
LSU Women & Childrens Center

In the Caddo Parish School District our mission is to improve the academic achievement of students and overall district effectiveness.  We have high expectations for everyone - students, teachers, administrators, parents, community volunteers and support groups.

Below are the beliefs that guide everything we do here at the Academic Recovery and Career Discovery Center.

Mission Statement
As we enter the new world community, Academic Recovery & Career Discovery Center strives to create a world class school for world class students. Our commitment is to provide appropriate instructional models and supportive services for elementary, middle and high school learners whose educational needs have not been achieved in traditional school settings by conventional instructional practices.

Vision Statement
As we enter the new millennium, Academic Recovery & Career Discovery Center strives to continue to embrace the concepts of high academic achievement, self-respect, self-discipline, independence, and work ethics by providing programs that will promote learning, academic achievement, social maturation, and teach acceptable patterns of behavior. We are committed to achieving our goals.

Teacher Creed
I am a competent teacher who has the right to teach without interruption, interference, or disruption.

You are a capable learner who has the right to learn without interruption, interference, or disruption.

Because we will be working cooperatively, we must have a classroom free of interruption, interference, or disruption.

I have choices about my own behavior and I am the only one who can control my behavior; therefore, whether or not I am successful depends on the choices that I make. The school's goal to help me be a successful learner is clear. The choice is mine.

  • all children shall learn and achieve at a significantly high level
  • appropriate tools, resources, and educational programs must be provided for all students.
  • high standards and expectations must be maintained through a system of accountability for all students, staff and schools.
  • school readiness is a critical component of school success.
  • all students must have an opportunity for high quality education in the least restrictive environment necessary to realize their potential.
  • all students shall be exposed to the fine arts and physical fitness programs in order to develop the whole child.
  • respect for each individual is fundamental to teaching and learning.
  • the value of varied cultures and ethnic groups must be emphasized in the educational process.
  • upon graduation, all students must have the skills necessary to make a successful transition from school to careers and/or higher education.
  • parent, family, and community involvement is critical for students to succeed.
  • schools must be safe, civil, disciplined and drug-free.
  • quality faculty and other staff are essential to school excellence.
  • students and parents must be active participants in the educational process.
  • all schools must be physically, fiscally, and educationally effective.

Academic Recovery & Career Discovery Center
Margaret A. Brown, Principal
Caddo Parish School District
401 North Holzman Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
(318) 222-5606