Kill the annoying ad?

There’s a highly annoying ad that appears from the web hosting company. It’s a good company, but the ad was 100% annoying because it kept showing up. I went here to get rid of “behavior tracking” (which is a bad thing), and the annoying ad doesn’t appear:

The annoying part is that you have to enable cookies globally to let this do its work. Then you can disable them again. After doing this, the strange ad has disappeared. Not sure if the site did it or if the ad is now working correctly and doesn’t display at an annoying rate, but it’s worth hitting the site.

I have zero control over that ad. You’ll have to go to my web host in order to get it removed. I apologize for that ad making life terrible here, but have no control over it. :(

Update 7/24--OK, the ad didn’t completely die...GRRR
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