
us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be
as wool."
The crimson
fountain of His blood removes our sins that are "red like
crimson". But it
matters not how great our sin may be, the Lord Jesus Christ has the power
to pardon us, and many more such as we are.
(1 Timothy 1:15)
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
He only has to
speak a word to pardon us. He
needs not do any thing else but this. He has done it all.
He cried, "It is finished." All the atoning
work is done. He can today
forgive your sins and cause you to know that your sins are taken away. He can breath into your soul today a peace with God "Which
passed all understanding" a peace which can only come from a perfect pardon.
Do you believe that? Do
you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive sin?
(Romans 10:9)
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and
shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved."
you hear what Jesus said to me, They are all taken away!
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"They Testify Of
5:39) "They are they
which testily of Me.
Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible.
There is only one theme in this Bible.
It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He
is the constant theme in every one of its sacred pages.
page speaks of a Substitute. Every
page speaks of a Saviour. Every
page speaks of a Redeemer. Every
page speaks of the Christ Of God.
From Genesis 1:1
to Revelation
22:21, the whole Bible
speaks of Him.
Creation we see Him as one of the sacred Trinity.
We catch a glimpse of Him in the Promise of the woman's seed.
We see Him pictured in the Ark Of Noah.
We walk with Abraham as he sees the Messiah's Day. We dwell in the tents of Isaac and Jacob, feeding upon and
trusting in the Gracious Promises. We
hear Israel talking about Shiloh. And
in all the types of the Law the ceremonies, rituals, and sacrifices
we find our Redeemer pictured, promised, and prophesied.
we found them to be Prophets or Kings, whether Priests or Preachers, they
all looked the same way. They
all looked to Christ. They
all stood as the Cherubims did over that Ark of the Covenant, desiring to
look inside to read and know the great mystery of God's Great
Propitiation, which is Christ Jesus.
in spite of all this, still in the New Testament we find even in greater
clarity our Lord Jesus Christ, the one pervading subject.
He is not like a gold nugget the gold miner might find
occasionally, just scattered around in some places, but He is the Mother
Lode. He is the Solid Gold
Foundation upon which the whole thing stands or falls.
whole substance of the New Testament is "Jesus Christ and Him
Crucified". Even in the
last Words of the closing sentence of the Bible we find it graced with the
Redeemer's name.
is how we ought to read Scriptures. This
is the light by which it must be read.
We should consider the Word of God to be as a Mirror into which
Christ looks down from Heaven; and then when we look into that Mirror we
see His face reflected. We
do see it darkly no doubt, but one day we will see Him face to face.
pages of this Bible are the garments of our great King.
They speak of Him. They
tell of His person, of His holiness, of His love.
Heart Of The Word Of God Is The Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the key that will unlock this Treasure Chest to us.
you miss Him you miss it all. "They
are they which testily of Me."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"The Shepherd Of
The Sheep"
10:2) "He that entereth
in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep."
In the Word of
God, the Lord Jesus Christ is described as our Shepherd, and three
words are used to describe the characteristics of
our Shepherd. These words describe His relationship with us as the Shepherd
of the redeemed and His work of redemption for us.
The three words
used are the Good Shepherd
the Great Shepherd the
Chief Shepherd.
He is the Good Shepherd "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the
sheep" (John 10:11).
As our Good Shepherd
the Lord Jesus Christ is presented as the Redeemer.
It is as the Good Shepherd that He "gives His life
for the sheep." He
has done it. He came into this world and worked out our redemption by His
obedience and sufferings on the cross.
He is the Great Shepherd "The God of peace that brought again from the dead
our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of
the everlasting covenant" (Hebrews 13:20). When
the Word of God speaks of Christ as being our Good Shepherd, the emphasis
is on the Death of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that work which He
accomplished for our redemption by means of this death.
But here in this passage of Scripture, we see the Resurrection of
Christ and the present Administration of this salvation the
application of all the benefits of this salvation.
He was raised by
virtue of the "blood of the eternal covenant," because
the blood of Christ His death by which He paid our sin debt, suffering
the wrath of God for the sheep was the evidence that the justice of
God had been satisfied completely. That
is why God raised Him from the dead.
The resurrection was God's seal of approval on all that Christ did.
With this sin
debt completely paid, Christ was raised from the dead, because all the
terms of the Covenant of Grace had been fulfilled, and now all in Him were
justified before God. Christ
now lives in the Glory of the Resurrection as our Great High Priest to
administer grace to "those whom the Father gave Him."
He is the Chief
Shepherd "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye
shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away" (1 Peter 5:4).
Here the Word says that Christ
is the Chief or
Prince of the Shepherds.
As the Good
Shepherd, Christ is our Redeemer, "giving His life for the
sheep." As
the Great Shepherd, Christ is resurrected from the dead, giving to us the
benefits of this saving work. And
now in this passage as the Chief Shepherd, He is manifested in the
consummation of that work of redemption at His second coming.
At this time He
will bring His sheep into the Glory of final salvation. Then "this corruption will put on incorruption,
this mortality will put on immortality."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"Why Do The Heathen Rage"
(Psalms 2:1-3) "Why do
the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the
earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the
LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder,
and cast away their cords from us."
people will agree that Christianity sets forth a beautiful system of
morals, and that if obeyed will have a good effect on society.
