Input::Action | Struct to give scope to action ID enumeration |
Camera | Class to control the camera during conversations |
GUI::Colour | Class representing colour values within the system |
GUI::ColourRect | Class that holds details of colours for the four corners of a rectangle |
Conversation | Class to control the logical flow of a conversation |
GUI::CoordConverter | Utility class that helps in converting various types of co-ordinate between absolute screen positions and positions offset from the top-left corner of a given Window object |
DialogState | Class providing a method to control the dialog game state (required for modal messages) |
GUI::Event | Defines an 'event' which can be subscribed to by interested parties |
GUI::EventArgs | Base class used as the argument to all subscribers Event object |
GUI::MouseCursorEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning mouse cursor events |
GUI::WindowEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to handlers triggered for events concerning some Window object |
GUI::ActivationEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for Activated and Deactivated window events |
GUI::DragDropEventArgs | EventArgs based class used for certain drag/drop notifications |
GUI::HeaderSequenceEventArgs | EventArgs class used for segment move (sequence changed) events |
GUI::KeyEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning keyboard input |
GUI::MouseEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning mouse input |
GUI::TreeEventArgs | EventArgs based class that is used for objects passed to input event handlers concerning Tree events |
GUI::UpdateEventArgs | WindowEventArgs class that is primarily used by lua scripts |
GUI::EventConnection | EventConnection wrapper that automatically disconnects the connection when the object is deleted (or goes out of scope) |
GUI::EventSet | Class that collects together a set of Event objects |
GUI::GlobalEventSet | The GlobalEventSet singleton allows you to subscribe to an event for all instances of a class. The GlobalEventSet effectively supports "late binding" to events; which means you can subscribe to some event that does not actually exist (yet) |
GUI::MouseCursor | Class that allows access to the GUI system mouse cursor |
GUI::Renderer | Abstract class defining the interface for Renderer objects |
GUI::System | CEGUI class that provides access to all other elements in this system |
GUI::Window | An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes |
GUI::ButtonBase | Base class for all the 'button' type widgets (push button, radio button, check-box, etc) |
GUI::Checkbox | Base class providing logic for Check-box widgets |
GUI::PushButton | Base class to provide logic for push button type widgets |
GUI::Thumb | Base class for Thumb widget |
GUI::RadioButton | Base class to provide the logic for Radio Button widgets |
GUI::TabButton | Base class for TabButtons. A TabButton based class is used internally as the button that appears at the top of a TabControl widget to select the active tab pane |
GUI::Combobox | Base class for the Combobox widget |
GUI::DragContainer | Generic drag & drop enabled window class |
GUI::Editbox | Base class for an Editbox widget |
GUI::FrameWindow | Abstract base class for a movable, sizable, window with a title-bar and a frame |
GUI::GroupBox | Base class for standard GroupBox widget |
GUI::GUISheet | Window class intended to be used as a simple, generic Window |
GUI::ItemEntry | Base class for item type widgets |
GUI::MenuItem | Base class for menu items |
GUI::ItemListBase | Base class for item list widgets |
GUI::MenuBase | Abstract base class for menus |
GUI::PopupMenu | Base class for popup menus |
GUI::ScrolledItemListBase | ScrolledItemListBase window class |
GUI::ItemListbox | ItemListbox window class |
GUI::Listbox | Base class for standard Listbox widget |
GUI::ComboDropList | Base class for the combo box drop down list. This is a specialisation of the Listbox class |
GUI::ListHeader | Base class for the multi column list header widget |
GUI::ListHeaderSegment | Base class for list header segment window |
GUI::MultiColumnList | Base class for the multi column list widget |
GUI::MultiLineEditbox | Base class for the multi-line edit box widget |
GUI::ProgressBar | Base class for progress bars |
GUI::ScrollablePane | Base class for the ScrollablePane widget |
GUI::Scrollbar | Base scroll bar class |
GUI::ScrolledContainer | Helper container window class which is used in the implementation of the ScrollablePane widget class |
GUI::Slider | Base class for Slider widgets |
GUI::Spinner | Base class for the Spinner widget |
GUI::TabControl | Base class for standard Tab Control widget |
GUI::Titlebar | Class representing the title bar for Frame Windows |
GUI::Tooltip | Base class for Tooltip widgets |
GUI::Tree | Base class for standard Tree widget |
GUI::Font | Class that encapsulates text rendering functionality for a typeface |
GUI::FontManager | Class providing a shared library of Font objects to the system |
GUI::Image | Class that represents a single Image of an Imageset |
GUI::Imageset | Offers functions to define, access, and draw, a set of image components on a single graphical surface or Texture |
GUI::ImagesetManager | Class providing a shared library of Imageset objects to the system |
Input | Keyboard and mouse input handler |
Inventory | Class to manage the inventory |
InventoryItem | Class that represents and allows to manipulate an item in the inventory |
GUI::Key | Struct to give scope to scan code enumeration |
Input::Key | Struct to give scope to scan code enumeration |
LevelController | This class provides control for certain level objects. See the documentation of the LevelController entity on how to place a level controller in your level |
GUI::ListboxItem | Base class for list box items |
GUI::ListboxTextItem | Class used for textual items in a list box |
Log | Logging class |
GUI::Logger | Abstract class that defines the interface of a logger object for the GUI system. The default implementation of this interface is the DefaultLogger class; if you want to perform special logging, derive your own class from Logger and initialize a object of that type before you create the CEGUI::System singleton |
Math | Class providing access to various standard math functions |
GUI::MCLGridRef | Simple grid index structure |
Input::MouseButton | Struct to give scope to mouse button ID enumeration |
New | This class provides methods to create typed objects in a script at runtime |
PawnHigh | All methods to control a pawn in high level mode |
PawnLow | All methods to control a pawn in low level mode |
PawnVariables | All variables to control a pawn |
Player | Class providing access to the player character |
GUI::Property | An abstract class that defines the interface to access object properties by name |
GUI::PropertyHelper | Helper class used to convert various data types to and from the format expected in Propery strings |
GUI::Rect | Class encapsulating operations on a Rectangle |
GUI::Scheme | A class that groups a set of GUI elements and initialises the system to access those elements |
GUI::SchemeManager | A class that manages the creation of, access to, and destruction of GUI Scheme objects |
GUI::Size | Class that holds the size (width & height) of something |
SkyDome | This class controls the sky dome. See the documentation of the SkyDome entity on how to place a sky dome in your level |
GUI::Texture | Abstract base class specifying the required interface for Texture objects |
GUI::TreeItem | Base class for tree items |
GUI::UDim | Class representing a unified dimension; that is a dimension that has both a relative 'scale' portion and and absolute 'offset' portion |
GUI::URect | Area rectangle class built using unified dimensions (UDims) |
GUI::UVector2 | Two dimensional vector class built using unified dimensions (UDims). The UVector2 class is used for representing both positions and sizes |
Vector | This class provides a wrapper for a geVec3D struct and provides an interface to Genesis3D vector manipulation functions |
GUI::Vector2 | Class used as a two dimensional vector (aka a Point) |
GUI::WindowManager | Describes an object that manages creation and lifetime of Window objects |