Public Member Functions
GUI::PropertyHelper Class Reference

Helper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Propery strings. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float stringToFloat (string str)
bool stringToBool (string str)
Size stringToSize (string str)
Point stringToPoint (string str)
Rect stringToRect (string str)
Image stringToImage (string str)
colour stringToColour (string str)
ColourRect stringToColourRect (string str)
UDim stringToUDim (string str)
UVector2 stringToUVector2 (string str)
URect stringToURect (string str)
string floatToString (float val)
string boolToString (bool val)
string sizeToString (Size val)
string pointToString (Point val)
string rectToString (Rect val)
string imageToString (Image val)
string colourToString (Colour val)
string colourRectToString (ColourRect val)
string udimToString (UDim val)
string uvector2ToString (UVector2 val)
string urectToString (URect val)

Detailed Description

Helper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Propery strings.