Even the infidels have not contradicted the common sense of mankind
so far as to deny this. None will deny that the Author of these precepts obeyed these
same rules.
know that though the Lord Jesus Christ suffered many things, yet never do
we find Him working one miracle for His own use.
He gave sight to the blind. He
gave health to the sick. He
wiped away the tears of the sad. He
gave life to the dead. He fed
the hungry. Though He was
ridiculed and scorned, yet He continued to do good.
So the question is, Why did men hate Him so?
Why did all the political and religious leaders of His day rage so
furiously against Him who did no wrong?
Why did those who were so opposite in interests, politics, and
sentiments who could agree on nothing else all join together in
agreement in opposing the Messiah, whose message teaches us "that
denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,
righteously, and godly, in this present world"?
world now wears the name of Christian, but it still has the same spirit as
those of the Psalmist's day as those of Christ's day.
What is that one common principle which unites people of all ages
who differ so much in other things? It
is that unified hatred of God, His Messiah, and His Gospel.
Gospel of God's mercy and grace, through the Lord Jesus Christ, has always
produced a happy change in those who receive it. And it has always provoked the same opposition and hatred in
those who do not receive it. The
way the Gospel is opposed may differ as the circumstances change, but the
principle is the same Hatred of God!
Gospel offends the pride of men, by considering them all on the same level
as sinners in the sight of God and by declaring only one Way of
Gospel offends the Dignity of men because of its strictness.
Like Herod, we might agree to obey in some things, if we have the
liberty to please ourselves in others.
Gospel allows for no sin, but demands a perfect righteousness.
preach a free salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and proclaim
His obedience unto death as the only grounds for our acceptance with God.
We proclaim the words of the Apostle Paul to the vilest of sinners,
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Though not believed, the words are still true.
is our only hope of eternal salvation.
This is our only access to the Father.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, "I
am the way, the truth and the life. No
man cometh unto the Father but by me."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"Sheep Going Astray"
53:6) "All we like sheep
have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD
hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
people are called sheep throughout the Scriptures. It is a good picture. Salvation
is not the conversion of goats to sheep.
Salvation is a calling of God's sheep to Christ through the
preaching of God's Word, through the operation of God's Spirit.
Now, all illustrations will break down if we carry them too far, so
we must learn to use the illustration to learn a point and then leave it
before we pervert it.
wandering sinners are compared to wandering sheep, we have a good picture
of the danger they are in, and of their inability to recover themselves.
Sheep, wandering without a shepherd, are exposed to great danger
and without defense. They
become easy prey for their enemies. They may even die for a lack of pasture.
Sheep are unable to provide for themselves, or to find the way back
to the place from which they strayed.
No matter what they suffer, they continue to wander, and if not
sought by the shepherd, they will be lost.
that is a good illustration of God's people.
"All we like sheep have gone astray."
Having known the goodness of God, we have willfully rejected Him.
We have renounced His protection.
We have voluntarily chosen to plunge ourselves into danger, rather
than remain with God any longer. Our
Wandering is rebellious. God
made man "upright,"
but man has "sought out" to himself "many inventions"
(Ecclesiastes 7:29).
has appointed for mankind a safe and pleasant way. If we walk in this way, we "shall find rest for
our souls." But
we declare that we will not walk in this path.
6:17) "They said, We
will not walk therein. Also I
set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.
But they said, We will not harken."
Lord God of Heaven has made us capable of knowing the consequences of
going astray. We are repeatedly warned of the consequences. When we wander away, we are repeatedly shown the way to
return. But we refuse.
mock His messengers. We
prefer the misery we bring upon ourselves to the happiness of being under
His care. That is why the
Lord Jesus Christ deserves the name of the Good Shepherd, for He freely
lays down His life for His sheep. "The Lord hath laid on Him
the iniquity of us all."
you noticed the personal and possessive pronouns used in the text I have
read today? These words
spoken by the Prophet Isaiah are words spoken only by those who have seen
the misery of their fallen condition before God who have a deep
concern for their wicked ways and see and receive the way that God has
provided for their deliverance and recovery.
these words is a confession of our guilt, and an acknowledgment of our
misery before the Holy God of Heaven.
Here alone is our only hope of recovery.
In Christ alone is our only hope of acceptance with God.
(Isaiah 53:6) "All we
like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and
the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist
Church in Ball
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Thou That Sleepest"
5:14) "Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall
give thee light."
light of the Gospel not only shows the most important things to those who
can see, but the Gospel has the wonderful power to open the eyes of the
spiritually blind to awake those that are spiritually asleep to
raise the spiritually dead. The
Gospel is the appointed instrument of Divine Power for this purpose.
of the work and hope of the farmer would be in vain if God did not send
the rain to water the earth, and the life-giving influence of the sun, to
cause the seed to germinate and the plant to grow and to ripen the fruit.
is the same way it would be with the preaching of the Gospel to sinful
men. Though in itself it is
the truth and wisdom of God, and just what the sinner needs, and that
thing which is so important to the eternal welfare of our souls, it would
be useless if the Lord God of Heaven did not send His Spirit to make it
effectual to our hearts. And
He promises that He will, and this is what encourages God's preachers to
go into all the world and preach this Gospel.
(Isaiah 55:10-11)
"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and
returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth
and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not
return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it
shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."
is a great sorrow, but no surprise, that the Gospel is so neglected.
