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The Rooster's Top-Five Pictures

Number 1

The pictorial apotheosis of the K&R experience.  Stoic, confident, respectful of the game, nature, and the experience; this picture perfectly captures what we are about in the field.

Number 2

This picture means a lot to me as it is the banded mallard I killed.  I also like the feeling I instantly get of being back in the swamp on a squally November day when I look at it.

Number 3

I like this shot again as it takes me instantly back to the hot sticky September day when the King and I first shot the lights out and took home a mess of doves.  It was a great day; the feeling of seeing all the other dove hunters leave the field when the temp hit 85 and knowing we were just getting started is one I still enjoy.  

Number 4

What is not to like about this picture.  A couple of grouse, a happy bird dog, a thankful bird hunter; a great picture that captured our first big grouse day.

Number 5

I wish this picture was of better quality.  But I like it still for it captures the quiet resolution to not give up after a very tough year for both of us.  I often think of this picture as the demarcation point of the K&R hunting experience. 

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