The etiquette of the game of Bowls is a combination of good manners, sportsmanship and scocialability. These courtesies are best described as the” unwritten Laws of the Sport”. They are extras and designed to promote social ability and the excellent reputation for friendliness the game of bowls has rightly earned.

1.    Be conversant with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls and observe them at all times.

2.    Be punctual to commence play at all matches and come to each game properly attired. Do not hold up play by always playing your bowl with minimum delay.

3.    Keep quiet and refrain from moving when players are on the mat.

4.    Stand behind the mat while your opponent is delivering a bowl.

5.    Always stand still at the head when a player is about to bowl as movement, talking or gesturing at the head or mat end is very distracting and is considered gamesmanship. Do not use gamesmanship to beat your opponent. Win on the green.

6.    Never deliver your bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest as doing so violates your opponent s possession of the rink.

7.    Always pay your skip the respect of waiting for his / her decision. Don t step onto the mat and indicate which way you intend playing. Wait for the skip's instruction.

8.    Keep track of play; be ready to bowl when it is your turn.

9.    Always allow your opponent the right to the head as spelled out in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls because failure to do so, decreases enjoyment of the game.

10.    When an umpire is called, retire away from the head as you no longer are part of the decision making. Respect the decision made.

11.    Every player at the mat end should assist in collecting bowls when the end is completed

12.    Walk close to the center of the rink with minimum delay when changing ends as you could distract play on the adjoining rinks.

13.    Never applaud lucky bowls - accept them graciously.

14.    Never complain about lucky bowls - they tend to equal each other out over the season.

15.    Respect the green surface at all times. Do not drop bowls onto the green. Stand on the bank. Walk in the
ditches when the geometry permits it.

16.    Always inform your opponent if you wish to leave the green.

17.    If you lose, be a good loser, don't blame your loss on other people, the green, weather conditions, etc.

18.    Win or lose, always shake hands with your opponent and thank them for the game. Don't be too taken with your win today as the position may be reversed tomorrow.

19.    Be quick to help put the equipment away.

20.    When playing singles, whether you have won or lost, be sure to thank the marker. Remember that markers are usually volunteers and have given their time to assist you in your game. You can repay him or her by being courteous in return.

21.    It is polite to thank the umpire of the day before leaving the green.

22.    Learn to be a good marker. Remember a marker can make or break a game. Obtain a current copy of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls to learn the duties of a marker.

23.    Skips should always remember that the players on their team are doing their best and that they are not always perfect themselves.

24.    Above all, enjoy the game of bowls for the pleasure and the lasting friendships it provides.

Lawn Bowling at its Finest