Because it says that "salvation is of the Lord,"
it offends man's pride. Because it requires absolute "holiness, without
which we shall not see the Lord," it contradicts man's
desires and passions. We love
this present world. There is
no desire in us for communion with God here, and we do not desire the
Heaven proclaimed in the Scriptures for the here-after.
the Lord of Glory is pleased to send forth this Gospel, clothed with the
influence of the Holy Spirit of God, it is as quick, powerful,
penetrating, and irresistible. It
speaks to the deaf ear. It
gives light to the blind eye. It
gives life to the dead.
are aware of the impossibility on our part to save the souls of those who
hear us, if all we have to depend on is our own power of argument and
persuasion. Our business is
to deliver the message, and water it with the tears of our prayers.
When we have been faithful to do this, we can do no more. "God
must give the increase."
the prophet Ezekiel, we are commanded to preach and prophecy to dry bones.
And He who sends us can cause the dry bones to live.
His name we proclaim pardon and peace to all who will seek Him.
But seek Him today, while it is called today.
Tomorrow is not yours. Seek
Him now while He may be found.
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church
in Ball.
Radio Broadcasts Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"Thy Light Is Come"
60:1-3) "Arise, shine;
for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness
the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be
seen upon thee. And the
Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy
of the strongest proofs that the Bible is the divine revelation of God, is
its subject matter. The Bible
is the only book which teaches us to think highly and honorably of God,
for there is no correct knowledge of God where the Bible is not known.
are all of these little gods that have been worshipped by the people of
the ages of this world compared to the God of Israel, as He is declared to
us by His prophets? To have
any right thoughts of God, it will be by the Lord God of Heaven making
Himself known to us by divine revelation.
of the greatly admired writings of antiquity, are unspeakably inferior
when compared to the Bible. These
writers of the Bible could only speak as they did because they were
inspired by Him who alone can speak worthily of Himself.
Everything else is as dust in the balance compared with the great
Purpose is final, and His Voice is power.
He speaks, and it is done. That
is how He called this universe into being.
And that is how He still maintains and governs it.
The great God of Heaven is seated on His throne, directing all of
nature every particular event to the honor of His glory, and for
the good of His people.
greatest of all His purposes was the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All of the prophecies announced this event.
As the time of His appearing approached, the prophesies became
clearer. And in the text of
this message, the Prophet Isaiah is announcing the effects of His actual
earth is looked upon as in a gross state of darkness. But the Sun of Righteousness is about to rise.
But the effects of His coming will not extend to all, "For
many will love darkness rather than light."
Christ will not shine in vain. There
will be a people prepared to receive Him, and to rejoice in His light.
They will arise as though waking up from a sleep, as though rising
from the grave, and His light reflected in them will cause them to shine
will still cover those who reject Him, and this darkness will even
increase. But the glory of
the Lord shall be seen upon all who believe.
Nations shall come to Him. Kings
will bow at His feet.
Darkness is used in the Scriptures to describe the
state of ignorance, sin, and misery.
Light is used in the Scriptures to describe true knowledge,
holiness, and happiness. And as the sun is the source of light to this natural world,
so is the MESSIAH to the moral and spiritual world.
Without Christ, we "walk in
darkness," but when the Light of this world comes, "We
who were at times darkness now are we light in the Lord."
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church
in Ball.
whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
(Romans 10:13)
My word for you today is the same that Paul
gave to the Philippian jailer "Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:31).
This world is full of preachers who are not giving
sinners any hope. They are
telling us that we have to do something which we are not capable of doing.
One of Adolf Hitler's closest associates is credited with saying,
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it." This is the message of today's religion.
But, in this whole context of Romans 10, Paul tells us that true faith and true salvation come
as the result of knowledge. I
do not suggest that you must become a theologian to be saved, or that you
can obtain salvation through your own mental powers. What I am saying is that where there is no knowledge of the
Gospel there is no true saving faith.
God's messengers are sent into the world to declare
unto all men the Gospel of Christ the accomplishment of salvation
through Him so that they might believe unto the saving of their souls.
If salvation is simply believing that there is
somebody in Heaven who is willing, by some means, to forgive my sins, then
all religious people everywhere are saved, Hell is a joke, God's holiness
is a joke, and the preaching of the Gospel is a fraud.
That is religion, but you can get religion and never know Christ as
Saviour. It is not enough to
simply believe; you must believe the Testimony of God revealed in His
Word. In order to believe in
Christ you must know who He is and what He has done.
I Must Know Who He Is.
Salvation begins with a knowledge of Christ's Lordship.
He is the God-Man the Lord of Glory.
In the Scriptures, men and women sought mercy from the hand of the
Lord and called upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is not possible for me to trust Christ as the all-sufficient
Saviour of my everlasting soul until I know Who He Is the Lord Jesus
I Must Know What He Has Done. Being both God and man, by His one great sacrifice, through
the shedding of His blood unto death, the Lord Jesus Christ has put away
all the sins of all who trust Him, and now the risen exalted Christ reigns
in Heaven to save sinners.
This saving knowledge that produces faith comes by
divine revelation through the preaching of the Gospel. Anyone who is ignorant of the Gospel cannot believe the
(Romans 10:13)
"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be
saved. How then shall they
call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in
him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a
preacher? And how shall they
preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet
of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good
There are no exceptions, no qualifications, and no
limitations. The proclamation
is as free as the salvation it proclaims.
