Creativity is the Mother of Invention

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What is the antithesis of art? Void? Could darkness be described as a cloak? Is it heavy?

Isn't less relevance placed upon multiple interpretations? Would that include the Bible?

In psychological tests, is a test required of personnel developing the research and data analysis? If not, then how can they prove whether these research personnel are being truthful with their results? Are they causing the numbers to bend their way? Do they influence the outcome?

How can it be possible that two people can see the same data, and the same facts, differently? If impartiality could be proven for "pet" projects, couldn't they still lie and get away with partiality? 

Are we the walking wounded? Has it become impossible to see ourselves objectively? Why is it so difficult for us to think globally? Is it because we barely can think locally? Or at all?

Why is it impossible for us to not find some way to give ourselves, as a planet, a clean break? Does this confusion stem from the "tower of Babel?"

Where are the Einsteins, the Roosevelts, the Mozarts and the Renoirs of today?

Why do people like televised wrestling? Don't they realize it's a joke, a fake? Do they liked to be faked out? Is that a fun thing to be fooled? Over and over and over again?

What causes people to want to torment others? Is it because they envy them, or jealous of them? If they are truly sick, then what's wrong with making those meds free and mandatory? Isn't that better than spending so much more money on the 'sick' after they have committed their travesties upon innocent people? Do we really want to clone ourselves?

How do we know when enough is enough?

© deborah leeson 2005



I don't know, but I do believe it is enough.
My husband watches wrestling- it is a joke, it is a fake, but none the less.... it is anger. I tell him if he wants to watch that garbage he need to take it to a bar or someplace else but not in our home where I am trying to bring up my children in a loving environment.
It is hard to think globally or even locally- when there are so many disfunctions within the families of today.
HELL, we have repressed homosexuals who struggle under their own skin! I really feel bad for those people. They should not be afraid of being themselves or feel threatened.
Well, HUGS

Posted by Jennzirra

If you sit with the feeling and it is comfortable or not that is the test ....the problem with this form of test is that most folks idea of sitting with the feeling is a blink of the eye....gone.

my 2 cents. based on what I see.

Posted by frankjames

"Where are the Einsteins, the Roosevelts, the Mozarts and the Renoirs of today?"

There are a few around, but I am hoping they were not victims of abortions, along with my "soulmate"...wherever she may be.

Posted by ~Corazón del Flamenco~

I've had similar frustrations. I found the culprit - the dollar. I found it hiding among tacky kitsch products while wondering who in the hell sits around and decides that this is something people need? However, as in every major "crime" syndicate there are others to blame. You should know this better than most. Lack of support for solid arts education is the major contributor. How many art programs in the country run off of bake sales?

Maybe we could sell tickets to our own wrestling match to raise more money for arts education

Hmmm. No.

Posted by David Leeson

Good idea! Wrestling with sheetmusic and instruments would be more like it though. I don't like to feel pain. Even if it is playlike wrestling, it can still be rough on a middle-aged body.

I only wish they would let us have a bake sale for our music program! The kids and I were trying to think how we might be able to afford glow sticks for a hundred 5th graders at 1.00 a pop. We wanted them for our finale. I don't hold out much hope because that would bust our funds in one fell swoop. Sad but true.

Posted by Chaotic_Structure

I might be a bit of a nosey body but my Dad Armando uses a company called Oriental Trading Co., Inc. they sell things like glowsticks at amazingly low prices, in bulk. They are online and maybe you would enjoy checking them out? Dad buys tons of pencils, pens, magnets and such for his business from them. They are reliable. Javier.

Posted by JAViE

Awesome idea. In fact, I just received that catalog about ten days ago. I need to make time to look through it tomorrow. Great! Thanks! ;-)

Posted by Chaotic_Structure

Kinda like the world, especially the USA, has become this one great big trailor park.

I wonder if God ever regrets giving us freedom to think for ourselves???

Posted by The Pumpcrop

Hmmm I wonder also..... among my age, and I just turned 18, I find a group mindset that tends to allow popular culture to do most of their thinking, tv, music and movies. I sometimes wonder if God regrets that he made us at all.

Posted byJAViE

Very good comments by all of you. I think they speak well for themselves. Of course, this was not a blog to solve things, it was merely my thoughts about some of the things that float through my head and I just wanted to know what you thought about some of these things.
Thanks for all of the feedback. Each of you got it. And I loved reading what you had to say.

Posted by Chaotic_Structure

"What is Art?" Dali said "Art is the lie that lets you see the truth."

Posted by PoetWarrior

Such as, art is the path to truth?
thanks for visiting, T. D

Posted by Chaotic_Structure


She is awake, she looks around and wonders if she is alone


Posted by zenmaster55555

"What is the antithesis of art? Void?" no opinion

"Would darkness be described as like a cloak? Is it heavy?" not heavy for me. "Isn't less relevance placed upon multiple interpretations? Would that include the Bible?"
No, No. real life is rich with ambiguities. Bible is part of real life.

"In psychological tests, is a test required of the personnel developing the research and data analysis?"

This is really a great idea. Of course it should be, but it's never done, due to witlessness and perhaps a bit of impracticality. Good research psychologists try to identify their own opinions and feelings as the early part of a study. Hypothesis testing is all about stating what you expect and trying to prove it wrong.

