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Welcome to the Library/Media Center Library Hours: 7:45 – 3:00 Ms. C. Long - Librarian Mission Statement: The Academic Recovery and Career Discovery Library Media Center is open to support the curriculum, to provide current, accurate and age appropriate resources and to ensure that all library users, staff and students, are effective users of ideas and information in their academic, professional, and personal lives. Vision: The library/media center strives for a learning environment that encourages students and teachers to be lifelong readers and learners. The library program is designed to support and enrich the classroom curriculum. Library skills are integrated into the instructional program. Students will be encouraged to select and check out library books during their weekly scheduled class time. Academic Recovery and Career Discovery Center Library Rules 1. Consume food and drinks before entering the library. 2. Gum chewing should take place outside of the library. 3. Students visiting the library without their teacher must have a completed library permit and be escorted by an adult. 4. Textbooks, book bags or backpacks should remain outside of the library. 5. Speak in a low voice while in the library; the library is a quiet place. 6. Use paper for writing. 7. Leave the library as you found it – NEAT. 8. You may check out one book at a time. 9. Books checked out by students cannot be taken home. You must leave checked out material with whomever your instructor is at the time of checkout. 10. Return books on time. 11. Return materials to their proper place. 12. You must have parental permission to use the Internet. (The Library staff can help you with the Internet Use Policy Form) STUDENTS MUST RESPECT THE LIBRARY RULES AND REGULATIONS OR LIBRARY PRIVELEGES WILL BE DENIED. Circulation of Book Materials to Students: 1. Library books that students check out must be kept in the classroom. Students may not take library books home. 2. Other books in the library are checked out for two weeks. 3. Books may be renewed one time. 4. Books may be checked out during your regularly scheduled class time during the school day. 5. Students will be charged for any damage to a book while it is checked out in their name. 6. Books may be returned at any time before or on the date due without penalty. 7. Students owing fines and or having overdue library books WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CHECK OUT ADDITIONAL MATERIALS UNTIL THEIR LIBRARY RECORDS ARE CLEAR. FINES MUST BE PAID AND/OR BOOKS RETURNED. Teachers, we request your help in clearing these records. Circulation of Non-Book Materials to Students: 1. Students MUST have parental permission to use the Internet. Internet permission forms must be kept on file in the library. 2. Non-current magazines may be checked out any time during the day and are due before school the following morning. 3. Bound volumes may not be checked out at any time. 4. Vertical file information is checked out in the same manner as magazines. 5. Students may not check out audiovisual equipment and materials. They may, however, be used by students in the library. Use Of The Library By Individual Students: 1. Any student escorted to the library on an individual basis must present a completed library permit slip on entering the library. *The librarian will give copies of library permit slips to each teacher. 2. Only students with good behavior will be allowed to use the library on an individual basis. Overdue Materials: 1. Students will be charged five cents per day for overdue books (2 weeks). 2. Students will be charged five cents per period for overdue reference books, magazines, and books on overnight reserve. 3. Students owing fines and/or having overdue library books WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CHECK OUT ADDITIONAL MATERIALS UNTIL THEIR LIBRARY RECORDS ARE CLEAR. FINES MUST BE PAID AND/OR BOOKS RETURNED. Library Resources On Hand For Checkout By Faculty: 1. TV/VCR/DVD systems 2. LCD and Overhead projectors 3. Videotapes and DVDs 4. Magazines 5. Books Circulation of Library Resources to Faculty: 1. Teachers must check out materials themselves, Students will not be allowed to check out materials and equipment for teachers use. Teachers must sign for material and equipment and be responsible for returning it. 2, Reference books are checked out to faculty on an overnight basis only. Circulation of Non-Book Materials And Audiovisual Equipment to Faculty; 1. Back issues of magazines may be checked out and are due each Friday. 2. Current issues of magazines may not be checked out. 3. Newspapers are not to be removed from the library. 4. Reserve equipment as far in advance as possible for the length of time needed. 5. Videotapes must be returned on the day of use at the end of the school day. You must rewind the videotape before returning it. 6. Teachers may schedule a time with the library staff for previewing videotapes and/or filmstrips in the library. 7. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO HANDLE AND/OR OPERATE AV EQUIPMENT. 8. ALL AV MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE RETURNED AT THE END OF THE DAY ON FRIDAY, OR THE LAST DAY BEFORE A HOLIDAY. 9. Equipment checked out on a daily basis must be turned in no later than 3:15 P.M. 10. The library does not supply extension cords or adapters for use with any equipment other than that equipment on loan from the library. 11. Cancel reserved equipment in case of a change of plans so that the equipment may be released to another teacher. 12. Cassette tape players, listening stations, and overhead projectors may be checked out at the beginning of school and may be kept until prior to the closing of school for the year. A date due notice will be issued for all equipment. Overdue Materials On Loan to Faculty: Teachers will not be charged for overdue materials; however, the librarian expects the cooperation of all teachers in returning materials to the library as soon as possible. TEACHERS WILL BE CHARGED FOR LOST MATERIALS. Use of the Library by Classes: 1. Flexible classes (classes not scheduled in on a regular, fixed schedule) will be scheduled in by request. If you are on a fixed schedule, (i.e. Language Arts classes), and find that you want to bring your class to the library another time other than your fixed time, you may schedule a time in advance. Click here to see the Library Class Schedule 2. Teachers will schedule classes two days in advance. 3. Teachers/aides will accompany and remain with their class in the library. Classes should not be sent to the library alone. 4. Teachers/aides MUST remain with their students in the library for the duration of the class period. 5. Teachers are responsible for disciplining their students. Review library rules with students prior to bringing them to the library. (Library rules for students are listed in this guide). 6. Teachers are expected to help their students with assignments and monitor their work. 7. Teachers are asked to return their classes to their room 5 minutes before the end of each period. 8. Teachers should consult the librarian in order to schedule a class as far in advance as possible. 9. If a scheduled period is not to be used, the librarian should be notified no later than before school the day of the scheduled class. 10. Students may not bring any textbooks to the library unless previous arrangements have been made with the librarian. 11. Book bags or backpacks are not allowed inside the library. 12. Substitute teachers may not bring classes to the library. Services Available In The Library: 1. Reference help to students and faculty. 2. Bibliographies of book and non-book materials in various subject areas. 3. Aid in preparing a list of books for required reading. 4. Basic Internet, Power Point, use of the OPAC, and Microsoft Word training will be provided on request. 5. Provide orientation on library use for students. Formal and informal instruction in the use of the Library/Media Center will be provided for both individuals and small groups. 6. Lessons provided to classes on various reference materials and their use, both general reference materials and materials for special use. 7. Instruction in the use of audiovisual equipment as in the section on non-book material and audiovisual equipment to faculty and staff. 8. Share teaching of a resource-based teaching unit. NOTE: Students do not successfully learn information skills when taught in isolation. These skills should be incorporated into what is being taught in the classroom. Technology and media skills should be “integrated” with the classroom curriculum, meaning that the library/media specialist and the classroom teacher team-teach units which have both content and media skills objectives. 10. Assist the teaching staff and students in obtaining appropriate resources from other sources such as the public library system, other schools, and other community sources. 11. Professional guidance will be offered in the development of competencies in research and inquiry, literary appreciation, and equipment utilization. 12. Professional guidance will be offered to students and staff for the purpose of selecting, evaluating, and utilizing those resources appropriate to the individual interest and academic needs. 13. Provide services for laminating materials made for classroom use. |