Anyone in the whole wide world who will call upon Christ as Lord
will be saved. EVEN YOU!
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church
in Ball.
King Of Kings"
18:37) "Pilate therefore
said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am
a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world,
that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth
heareth my voice."
traditions society require us to remember at this time the
birth of the Jesus. But today
I want us to skip forward to Calvary hoping we might learn something
from what our Lord said concerning the Kingdom over which He rules, and by
this be led to appreciate more His coming to this world.
When our Lord stood before Pontius Pilate, He was
truthful, gentle, prudent, patient, and meek, but uncompromising and
courageous. He was not cowed
by Pilate's power, nor was He frustrated by Pilate's mockery.
Both in His silence and in His speech He remained the model Witness
for the Truth. And though He
said little, that little was all that was necessary.
He claimed His crown rights and, at the same time declared
that His kingdom was not of this world, nor would it be sustained by
Pilate asked, "Art
thou a king, then?" as though a nobody, as he thought the
Jesus to be would claim royalty. How
could one in such a sorry condition have kingly claims? The question was joking but the answer was solemn "I
am a King".
He who came to redeem men by His sacrifice, had no
ambition for worldly honors and the vain glories of a temporal crown.
But now having been betrayed and falsely accused, He is in the
hands of an unjust ruler, and speaks plainly, saying, "Thou
sayest that I am a king".
There was no mistaking His words "I am a king".
He who certainly did not look the part after spending most of the
night in the Garden in the agony of prayer then at midnight dragged
from Annas to Caiaphas and from Caiaphas to Herod and now that it
was early morning, He is led to the judgment hall of Pilate given no
This world tries to dress the part look kingly
but there has never been a truer King than the Lord Jesus Christ.
The carnal eye can not see this; it is trained to look on the
outside. But to the spiritual
eye it is as clear as the sun at noonday.
The day comes when our Lord's claim to be a King will be
acknowledged by all mankind.
He is the King of kings and Lord of lords and
though He died in weakness as man yet He ever lives and rules as God.
The Father has given Him power over all flesh, that He may give
eternal life to as many as are given Him.
For, "To
this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world."
He did not need to be born to be the Lord of all.
He was always that. But
to redeem us it was essential that He be one with us one of us.
He was born that He might be able to save His people.
His birth was a necessary step to His redeeming death.
His incarnation was necessary to the atonement.
So, now when you hear the bells ringing out at
Christmas, think of the reason why Jesus was born not just to find a
bunch of presents under your tree. Look
into your heart and say, for this purpose He was born that He might be
King that He might rule through the truth in the souls of a people who
are by grace made to love the truth of God.
Come to Him bow to Him as King trust Him as Saviour for
He "will save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him".
Milton W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church
in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"Why Christ Came"
Timothy 1:15)
is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus
came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
There are a lot
of things in this world that are very doubtful.
Sadly, we must realize that a lot of what people are telling
sinners is suspicious and questionable.
It will be in our
best interest to search the Scriptures and try and prove what we are being
told. There are no
contradictions in the Scriptures. The
eternal welfare of our soul depends on what is written in God's Word.
The faithful
saying of God's Word is, "Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners" and it
never changes. The God with
Whom we have to do never changes. Salvation
never changes. Christ Jesus
never changes. Man never
changes. The way of salvation
never changes. The way we
meet God's requirements never changes.
This "saying"
is the same in any culture, any society, and any walk of life.
I can say to all men
every where, without any fear of saying something wrong, "that
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
I have learned
some things in my life that I want to share with you this morning
first thing I want to tell you is that I am a great sinner.
I am not proud of
this, but it is true. I pay
my debts. I am a preacher of the Gospel of Christ.
But, nevertheless, sin
is mixed in everything I do. In
my life, I have never had a thought, never spoken a word, and never done
one thing that was not stained with sin.
I have been saved by the grace of God.
I have been redeemed through the shed blood of Christ, yet sin is
always present with me. The
foolish imaginations of my mind increase with the years.
I open this Bible to read the blessed Word of God and sin grabs me.
I bow to pray, and my mind wanders up and down every road of
iniquity. I join together
with the saints of God to worship the Lord, and my heart is filled with
unholy imaginations. With
Paul, my soul cries, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this
I have learned something else, and that is that God is love.
That gives me a
hope. By nature I am guilty, without hope, lost, and condemned, and
sentenced to death for sin. Divine
justice demands the death of every sinner.
But, "God
is love." There is hope for sinners like me. Because
of His great love for sinners, God sent His Son into this world to die on
that Cross so that the sinners that He loves with an eternal love, can be
eternally saved by Him.
I learned that the Lord Jesus Christ is the all sufficient Substitute
and Saviour of sinners.
The Lord Jesus Christ has never saved a good person.
Christ did not die for just and holy people. Christ does not show mercy to those who according to their
own thoughts have no need of His mercy.
Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
God shows mercy to me in Christ.
God saves me in Christ. God
pardons me in Christ. God
accepts me in Christ.
If you
come to Christ as a sinner, a poor bankrupt sinner, He will save you also. As
a guilty sinner, simply trust in Him the all-sufficient Saviour
and you have eternal life.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF AM 840
Sin Of Self-Trust"
(2 Corinthians 1:8-9 "For
we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us
in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch
that we despaired even of life: But
we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in
ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead."
