Poking Fun (or why military bands aren't made fun of)

It keeps coming up whenever Jim Rome gets a burr up his hind end or a late night comedian makes an off remark. Marching bands are the butt of jokes.

However, it's quite clear, or at least it's quite clear to me, that it isn't the military bands that are the butt of the joke here. See this tweet:

Which gained the following (probably triggering) response from me:

Now one of two things are going to happen here. Either this is going to slip unnoticed, or I am going to get attacked. Assuming that I am going to be attacked, I am going to offer this post. Expect me to be long-winded, for once!

Let me start with one very simple statement—every single band in the world, regardless of style, are some of the hardest working organizations. This is regardless of being corps, show, or military styled. While we do things somewhat differently, the hard work is a given. So please don't think I'm attacking here. I'd like to have a conversation, not a screaming match.

So with that out of the way…

Every time someone goes on the attack, it's against a show or corps band. Ask someone why they make fun of marching band and the results will usually be about "Is there anyone not in a marching band who thinks those dorks running around with their instruments are cool?" (actual Jim Rome quote) Or maybe about how the real clowns were in the marching bands at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. (paraphrased from actual quotes) Give me enough time and a bunch of targeted searches and I can come up with some real doozies.

However, the hate seems piled outside of the realm of the military-styled bands. How many times do you hear Jim Rome condemning the Band of the Grenadier Guards? Or the Coldstream Guards? Irish Guards? In the USA, how many times do you hear someone condemning the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band? Or any of the military styled high school bands going around?

The short answer is that you don't.

Is there a long answer, though? I'm not sure if I even have a long answer, outside of the long traditions and respect a lot of military bands receive. All I truly 100% know is the military bands tend to escape the scathing comments from people with a microphone.

However, it doesn't mean we won't come up to defend marching music also. Quite the contrary, we've stepped up to the bat with those of you in corps or show bands every single time someone makes "the comment."

But I'm opening this up to you on Twitter. Do the military bands escape the criticism of Jim Rome, et al? Or do we get thrown right in there with every other style when "the comment" is made?
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