Modules | Functions
Global Methods


 Global GUI Methods


int length (string s)
 return the length of the parameter (converted to a string)
character charAt (string s, int pos)
 return the character at position pos within the parameter value.
string toString (int variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a string.
string toString (float variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a string.
string toString (bool variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a string.
float toFloat (int variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a floating point value.
float toFloat (bool variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a floating point value.
float toFloat (string variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a floating point value.
int toInt (float variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to an integer.
int toInt (bool variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to an integer.
int toInt (string variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to an integer.
bool toBool (int variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a boolean value.
bool toBool (float variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a boolean value.
bool toBool (string variable)
 return a version of the parameter converted to a boolean value.
bool isObject (var variable)
 return true if the parameter is an object (as opposed to a number, string, character or boolean)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

character charAt ( string  s,
int  pos 

return the character at position pos within the parameter value.

posstarts at 0 for the first character.