Everywhere Paul went
preaching the Gospel, the religious stirred up the mobs against him. The
pressure on him was beyond his strength. He
gave himself up for a dead man. But,
he said, "We had the
sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but
in God which raiseth the dead."
The worst disease we will
ever be faced with is the tendency to trust in ourselves. What is there in us to trust in?
This self-trust can only hurt us.
God arranges providence
to prevent His people from falling into self-trust. He makes us sick of ourselves and causes us to turn to
Self-trust is so terrible
that the Lord pronounced a curse on it "Cursed
is the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm."
If I am relying upon myself for acceptance with God, I am cursed.
Trusting in myself is idolatry it puts self in place of God.
"He that trusteth in
is own heart is a fool."
And to cure it, God must make us feel the sentence of death in
Can you imagine the
feeling of a man who has just had the sentence of death passed on him by a
judge? Nothing short of this
sentence of death could prevent Paul from being polluted with self-trust.
And it is only the sentence of death that will cause us to see our
complete helplessness.
God will also use the
same treatment in dealing with men who are not saved. The first work of grace in us is to take away all our comfort
and hope in ourselves and our things.
The first part of human salvation is the sentence of death on all
human merit and power.
In order to bring us into
the "Light of God's dear
Son," all the candles of our self-trust must be blown out. And when all hope in self is gone, Christ comes in, and with
His infinite grace, rescues the soul from destruction.
If you have not trusted
Christ today to save your soul, it is because you are still trusting
yourself you are still finding some hope in yourself.
This sentence of death is
strong medicine, but it worked. Under
its influence Paul preached as though he would never preach again a
dying man to dying men.
A knowledge of the
brevity of this life is good for us.
We must get familiar with the grave so we will not trust in
ourselves. We need to forget
self. And we will never do it
until we write this down in our hearts that "Self is Dead!"
Oh! For a state of
weakness that is strong in the divine strength.
Oh! To be nothing, that God may be all in all in us, that we might
look to Christ alone.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
Chief Corner Stone"
(1 Peter 2:6-8) "Behold,
I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth
on him shall not be confounded.
Unto you therefore which
believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone
which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them
which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were
Every time we see the
Lord speaking, He is dividing those who are listening to Him into two
groups believers and unbelievers, obedient and disobedient.
We have been in church
most of our lives. We have
heard of this matter of God's punishment on sin mentioned often, but we
have become immune to it. When
we doubt the truth of God in His Word, we have opposed His authority, deny
His Godhead, and deny Him the rights of His throne.
When He sets forth His
Son to be a propitiation for sin the only One who can cover our sin in
His sight when He sets Him forth and we refuse to receive Christ and
look to Him, this rejection is flagrant disobedience.
Unbelief of God's Word is
the root of all other sin. When
we reject the Gospel, we reject everything He said, for everything He has
said, is saying, and shall say, points to the Lord Jesus Christ. God has made Christ the Chief Corner Stone, and we either bow
to Him or we must face the consequences.
And there is nothing scarier than to be an unbeliever and to have
to face a holy God without Christ.
Every time this Rock of
Christ is presented, you find something you do not like about it, so you
cast it aside because it will not fit into your life.
And, when we take that Stone and look it over and say it will not
work for us in our plan, we call God a liar.
If we stumble on this Stone, we will be broken, but it will not
affect this Stone in the least.
Satan is so subtle
and one of his greatest tools is religion.
We are encouraged to give God's glory to things.
But, God is still on His throne, and the Lord Jesus Christ is still
the only way to Him. In spite
of all that men and devils have done, not one elect soul has been, or will
be lost.
The Lord God has set His
King upon His Holy Hill of Zion all His decrees shall be fulfilled
the throne of Christ shall stand and the covenant sealed with His
blood will be sure to His chosen seed.
Not one soul redeemed by His blood will be removed from the
Saviour's hand.
There is only One who can
meet God's demands the Lord Jesus Christ.
The justice of God can only be satisfied by One of infinite nature
becoming the propitiation for our sin.
And if you reject Him, it will cost you everything.
All opposition to Christ is futile, because God made Him the Chief
Corner Stone the Stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense.
There is a way of
salvation by Christ Jesus the incarnate God, and I beg you to come to Him.
If not, unbelief will be your eternal ruin.
Whether you look to Him now or not, you will have to look to Him in
that day when Heaven and Earth shall tremble at His great judgment.
2:12) "Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled
but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Gamble We Cannot Afford!"

(Mark 8:36-37)
"What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Think about this gaining
the whole world at the loss of your soul.
A man once told me, "Never
gamble more than you can afford to lose." That is good advice. There
are many people in this world today who will take great chances to get
ahead and who end up losing all they have always with that hope of
winning the big one, but in the process, losing all they have.
That is gambling more than you can afford to lose.
The Lord Jesus Christ is
speaking to us about "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul?" That
is, laying it all out, wagering everything we have to gain this world, but
in the process of gaining this world, losing our soul.
There is nothing more
dangerous than playing games like this with our soul.
If we were to take care of our business like we care for our soul,
we would all be bankrupt. We
play games with our soul that we would never think about doing in
There is a trade that is
conducted almost every day called Futures
Trading, which is betting on future events and staking what you
have now on the outcome of things to come.
