PawnVariables Class Reference

All variables to control a pawn. More...

List of all members.

Read-Only Variables

int ExecutionLevel
 This is a read-only variable which indicates the execution level of the script. 0 is low level, 1 is high level.
float time
 A read-only variable that contains the amount of time, in seconds, that has elapsed since low level scripting for this pawn started. Used to keep track of the current time.
int DifficultyLevel
 This is a read-only variable which contains the difficulty level of the level. Easy is 1, Medium is 2 and Hard is 3.
string EntityName
 This is a read-only variable which contains the szEntityName of the Pawn entity. It can be used to generate unique trigger names from a script that is being used by multiple pawns.
int health
 A read-only variable that contains the current amount of the attribute assigned to the pawn by the high level method AttributeOrder. This is the health of the pawn.
bool in_pain
 A read-only variable that is true if the attribute of the pawn has decreased since the last frame. Used to indicate if damage has been done.
float current_yaw
 A read-only variable that contains the current yaw angle, in radians, of the pawn.
float current_pitch
 A read-only variable that contains the current pitch angle, in radians, of the pawn.
bool animate_at_end
 A read-only variable that is true if the current animation has reached its end. Used to tell if an animation is finished so the pawn can be animated again.
bool IsFalling
 A read-only variable that is true if the pawn is currently falling.
float current_X
 Returns the current X coordinate of the pawn.
float current_Y
 Returns the current Y coordinate of the pawn.
float current_Z
 Returns the current Z coordinate of the pawn.
float distancetopoint
 Returns the distance in texels to the current ScriptPoint.
float player_X
 Returns the current X coordinate of the player.
float player_Y
 Returns the current Y coordinate of the player.
float player_Z
 Returns the current Z coordinate of the player.
float player_range
 A read-only variable that contains the current distance the pawn is from the player.
float playertopoint
 Returns the distance of the player to the current ScriptPoint.
bool player_vis
 Returns true if the player is visible or false if not visible.
float player_yaw
 Returns the current player yaw.
int player_weapon
 Returns the slot number of the current player weapon.
string player_animation
 Returns the current player animation.
int player_viewpoint
 Returns the current player viewpoint: 0=1st person, 1=3rd person, 2=isometric, 3=fixed camera.
string target_name
 This command returns the EntityName of the target.
float enemy_X
 Returns the X coordinate of the currently targeted enemy.
float enemy_Y
 Returns the Y coordinate of the currently targeted enemy.
float enemy_Z
 Returns the Z coordinate of the currently targeted enemy.
bool enemy_vis
 A read-only variable that is true if the current target is visible. If the target is visible the location of the target is updated in an internal variable used by other variables and functions.
bool enemy_infront
 Returns true if the pawn is directly facing the current target.
float enemy_yaw
 A read-only variable that contains the yaw angle, in radians, the pawn must face to be pointing at the target.
float enemy_pitch
 A read-only variable that contains the pitch angle, in radians, the pawn must face to be pointing at the target.
float enemy_range
 A read-only variable that contains the current distance the pawn is from its target.
float last_enemy_yaw
 Returns the last known enemy_yaw of the previously targeted enemy.
float last_enemy_pitch
 Returns the last known enemy_pitch of the previously targeted enemy.
float last_enemy_range
 Returns the last known enemy_range of the previously targeted enemy.
bool point_vis
 Returns true or false depending if the current ScriptPoint is visible or not.
string point_name
 Returns the szEntityName of the current ScriptPoint.
float camera_pitch
 Returns the current camera pitch.
int LODLevel
 Returns the current LOD level of the pawn's actor.
int current_screen_X
 Returns the X position of the pawn on the screen.
int current_screen_Y
 Returns the Y position of the pawn on the screen.
int player_screen_X
 Returns the X position of the player on the screen.
int player_screen_Y
 Returns the Y position of the player on the screen.
int key_pressed
 Returns the key number being pressed. Use the script below to see the key code for each key.
bool lbutton_pressed
 Returns the state of the left mouse button. Deprecated, use Input.IsMouseButtonDown() instead.
bool rbutton_pressed
 Returns the state of the right mouse button. Deprecated, use Input.IsMouseButtonDown() instead.
bool mbutton_pressed
 Returns the state of the middle mouse button. Deprecated, use Input.IsMouseButtonDown() instead.

Writable Variables

float lowTime
 A write-only variable to reset the amount of time, in seconds, that has elapsed since low level scripting for this pawn started.
float ThinkTime
 The amount of time, in seconds, that must elapse before the current order will be executed again. This is used to limit the number of times per second that the pawn's AI is run. By setting ThinkTime = 0.1; the pawn's AI will be run 10 times per second. This variable must be reset each time the AI is run.
string think
 A write-only variable variable that is set to the name of the order that is to be executed the next time the pawn's AI is run. Used to change the 'think' order of the AI.
string Icon
 A variable specifying the name of the CEGUI image used for the icon representing the pawn in conversations ("set:imageset image:imagename").
float yaw_speed
 A variable that must be set to the number of degrees per second that the pawn can rotate in yaw. Used by the rotation functions when rotating the pawn actor.
float ideal_yaw
 A variable that must contain the yaw angle, in radians, that you wish to have the pawn rotate to. Used by the rotation functions when rotating the pawn.
float pitch_speed
 A variable that must be set to the number of degrees per second that the pawn can rotate in pitch. Used by the rotation functions when rotating the pawn.
float ideal_pitch
 A variable that must contain the pitch angle, in radians, that you wish to have the pawn rotate to. Used by the rotation functions when rotating the pawn.
float attack_finished
 Unused variable.
int attack_state
 Unused variable.

Detailed Description

All variables to control a pawn.

Member Data Documentation

int PawnVariables::key_pressed

Returns the key number being pressed. Use the script below to see the key code for each key.

This variable is redundant and will be removed for the 0.80.0 release. Use Input.KeyDown instead.