Oliver P. Morton High School

Hammond, Indiana

Class of 1960 Reunion


Oliver P. Morton High School Class of 1960 Reunion Committee

Donna Fitzwater Baird

Marianne Zlotnik Brocke

Marcia Cook Burr

Carla Carstensen Burson

Ken O'Neal

Nancy Feldt Rathmann

Reunion Date:  October 2, 2010   


Believe it or not, those photos of our 45th year reunion in 2005 are still out there online.  If you would like to take another look at them, here they are:  Class of 1960 45th year reunion photos .


And, here are photos from the Friday night party at the House of Pizza in 2005:  Friday night pizza .


Here are the general pages of the Memories Booklet from our 45th year reunion.  Pages with personal information about class members are not included.  If you would like information about a classmate, please contact Ken O'Neal.  This is an Adobe Acrobat file.  (Download Adobe Reader from Adobe.Com if you do not have it on your computer.)



We're loyal to you, Morton High.

You're the best in the land, Morton High.

We'll back you to stand

All the teams in the land

And we'll fight for the MHS,

Morton High!


We'll fight for the Top Hat and Tails

For we know that you'll never fail.

We'll fight for the Red and Gray

Till we have won today.

We'll fight for the MHS

Morton High!