Now when it comes to our soul,
we are not just talking about tomorrow or six months from now, but we are
trading on eternity. This is
a much more serious gamble. When
we start gambling away the welfare of our soul for the gain of this world,
we are trading eternity for a little time.
We are trading our standing before the Holy God, for a little
pleasure in time.
What would we gain if we
gained the whole world? Would
we gain happiness? No!
You can read almost every day of people who have gained this world
and have not found happiness. Would we gain fame? We
might, but it is very fickle. Would
we gain fortune? Maybe, but
even that corrupts with time.
Seeking to gain this temporal
world at the expense of our eternal soul is saying that we really do not
believe what God's Word says about sin and God's righteousness. We are saying that we really do not believe we are sinners.
We are really saying that we have no need of a Saviour.
shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul?" Nothing!
We will not profit by this. If
our soul is lost, no matter how much of this world we gain, we have
profited nothing.
8:36-37) "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his own soul? Or
what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday @ 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"In who also we have obtained
an inheritance" (Ephesians
the Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself for us, He gave us all the rights and
privileges which went with Himself. And
now, although as the eternal God, He has essential rights which no
creature can have in and by himself, yet as Jesus the Christ, the
Mediator, the federal Head of The covenant of grace, He has nothing apart
from us for whom He died.
the glorious consequences of His obedience unto death are the joint riches
of all who are in Him, and on whose behalf He accomplished the divine
will. He enters into glory,
but not for Himself alone. According
to the Scriptures, He is the forerunner, who for us and before us is
(Hebrews 6:19-20) "Which
hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which
entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us
entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of
Lord Jesus Christ, who is our forerunner, now stands in the presence of
God for us.
(Hebrews 9:24) "For
Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the
figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence
of God for us:"
believer, think about this. We
have no right to Heaven in ourselves.
Our only right lies in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If we are pardoned, it is through His blood.
If we are justified it is through His righteousness.
If we are sanctified, it is because He is made of God unto us our
sanctification. If we are to
be kept from falling, it will be because we are preserved in Christ Jesus.
If we are perfected at last, it will be because we are complete in
Him and by Him.
This inheritance is made certain for us.
It is obtained in Him. It
is because it is in Him, that each blessing of this life is a little
sweeter and even Heaven itself is brighter, because it is in Jesus our
beloved "in whom" we
have obtained all.
Who can estimate what will be our divine
portion in Grace? Who could
weigh the riches and treasures of Christ in scales, or count all the
blessings that are ours in Christ? Who
can understand the joy and happiness which God has prepared for them that
love Him?
(1 Corinthians 3:21-23) "Therefore
let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; Whether Paul, or
Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or
things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ's; and Christ is
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
"We Preach Christ
(I Corinthians
1:23-24) "We preach
Christ crucified
the power of God, and the wisdom of God."
At Kitchens
Creek Baptist Church our purpose for meeting is to worship the Lord
Jesus Christ. To us, "We
preach Christ crucified" is not merely a slogan. It is the sum and the substance of all we say and do.
The Apostle Paul
said in (I Corinthians 2:2) "For I determined not to know
anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
too have determined to know nothing, or esteem nothing as truly
important, save Jesus Christ (Who He is), and Him crucified (What He
did). This glorious message
tells how a sinner can be accepted by a Holy God on the grounds of the
Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We meet together to worship Him, study His word, sing His
praises, and encourage one another in His Gospel.
Here is our stand.
Alone The Bible is the Word of God.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
(2 Timothy 3:16) "All scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
It contains no error
whatsoever. We do not derive our doctrine from men or denominations.
The Bible is our rule of faith and practice.
"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not
according to this word, it is because there is no light in them"
(Isaiah 8:20).
Alone Christ is the Gospel.
He is both the subject and the object of the Gospel.
It is about Him, it is "concerning
his Son
Jesus Christ our
Lord," and it is for His glory.
"That in all things he might have the
"Christ is all" are
the words of Scripture. He
is All in the Scriptures, All to God, All in
Salvation, and All to every believer.
The SURE and ONLY hope of every child of God is wrapped up in the
Person and Work of Christ. Salvation
is the work
of Christ His effectual atonement for His people.
Salvation is experienced by knowing and bowing to the Lordship of
Grace Alone Every aspect of
Salvation, from the beginning (election) to the end (glorification), is
all of God's grace. Salvation
is not what you do for God, but what He does for you.
No part of Salvation can be ascribed to man.
To ascribe any part of Salvation to the religious efforts, good
works, or free will of man is to deny Salvation by grace.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)
"Salvation is of the Lord."
"By grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works lest any man should
Faith Alone
Christ and His Salvation is not received by doing, but by believing.
"This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He
hath sent." Anybody
who looks to Christ alone for Salvation will be saved.
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at www.KitchensCreek.com
Risks Of "Believing Not The
(1 Peter 4:17)
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"
There are those who do
not obey the Gospel those who do not believe the Gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ. The ungodly
is that one without God, without Christ, and without hope.
What more can Peter
say? No words can describe
the judgment that will come upon the unbeliever for not believing and
obeying the Gospel.
The apparent prosperity of the disobedient will end.
