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Hunting Pictures


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The King's Top-Five Pictures

Number 1

A very rare cool (temperature) September day dove hunting.  I just like the clouds casting odd shadows over the land scape.

Number 2

Are you serious?  Look at the gear, look at the dog, look at the twig density, and above all look at 2 grouse on the stump!

Number 3

This pic reminds me of the beginning of the K&R experience.  Scholars believe that the creation of life started between the Tigris and Euphrates.  But, real life started between the Kanawha and Jenkins Branch.

Number 4

Um, excuse me fella, is that your slim jim is sticking out.  I always chuckle when I see this pic.

Number 5

We did what we said we would do.  Get some dekes.  Learn to call.  Make the shots as they were presented.  Most of all...run like a crazy person through swift current and slippery rocks to not lose a downed bird.  Check. Check. Check. and Check!

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