"If not, then how can they prove if the research personnel are being truthful with their results?" "Are they bending the numbers to reflect their beliefs? Do they influence the outcome?"

Can't be certain anyone anywhere is truthful. What all scientific journals do is have a couple of experts review each paper and comment without knowing the name of the person writing.

"Can it be possible that two people see the same data, and the same facts, differently?"

Yes. For that reason, no ONE study or series of studies by one person or the same small group are taken as conclusive. Only if a number of studies by different people (who hopefully have different biases are considered as viable resources for the facts; the journals do a good job at getting diverse reviewers for each study) and getting similar results is taken to be "likely true."

"If impartiality could be proven for "pet" projects, couldn't they still lie and get away with partiality?"
Lying occurs all the time. That's why nobody takes any ONE finding as a proof of the truth. Have to reproduce the same results in different places by different researchers. That catches most of the bullshit.

"Are we all walking wounded?"
Ridiculous, we are simply who we are.

"Has it become impossible to see ourselves objectively?"
We could never see ourselves objectively. Our own view plus the views of family, close friends, new friends, and interviews by people who don't know us could come up with a fairly good picture. However, no objective picture of anyone person exists. The picture depends on the viewer and the context.

"Why is it so difficult for us to think globally?"
Disagree with the premise. If you are asked to think globally, you will start learning.

It's closely related to the ability to tolerate ambiguity, since there are so many unknowns in thinking globally. Is it because we barely can think locally? Or at all? We can all think locally if we can get out of bed, dress, fix breakfast, and go to work.

"Why is it impossible for us to not find some way to give ourselves, as a planet, a clean break?"
Disagree with premise. Life on earth is what it is.

"Does this confusion stem from the "tower of Babel?"

"Where are the Einsteins, the Roosevelts, the Mozarts and the Renoirs of today?"
Physics has been stuck for about 30 years. Einstein hasn't popped up for this generation. Substitute Clinton for Roosevelt: 8 years of no war. High employment, low inflation, and complete elimination of the federal budget.

"Why do people like televised wrestling? Don't they realize it's fake? Do they liked to be faked? Is that a fun thing to be fooled? Over, and over, and over again?"

An extremely interesting question. Wrestling, outsider music (limp, bizkit, kid rock), calling girls ho's, are all symbols of the outsider kid culture: raised in a trailer park, racially mixed, not from families that drive SUVs, not intending to seek a mainstream path to buy the house on the hill and the big car. Watching wrestling is like wearing a granny skirt or a headband in hippie days. It's an outward sign that one is not a part of and does not seek to be a part of the smug, upper middle class. Similar to listening to Elvis in 1956, but more conscious politically. But no revolution, no insults to the other class, no riots. Hard work is respected.

"What causes people to want to torment others? Is it because they envy them, or jealous of them?"
I have thought and read about that lately, the last few months. It all comes from fear of the other, I think. The other might be so similar as to threaten one's own sense of personal uniqueness, a subconscious perceived psychological death threat (an old idea of Freud's, called the narcissm of small differences, which on rereading makes sense to me). Second, a consciously perceived threat to one's own existence. What if you have a nice family and your sixteen year old daughter falls in love with a senior who calls her a ho', drinks beer and watches wrestling on TV and belches and talks about the cool double wide he fantasizes about, while she starts dressing like the ho'. Threatens mom-dad's view of how life should be. Fabulous articles I read somewhere in last few months, trying to explain current trends in youth and started with the wrestling thing. Jesse Ventura getting elected in Minnesota was maybe the public tip of the iceberg.

"If they are truly sick, then what's wrong with making those meds free and mandatory?"
Who is sick? The tormentors? That's socially defined mental illness. A fear based reaction. Socially defined mental illness is what the Ruskies used to do a lot. Officially, and unofficially it was done here, like lobotomies i.e.,(Jack Nicholson, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest") and much more recent placement of rebellious teens in lockdown mental hospitals.
There was a big scandal in California a few years ago. The parents would get docs at such a hospital to sign off on the form to authorize involuntary lock down, usually for drug addiction, sometimes for behavior. The lingo used to be PINS for persons in need of supervision). The fake drug lockups started to end with drug counselors (low level training, all ex addict or ex alcoholic) helping the kids escape. Almost entirely an upper middle class phenomenon with families that could affort it and corrupt docs. You must have heard of this in the last 3-4 years in California. Americans pay the highest prices in the world for our medications. Yeah, they should be available for free for schizoids, depressives, and lots of other things.

Isn't that better than spending so much more money on the 'sick' after they have committed their travesties upon innocent people?"
This is mindless fear generation. Premise is false. This is what the leaders do to get the squares agitated. You must know that the frequency of schizophrenics going physically violent is low. This is the kind of thing hipsters go crazy over. Remind me to mention the killer Dotson in Texas about drugs and travesties. "Do we really want to clone ourselves? How do we know when enough is enough?"
Starting with a bang, we now end with an ignominious whimper.

I feel ashamed of myself for not knowing so much of what you shared regarding California. In fact, I lived with a TV/NEWS junkie for 14 years and since I left him in 2003, I've pretty much lost touch with anything other than earthquake, hurricane news, or the like. Very impressive comment. I humbly bow at your perspective and apparently very informed opinions. ;-)

Posted by Chaotic_Structure

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