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Carawan family on a trip to Slidell LA in the early 50s.  Alma, Charles, and Kitty.  They were on the way to visit Alma's sister, Arnie. Alma, Charlie and Kitty Carawan on the way to Slidell LA More from the trip.  Katherine "Kitty" Carawan (now Brinson) and her mom Alma.  No interstates back then! Alma and Kitty Carawan in Mississippi
Dad and Kitty in the Carawan house at Wilkinson Station.  The bird's name is Tweety...Dad wanted you to know that. Dad, Kitty and, Tweety A couple of Doc's driver's licenses.  The top one is from the 40s, from Virginia.  They lived in Norfolk at the time.  The bottom is from the 60s, a North Carolina License. Doc's Drivers Licenses
Arnie Belle Ange and Noel Levy, c. early 50s.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Arnie Bell Ange and Noel Levy, early 50s. Alma, Doc, Arnie, Nellie, and Andy Varron, in Norfolk c. 1955.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Alma and Doc, Nellie and Andy, in Norfolk VA c. 1955
My father, Charles Windley Carawan, during his teenage years.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Charlie Carawan, teenager, school pic Dempsey Maryland Ange Jr., c. late 1950s.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Dempsey M. Ange Jr., late 1950s
Sidney Ange Whitley, and husband Robert with son Mitchell, c. 1950, probably in Belhaven.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Robert, Sidney Ange, and Mitchell Whitley, c. 1950 Young Lloyd Augustus Fentress, in the backyard of the Fentress home in Norfolk, c. 1955.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Young Lloyd A. Fentress in Virginia, c. 1955
Sidney Easter Waters in the bedroom of the old Waters home (which was torn down in 1961).

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Sidney Easter Waters in the bedroom of the Old Waters Home, c. 1958 Sidney Easter again, this time in the living room of the old Waters home, c. 1958.

Picture courtesy of Lloyd Fentress.

Sidney Easter Waters in Old Waters House Living Room c. 1958
Group at the Wilkinson Station house.  On the left is Doc.  In the middle is one of the Whitley boys (Mitchell?).  Not sure about the gentleman on the right. Doc and a Mitchell son at Wilkinson Station Home Top row:  Harvey (with baby, probably Faye, Betty's daughter), Betty, and Doc Carawan.  The other children are Betty's, Martin and Yvonne Evans. Harvey, Bettie, and Doc Carawan with Bettie's children Faye, Martin, and Yvonne Evans
Ersula at the Wilkinston Station house of my grandparents Doc and Alma. The light plays funny tricks, so I'm not sure who else is pictured here in the foreground. Ersula Ange Waters at home (dinner) Ersula again, same location, different room. Ersula at Home (living room)
Yvonne Evans, daughter of Thurman Evans and Bettie Carawan. Yvonne Evans, school pic My grandfather's cousin James Elmer Carawan, his wife Lib Chauncey Carawan, their son Ted Carawan, and James' mom Annie Tripp Carawan.
James and Lib Chauncey Carawan, Annie Tripp Carawan, and Ted Carawan
Apparently Ersula, but not sure who the child is.  Taken at the Wilkinson Station're in the dining room looking towards the kitchen area. Ersula and Baby, Wilkinson Station The Wilkinson Station house of my grandparents, c. 1962 (and before the porch was screened in), Mamie Tetterton Ange and children Dempsey, Pat, and Cheryl Jean. Mamie and children at Doc and Alma's Wilkinson Station home
Noel Levy in the kitchen of my grandparent's house.  Not certain who the baby is. Noel Levy and baby at Doc's Wilkinson Station home Prom picture of my father and Katie Rae Bowen.  Late 50s. Charlie Carawan and Katie Rae Bowen at the Prom
Noel Levy and Arnie Bell Ange wedding picture. Noel Levy and Arnie Bell Ange Wedding Picture The funeral of Gus Ange Jr., February 1958. Gus Ange Funeral, Feb 1958 (at Wilkinson Station)
The John Jarvis Store.  I was under the impression that this store was where the flower shop is now at the crossroads in Rose Bay, but I have been told it was near Swan Quarter.  Any help here would be appreciated.
As to the people pictured, my father said the guy on the far left could be Staten Carawan, and the third guy from the left could be Thurman Evans, but he's wasn't sure, and it's impossible for me to tell.
John Jarvis Store in Rose Bay, Hyde Co. NC


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