(Yep, this is when I first started these things.......!!!!)
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30 Dec 02
Gaahhh!!! I have kind of recovered from that Friday night radio broadcast. Want to wish a possibly belated Seasons Greetings (I guess 'Seasons Greetings' is politically correct, eh? ...bleaughhh!!!) to all reading this odd discourse. Got a little more than a day left of this year. May the next year be good and prosperous for all of us and may Afghanistan see some better times as the rebuilding gets under way. What else can I say here tonight? See you on the next blog. All the best meanwhile.
20 Dec 02
Look out! 100.9 hits the air waves tonight, starting at the usual time of 11:29 PM CST for our Friday night not exactly weekly broadcast. Watch this space for occasional tips of this sort. Gonna be some good jams and a few hot topics, not to mention all the local flurry stirred up by a recent visitor to the city. No sacred cows. Be there!
15 Dec 02
Only 9 shopping days to go 'til Christmas. AUGGGHHHHH!!!! Got home a little while ago (I'm writing in the wee hours here) from a gig with Old Hat Band where we played for a dance club called 'La Paloma'. As usual, they liked what the Old Hat served up for them. The night before was a gig with M*G*B for our office Christmas party, where we rocked the house for the third year in a row. Last weekend was a similar thing where M*G*B played on a Friday night (that time for office Christmas party for our drummer's outfit), and then a gig with Old Hat Band on Saturday night. Friday night gig was at the club on the base, and we were stuck with setting up during the happy hour in the middle of the fricking bar. A particular Lt Col took very rude exception with me as I was trying to get PA system set up. This was after there'd been a couple of minimal feedback squeals (which I'd already cautioned the crowd to expect). In an effort to keep this (schedule SNAFU's and irate Lt Cols) from happening to other musicians hoping to entertain club patrons in the future, I wrote an E-mail to the club manager with copy forwarded to the base commander. Got a very good reply from base commander. Club things should be sorted out now. It was interesting to note that my gig with Old Hat Band the following Saturday night took place at Bentwood Country Club. This club had been known among my fellow musicains for being less than musician friendly, and we (Old Hat Band) experienced an incidnet indicative of that during a previous gig there. This time was completely different. I even had employees help bring equipment in from my car. Actually, the last time I'd played out at Bentwood, with M*G*B, we were treated well, so something must have changed there. This is most ironic as the club on the base now seems to be the one less than musician friendly, at least based on my observations with M*G*B's last couple of gigs there. Looks like that will get sorted out though. Dang, what a long rambling entry. Goodnight, folks!!
3 Dec 02
Well it's been a few weeks since I've last 'blogged' so here we go with yet another one. Question of the night would be why my humidifier is running when we have this rainy weather. Another question is how on God's green earth did we already end up in December! It's another year about to ride the bus. Reference the previous blog, Cobra snakes are not native to Afghanistan, so that's probably why we never found one. That also means that this guy hitched a ride on the aircraft (looks like a helicopter) from somewhere else. That would have been a rude suprise had they found him/her while cruising high over the Hindu Kush. Dang gotta get my flu shot, especially after encouraging the parents to get same. Just saw a commercial where some cell phone plays 'Funkytown'. Subject cell phone should be candidate for target practice. I still love the commercial where the opera singer takes out an offending cell phone with a thrown spear. Okay, I own one of the darn things (cell phone, not spear) myself. I try to remember to turn it off or set it to quiet when necessary. Later, chinks.
13 Nov 02
So Hussein very reluctantly agrees to the terms of the resolution today. We'll see where that goes. Not like he had a real choice though. On the Afghanistan front, I just saw a picture of a real live cobra snake that had taken refuge in a fuel tank vent on what looks like a helicopter. That would be an unnerving surprise. I know the cobra is our mascot for the Med Group, but given the choice, I'd rather not meet a real one. I'm glad we didn't run into any of them when we were there long time ago (have enough fun with diamondbacks around here).
8 Nov 02
No 100.9 FM broadcast this Friday evening. Watch this space for possible late notice of station activities though. Just glad the election crap is over, despite the crummy outcome. Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready to IRAQ?!!!!!!!!! I still hope that Hussein will manage to take himself out with a weapons development attempt gone wrong. May we live in interesting times. I think I'd better shut up for now.
7 Nov 02
Being so disgusted with the election results, I didn't even bother to make a posting yesterday. I did make it to the polls to try to offset this. The rest of you who can and didn't vote have no excuse.
1 Nov 02
No 100.9 FM broadcast this Friday night, so tune your radio to something else. Look for one maybe next week or sometime later. Negative political ads continue to hack me off. Person running for a state judge office was severely injured several years ago when a tree fell on him (is now confined to a wheelchair). This person sued the outfit that did the tree work, so now his opponent is chiding him for frivolous lawsuits. I'd think he'd be entitled to sue, considering what happened to him! Go figure.
31 Oct 02, All Hallows Ween
No trick or treaters as of yet. Got ancient cassette tape player next to the door that is playing this old funky three minute tape loop of the original Walt Disney sound effects record with the haunted house. Probably scares 'em off. Good, I can eat the candy then.
30 Oct 02
Negative political ads suck! Not only are they insulting to the opposing candidate, but are also insulting to us who are expected to vote. Regarding our two major party candidates running for governor, I don't think they have any shame left. I'm running out of things to throw at the television, may as well get up and turn the damned thing off until the election is over. As I've said elsewhere, it must be one hell of a qualification to become governor by demonstrating how well an opponent can be bashed. Back in 1986, when I was stationed in Montgomery AL, I witnessed what was probably one of the most negative campaigns ever conducted in the quest for the party nomination for a gubernatorial candidate. The people of the state were fed up, and the candidate of the opposing party won by landslide (he merely stated that he wouldn't participate in such campaign tactics). It is only now that I have seen a campaign approach those lows again. This makes me reluctant to say that I am from this otherwise great state of Texas (as if 'W' hasn't already embarrassed me). I voted early, and no, I didn't vote for either subject candidates for governor. I suggest that fellow Texans send a similar message.
26 Oct 02
Ah, my first 'blog'. Just ran a search on Google for 'Blog' and got Results 1 - 10 of about 2,110,000. Am just glad the Washington area sniper has been caught. Too bad he didn't target spammers. Negative campaign ads for the gubernatorial race have me throwing things at the television. I hope both Perry and Sanchez lose now! I have actually updated the web page a bit tonight. No gig tonight -may be why. Since this is supposed to be a 'blog' I'm trying to find some even more nonsensical things to mention. Wait, here we go: Let's rule this place!! Naw, that's been used already (same observation made by person who wrote that one in my high school yearbook -don't ask what year). I phoned in my pledge to our NPR affiliate on Friday, mostly to celebrate the end of the pledge drive (mercifully shorter now). Figured I'd better support 'em despite their lousy position regarding LPFM, as they need the money. I still wanna talk to them about LPFM however. I may yank my support in the future if they don't want to discuss this. Speaking of LPFM, I did my late night show on 100.9 last night. Ya should have been there!! I'll get live webcast up as soon as I get a web server that supports streaming audio. Till then you better be in south San Angelo to tune it in.
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