The FixedCamera entity is used to place directional cameras throughout the level for use in fixed camera mode (see Camera Setup and PlayerSetup for more information).
The fields for the FixedCamera entity are:
Field | Description |
Angle | a vector that shows the direction the camera points |
AngleRotation | if true then use rotation from Angle rather than actor |
BoneName | Name of actor bone to attach to |
EntityName | Name of entity to attach to |
FieldofView | camera's field of view |
ForceTrigger | Name of force current trigger entity |
FOVCheckRange | Percentage of FOV to use for player visibility checking |
Model | Name of model to attach to |
TriggerName | Name of trigger entity |
UseFirst | if true then use this as the first camera in the level |
See the WallDecal entity on how to change the Angle entry correctly.
The FieldofView is the amount of area that the camera can see. The normal value for this is 2.0 but other values can be used for special effects. If the value is smaller than 2.0 the camera will see less area but will appear to be closer (i.e. it will be zoomed in). Conversely, a larger value will make the camera zoom out.
If there is an entry in TriggerName then the state of the trigger must be on before this camera is usable. If the trigger is off, this camera is ignored when searching for the current camera.
If AngleRotation is true and the entity is attached to an actor then the camera rotation will be taken from the Angle entry and not from the actor.
In fixed camera mode the current camera is selected in the following way. Initially the first camera that can see the player is selected. After that, if the current camera can still see the player it will remain current. If the current camera cannot see the player then the FixedCamera entities are searched for a camera that can see the player, which will then be made current. If no camera can see the player the current camera is left unchanged.
If there is an entry in the ForceTrigger field, and the state of the trigger is on, then this camera will be made current, regardless if it can see the player. This camera will remain the current camera until the trigger state is off. At that time normal camera selection will be made.
The UseFirst entry allows you to specify which camera is to be used when starting the level in fixed camera mode or when switching to fixed camera mode via the ViewSwitch entity. If UseFirst is true then that camera will be used first. This entry is overridden by the ForceTrigger entry, which will always make that camera active.
FixedCameras can also be attached to actors or models and will move and rotate with them. If they are attached to a Pawn actor the camera will face in the direction the actor is facing and not in the direction of the bone it is attached to.