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26 May 09
Holy Toledo! I let nearly four months go by without entering a blog. Well I finally got the last quarter archived, so that's progress for the moment. Sheesh! In the meantime I did blunder into facebook, since I needed to register there to look at what our new church has on its facebook presence. So I have been spending a little time there, rather than on these blogs. So read my posts on facebook for some recent activity. There's a heap of my fellow AISK'ers on facebook as well, to include the founder of the webpage. I'll get back to facebook a little later in this blog entry. I wrapped up the leveling work at my house in Menard. Right afterwards a water pipe decided to come apart and flood underneath the house to the tune of $288 worth of water. Yipes. Lotsa mud now, but no more of the offending dust that had me coughing all over the place. Hope it dries out before things try to get moldy. I have also just about finished running all the electricity downstairs. Now to connect it all up and see what happens. Speaking of what happens, my band 'The Flinchers' along with Monty Branham managed to keep a crowd at the Steel Penny Pub last Saturday. It was a pretty good gig and I think the crowd liked us. Okay, back to facebook for the moment. My dad is on there as well. I'm still not sure what to make of it, but it does seem more upscale than myspace is. Last item as I wrap (or warp?) this blog entry up. I finally turned the reigns over to a new person to do the website for our new church. So the site has a new hip look and actually a few pictures now. Can't say the new person has been staying on top of the updates like I had been doing. Will see how it goes. More on all the above as I get to another blog entry, preferably without a four month wait! Best to all of you reading in the meantime. Later!
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