List of Papers






Dr. Smith has served as a reviewer for IEEE Expert, ACM Computer Reviews, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and the National Science Foundation.  He is a member of the IEEE, ACM, AAAI, and Phi Kappa Phi.

Dr. Smith has published in the Computer Systems, Scheduling, Manufacturing, Simulation, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing literature, with a dozen papers in referred technical conferences and journals.

Establishing Client Trust in a Cloud Environment using Intel® TXT, 2010 Intel Software Enabling Summit, with Dan Zimmerman.

Software Applications in the Clouds: Design, Deployment, and Intel Platforms . Intel Software Network, 2010, with Dunsavage, Ott, and Raghu.

Design Principles for Applications in the Clouds – Why Sizing Application Entities to Platform Capabilities Matters When You Need to Scale . Intel Software Network, October, 2009.

Measuring Performance of Applications on Virtualized Systems Under Test (SUTs). Intel Software Network, with A. Emani.

Verifying ISV Applications Running Under Virtualization. Intel Software Network, with A. Emani.

Measuring Response Time on Systems with Hyper-Threading Technology, 2003. Also on Intel Software Network, 2003.

APF/RTD on Intel Architecture for 300mm, AutoSimulations Technical Conference, 2001. With Madson and Wu.

AutoPlan: Planning and Scheduling Semiconductor Assembly/Test Operations Using Simulation, SEMICON West, 1996. With Keng, Soto, Bautista, Skinner and Burdett.

The Concept of Constraint Management Applied to Equipment Maintenance, iMEC Conference, 1995. With G. Nadoli, J. Philbin, and K. Kempf.

An Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulator to Analyze Semiconductor Fabrication Manufacturing Strategies,  The Society for Computer Simulation’s 1995 Object-Oriented Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, 1995.

MARS: A Discrete Event Simulator to Study the Effect of Constraint Management Rules in Volume Manufacturing, iMEC Conference, 1994. With Gary Cleveland.

Cost of High Priority Lots in Wafer Fabrication. Intel Technical Memo #11490, 1993. With N. Keng, and K. Kempf. (NO)

Threshold validity in mutual neighborhood clustering.   IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-15(1):89-92. January, 1993.

Evaluation and Comparison of Production Schedules, In Proc. of the Intelligent Scheduling Systems Symposium, ORSA/TIMS, San Francisco, November 1, 1992.  With K. Gary, R. Uzsoy, and K. Kempf.

An Architecture for Integrating Enterprise Automation.  Chapter in Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Manufacturing, A. Famili, D. Nau, S. Kim (eds.), AAAI Press, 1992, pp. 327-347. With J. Barnett.

Production Scheduling Revisited, talk given at 7th Annual SRC/DARPA CIM-IC Workshop, Stanford, Aug. 5-6, 1992.

An Efficient Method to Maintain Resource Availability Information for Scheduling Applications.  Proc. 1992 IEEE Robotics and Automation Conf., Nice France, pp 1214-1219.

A Computational Theory of Spatial Reasoning.  Proc. 4th International IEEE Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, 1992.  With R. Hoffman.

An Experiment on Using Genetic Algorithms to Learn Scheduling Heuristics.  Proc. Application of AI X: Knowledge Based Systems Conf., G. Biswas (ed.), SPIE Vol. 1707, pp. 378-386.

Scheduling using schedule modification operators.  Proc. IJCAI SIGMAN Workshop on Manufacturing Scheduling, Detroit, MI, August 1989.

KBSS: A Knowledge-Based Scheduling System.  In Proc. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing, Los Angeles, CA, July 1988.

Automatic robot programming for the low production quantity manufacturer.  In Proc. Workshop on Space Telerobotics, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, January 1987.  With D.E. Cass and H.R. Keshavan.

A test to determine the multivariate normality of a data set.  IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-10(5):757-761, September 1988.

Real-time contextual analysis of complex scenes. Paper presented at the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computer Technology Conference, Long Beach, CA. April 1985.

Testing for uniformity in multidimensional data.  IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-6:73-80, 1984. With A.K. Jain.

Chord distributions for shape matching.  Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 20:259-271, 1982. With A.K. Jain.

Segmentation of muscle-cell pictures.  IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-2:232-242, 1980. With A.K. Jain and E. Backer.

The stability of a hierarchical clustering. Pattern Recognition, 12:177-187, 1980.With R.C. Dubes.