We seem to think that no matter how we respond to the Gospel,
or what we think of God and His Christ, when it is all over, everything
is going to work out OK. But
the prophet tells us that the happiness that the disobedient person has
is like the flame of a candle that ends with a puff of wind or as a
flower from which the beauty fades.
Isaiah cried, "All
flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the
field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth."
The very foundation of all our comfort will fade as the grass, but our sins, which have always offended God, will never end unless they
are taken away by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord God passes
over our sins and iniquities for a while, and we think it will always be
this way. But it will all
end in misery and poverty.
When we do not walk in
the light God has given to us, He will remove that light and leave us
alone. And if God were to
leave us alone for just a little while, there would not be one drop of
water to cool our tongue.
The fall of the
disobedient and unbeliever is so terrible that Peter did not attempt to
describe it. He only said, "What shall be the end of
them?" Can you
imagine what the end will be of them who obey not the Gospel?
The Gospel of God is
contained in Christ Jesus our Lord, who is the heart and center of the
message of God. That is why
we must learn that when we reject the Gospel we reject God "We
refuse to have this Man to rule over us!"
Heathenism is not a
place where the Gospel has not been preached and heard, but it is where
the Gospel has been preached, heard, and rejected.
To obey the Gospel is
to receive Christ to justify and sanctify us.
It is to receive Christ as King to reign over us and as Priest to
save us. To look to another
is to disobey the Gospel.
Beware of going through
life left alone by God. Beware
of going to your death without a Saviour.
(1 Peter 4:17)
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840.
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at
"In The Beginning God"
1:1-5) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
waters. And God said, Let
there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
light from the darkness. And
God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the
evening and the morning were the first day."
This is a literal and accurate
account of God's first day's work in the creation of this world.
There are many who deny this work of God, but do not let that
bother you. Men are in
darkness; and in darkness they cannot see.
Never try to convince a man that "In the beginning God
created the heaven and the earth."
Just like every thing else that is Holy and Spiritual,
this must be revealed from Heaven.
The person who denies that "In
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" must
deny every thing else about the Word of God.
Every thing we know concerning the Word of God is founded on
these first words of the Bible, "In the beginning God."
Every thing we know concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and
redemption through His blood falls to nothing if we do not believe that,
"In the beginning." There is no need for prayer if it is not true that, "In
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
If God did not create this world,
He has no power over this world. Why
pray to a God like this? If
He has no power over this world, there is not a thing He can do about
the events of this world. If
God did not create this world, He would be a usurper of an authority
that is not His, if He intervened in the affairs of this world.
It would be no different than me going into a house that does not
belong to me, and where I have no right to be, and intervening in the
affairs of it.
But if God did create this world,
as the Scriptures God's Word declare, then this world belongs to
Him and to Him alone, and He can do with it as He pleases, and make
demands on those who occupy His domain.
Listen to how it is expressed in
the Bible.
9:14-22) "What shall
we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have
mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth,
but of God that showeth mercy
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will
have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth
O man, who art thou that
repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it,
Why hast thou made me thus? Hath
not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel
unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power
known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to
destruction: And that he
might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which
he had afore prepared unto glory
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840.
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at
Good Tidings"
(Isaiah 61:1)
"The Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the
meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted."
Such honor does the Lord of Heaven and Earth put
upon the ministry of the Word that, as one of the old Puritans said, "God
had only one Son, and he made a preacher of him." It
was His business to preach, and He was always preaching.
He preached by every work He did by every miracle He
performed. He even preached
when He did not speak. He
preached when He gave. He
preached when He received. He
preached by His patience before Pilate.
He preached from the cross.
Then He sent His disciples out to preach.
He did not teach them to conduct religious services.
He did not teach them to please people.
He taught them to preach the Gospel.
The preaching of the cross, which is to them that perish
foolishness, but unto us who are saved is the wisdom and the power of
God, is the way it pleased God "to save them that
believe". When
His life on this earth was ending, the last thing the Lord Jesus Christ
said to His disciples was "Go ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature."
This is what He preached "Good
Tidings". The
Good Tidings are pardon for the chief of sinners.
He preached life given to men dead in sin.
He preached glad tidings concerning the resurrection.
He cried, "I am the resurrection and the life; and
whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." He preached man's poverty that we might be made rich
by His grace. He made men
feel weary and heavy-laden, that He might give us rest.
He loved to preach to publicans and sinners.
Our business is not to teach politics.
We do not teach morals. We
do not waste time declaring what men ought to do, but use the precious
time we have to preach the Good News of what God has done for them.
We are determined not to know anything among men, save
Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
These are those to whom He preached "The
Meek". These
are those who are not proud and lifted up.
These are those who have been brought down. These are those who are in darkness. Those who are rich, and increased with goods, and have
need of nothing will not look on the Gospel as Good News.
But, to him who is down and has nothing, when he hears there is
food to be had, without money and without price, this is
Good News. When God empties
you, this will be Good News to you.
The Gospel is not for the good and deserving.
The Gospel is for the nobody.
He was sent "To bind up the
broken-hearted". Are
you broken-hearted because of your sin?
Have you given up on self-salvation?
Have you cast aside all your self-righteousness?
Do you find no comfort in ceremonies?
Is your heart broken because of your wicked heart?
The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world "to bind up
the broken-hearted."
