APSPOT - The one stop APRS/SMS/Winlink spotting tool...
Thumbscrew Mod - for the Shark Hamstick and MFJ Ham Tenna...
K8MRD - DIY Solar Generator / 30AH Battery Box...
KI5GRD 40M Coil - A DIY 40M coil for a Chameleon 17' SS whip...
KB9VBR 40M Coil - A DIY 40M coil for a Chameleon 25' SS whip...
WA7BNM Contest Calendar - This site provides detailed information about amateur radio contests throughout the world...
How Far Is It - This tool can be used to find the distance (as the crow flies) between two places...
QSO Mapping Tools - The best QSO Mapping apps will help you represent your contacts on a world map, and to share them with your fellow hams...
Raspberry Pi HamClock - How to set up a Raspberry PI HamClock for your shack...
HamStudy.org - HamStudy.org offers two online self-study courses for the Technician, General, and Amateur Extra radio exams...
HamExam.org - HamExam.org offers free practice exams and flash cards to help you study for your amateur radio exam....
Laurel VEC - Laurel VEC has been providing free amateur radio examinations and licensing services since 1984....
ARDF - Amateur Radio Direction Finding...
Fox Box - DIY Fox Hunt Transmitter...
Inovato HamClock Bundle - The cheapest HamClock you can buy...
My POTA Page - POTA is an ongoing program that encourages amateur radio operators to develop their skills...
Summits on the Air (SOTA) - SOTA is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas....
World Wide Flora and Fauna - is encouraging licensed ham radio operators to leave their shacks and go outside operating portable....
Bionics Foxhunt Controller - a foxhunt controller designed to pair with a Baofeng UV-5R...
Antenna Calculator - Online and downloadable Dipole, Inverted V and Ground Plane Calculators...
US Band Allocations
Signal Strength Reports
DIY Antennas - Simple DIY projects for making amateur radio antennas...
GRA-7350T Antenna - 3.5MHz 7-30MHz/50MHz Broadband Telescopic Portable Amateur Radio Antenna...
Phonetic Alphabet
Morse Code Alphabet
NOAA Frequencies - 162.400 MHz, 162.425 MHz, 162.450 MHz, 162.475 MHz, 162.500 MHz, 162.525 MHz, and 162.550 MHz. .
High Frequency (HF) - HF communications are best suited for long distance communication between ground operators and base stations...
Yaesu FT-891 - The Yaesu FT-891 is a 100 watt 6 to 160 Meter All-Mode HF All Mode Mobile Transceiver...
MFJ-902B Tuner - Covers 80 thru 6 meters at 150 watts...
Yaesu FTM-7250DR - The Yaesu FTM-7250DR is a compact ruggedly built C4FM/FM 144/430 MHz dual band 50 watt transceiver.
Yaesu FTM-3100R - The FTM-3100R is a ruggedly built yet compact VHF-FM mobile transceiver, providing high output power of up to 65 Watts...
Anysecu WP-9900 - Mini dual band 25 watt PC programmable transeiver...
QRP Labs QCX Mini - a feature-packed, high performance, single band 5W CW transceiver...
QYT KT-8900 - QYT KT-8900 is an ultra-compact transceiver dual-band VHF and UHF with 25 watts (VHF) and 20 watts (UHF).
Baofeng UV-5R - Baofeng UV-5R is a compact economical 2M/70CM hand held transceiver.
Anytone AT-D878UV - Digital DMR Dual-band Handheld VHF/UHF Digital/Analog...
Icom IC-T7H - Dual band FM handheld transceiver constructed for reliable operation ...
Xiegu G90 - A compact all-mode and all-band mobile HF transceiver..
Anderson Powerpole® - Anderson Powerpole® assembly instructions.
Digital Mobile Radio - DMR is an international digital radio standard that uses digital technology along with a time division approach to inprove efficiency and performance of two way radio communications.
Digital Hotspot - Your internet gateway to a particular DMR network...
Associate Radio - Your one stop shop for new and used Ham radio equipment...
Nanovna Network Analyzer - Vector Network Antenna Analyzer t - SEESII MF HF VHF UHF
QRPGuys - Unique ham radio kits for the budget minded...
US Grid Square Map - Grid squares are a shorthand means of describing your general location anywhere on the Earth. (pdf download)
Grid Square Locator - Enter you call sign or address to determine the Grid Square for your location.
Texas Band Plans - Texas 148 MHz and 440 to 450 MHz Band Plans
APRS - Automatic Packet Reporting System
EchoLink - Allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet...
Winlink Global Radio Email - is a network of amateur radio and authorized government stations that provide worldwide radio email...
Local Area Repeaters - Repeater info for Amarillo, TX and surrounding areas
Panhandle Repeaters - Repeater info for Texas Panhandle 2M and 70 CM Repeaters...
Local Area Nets - Net info for in or around Amarillo, TX
MFJ-873 - High-quality VHF/UHF SWR Power meter...
DIY Battery Box - Build your own 12v portable power box...
DIY Solar Generator - Build your own 12v portable solar generator...
Baofeng Tech - Baofeng radios, accessories, programming cables, Nagoya antennas, and Baofeng replacement parts...
2 Way Electronix - Slim Jim antennas that can be used virtually any where - N9TAX
Ham Radio Outlet - World's Largest Supplier of Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, and Communication Equipment...
Ham Radio Supplies - The Leading Supplier of Amateur Radio Supplies...
Ham City - Ham Radio and Amateur Radio online equipment sales...
DX Engineering - offers the top brands in the ham radio industry...
Quick Silver Radio - Antenna wire, rope, go-kit supplies, DC power, and more...
Giga Parts - Your trusted source for Amateur Radio, Computers and More...
Universal Radio - Selling new and used amateur and shortwave radio equipment since 1942...
Walcott Radio - is your one-stop shop for all things Ham Radio...
PARC - Panhandle Amateur Radio Club - promoting amateur radio in the High Plains of Texas...
FCC ULS - Amatuer Radio Call Sign Search...
FCC License Manager - View and manage your FCC licenses and applications...