The Game

The game is played on our Green, a 120' square level surface covered with an artificial grass surface. The green is divided into rinks, each 16' wide by 120' long. The object of the game is to get as many of your bowls (or your team's bowls) nearer the little white ball (the Jack) than your opponent. The game is played between teams and can be played singles (one against one), pairs (or doubles), triples, or rinks (four players on each team). In each game the number of bowls varies: Singles and pairs, four for each player, triples, three per player, and rinks, two per player. There are published rules and there is a tradition of gentlemanly etiquette. Skill, Technique, and Experience separate the average player from the excellent player, but the game can be played with enjoyment with all levels of experience at the same time. The game played by our club usually consists of two matches of six ends ("ends," or delivery of all the bowls from one end of the rink to the other by all players) and takes about two hours to play. Newcomers may be mystified by the terms used while playing the game. A glossary of these terms is available for the curious who want to be better informed. The links on the left will take you to pages with more information about this game.


- It is tantalizingly easy to learn. It is much easier to learn than either tennis or golf. It is definitely less strenuous than tennis and more social than golf. Most people learn to bowl only after a few lessons. However, the game's high-level consistency is somewhat more difficult to master as our tournament players can attest. This stimulating challenge provides our game with satisfying excitement and a constant motivation to improve. It provides a challenge with a high probability of success.

- It is healthy. The American Heart Association considers lawn bowling a beneficial exercise. Secure Horizons recommends it in its brochures. It is a systematic exercise that combines periodic walking in the fresh air for 2 to 3 hours with rhythmic arm and body movements in a lovely park setting.

- It is economical. It is remarkably easy on your budget. Our club dues are only $10 per year and a session of bowling only costs $2. Annual bowling fees of $52 are available through the Village POA. You can buy a new set of bowls for over $200, but most members acquire a pre-owned set of bowls in excellent condition for as little as $50. The club has bowls available for use until you decide to purchase your own, and lessons are FREE. For newcomers the first three sessions of bowling are free.

- It is an excellent opportunity to meet new friends.  We believe that our vigorous club activities enhance the social life of most members. The astounding devotion to lawn bowling by most of our active members seems to prove that this game has a great deal to offer. Their long-term loyalty to our club indicates that they appreciate the social aspect and camaraderie of our regular gatherings as much as the sport itself.

Lawn Bowling at its Finest