If this is the condition of your heart, Christ came
to cure you, and He will do it. With
sovereign power from on high, He saves the worst among us. "The Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings
unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted."
W. Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840.
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at
seems we have more religion in the world today
than ever before. There are
churches on every corner, and new ones are starting every day. You can hear preaching of some kind on radio and TV 24 hours
a day. Everybody claims to
be a Christian with some kind of religious experience.
But, the strange thing is
it has not done much good.
you consider the results it has produced, we might be better off without
the religion of today. Most
of what goes on in the name of religion today is a show, and has no
lasting effect on those who participate in it.
Most have no idea what true
religion is.
True religion is knowing
who God is.
The God of the Bible is totally, absolutely, and universally
sovereign in all things; in creation, in providence, and in salvation.
God does what He will, when He will, with whom He will, in the
way He will, and gives account of His actions to no one.
He is not some helpless old man standing on the sidelines with
His fingers crossed, hoping everything is going to work out all right.
If God is not absolutely
sovereign, He is not God. It
is hard to say which is worse, the atheist who says, "There is no God," or the religionist who says, "God
cannot do as He pleases." The
Scriptures declare that God is God!
True religion is knowing what man is. Is
man wicked or is he good? Is
man moral or is he depraved? Is
man spiritually sick or is he spiritually dead?
You do not have to read much of the Bible to find out the truth
concerning man. All men are
spiritually dead, without
life toward God. All are morally
depraved. Their
hearts are evil continually, incapable of doing what is good in the
sight of God. All are justly condemned. If
God does not intervene and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, we
will end eternally separated from God, eternally punished
for our sin.
True religion is knowing how salvation is accomplished.
The Scriptures declare that, "Salvation
is of the Lord." Salvation
is not an offer but a free gift. Salvation
is accomplished by the sovereign power of God the Holy Spirit,
irresistibly drawing sinners to Christ and creating faith in them.
Salvation is by the revelation of Christ to us by God.
Salvation is bowing to Christ the King.
To be "Born again" is sinners being awakened by God.
It is God giving life to the dead.
True religion is knowing who Jesus Christ is.
He is God, the Sovereign Lord, manifest in the flesh.
We are never asked if we will receive Jesus, but, will He receive
us. We are never asked if
we will accept Jesus, but, if we will be accepted by God.
We must bow to the Lord Jesus Christ as the same Lord God of
Heaven, the Great King, and plead for mercy.
True religion is knowing what the Lord Jesus Christ did.
If there is anything taught in the Scriptures, it is this:
By His one great sacrifice for sin, the Lord Jesus Christ has put
away the sins of His people. He obtained eternal redemption for us, when He poured out His
life's blood unto death at Calvary.
Today, the Lord Jesus Christ, lives in Heaven and
saves to the uttermost every sinner who comes to God by Him.
Milton W.
Howard is pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on KWDF
AM 840
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook and at
(Romans 10:13-17)
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not
believed? How shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? How shall they preach, except they be sent?...So then faith
cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
The Lord
God of Heaven requires of us a righteousness, which we do not have, and
a faith, which we cannot produce. The
faith of God's elect is not something which we develop or work up.
It is a life giving principle created in us by the power and
grace God. So, when He is
going to save a soul, He sends a man who preaches the Gospel.
In that Gospel you hear of only One who can save your soul.
The Gospel speaks of Christ.
The Spirit of God points us to Christ.
The Law of God points us to Christ.
And hearing of Christ, we believe on Him and call on Him.
We stand before God, not because of anything we do, but by faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ.
ignore the righteousness of God, which is Christ, and try to establish
their own righteousness. If
all you know about the Law of God, the Law of Moses, and the Ten
Commandments, does not point you to Christ, all you know is error.
The Law shows us what is required and points us to Christ who
alone can do for us what must be done before God.
tells us that all who "call
upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
But you cannot call upon someone in whom you do not believe
in whom you have no confidence and you cannot believe in someone of
whom you have not heard. You
cannot hear without a preacher, and that man cannot preach unless he is
sent of God. Faith comes
through hearing the preaching of the Word.
faith produces a heart that seeks after true holiness.
It is one thing to profess Christ, and another thing to possess
Christ. It is one thing to
call Christ Lord with your lips, and another thing to submit to the Lord
Jesus Christ in your heart. The
true faith of the elect of God that faith which saves the soul
is a faith which produces a living union with a living Redeemer.
faith receives a complete Christ as He is revealed in the Scriptures
Prophet, Priest, and King. Saving
faith always believes God always loves God always walks with
God. Saving faith looks to
Christ alone. Saving faith
always serves God always submits to the will of God always
glorifies God in all things perseveres to the end and dies
believing God. All those
who live by faith die in faith, for their heart is fixed on the Lord.
Do you every wonder why someone bounces around so much in this thing called
religion? It is because
their heart is not "fixed"
on the Lord. When
your heart is fixed on the Lord, you do not bounce into church for a
while and then bounce out. You
cannot stay away when your heart is fixed on the Lord.
believers will continue steadfast until the end.
They will not be moved from the hope of the Gospel.
This is the faith of the
elect of God. It looks to
Christ alone.
Milton W. Howard is pastor of
Kitchens Creek Baptist Church in Ball.
Radio broadcasts of the church are Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m. on
KWDF AM 840.
Look for Kitchens Creek Baptist Church on Facebook.