Animated Knight

Preston Genealogy

of Walnut Grove, Washington County, Virginia

One theory is that the Walnut Grove Prestons descended from the Gormanston Prestons. A researcher put together a chain of events for my parents that showed John Preston was a son of Jenico, the 10th Viscount of Gormanston and from there traced his history back to about 1360. There is however a problem with the dates. Jenico, the 10th Viscount Gormanston, died in 1757 and was succeeded by his eldest son, Anthony the 11th Viscount who was born in 1736 (according to Burkes Peerage and Baronetage). John who was supposed to be a son of Jenico was born in 1726 and was not the eldest. Actually, the John, son of Jenico, was born in 1742. Not likely to have a son born in 1750, Robert Preston. (Another problem with the Gormanston theory is that they are catholic and the John Preston from northern Ireland was Presbyterian, Scots-Irish.) Therefore, I will have to start the Prestons of Walnut Grove with this John Preston, b.1726, parents currently unknown.

Most researchers indicate that the Walnut Grove and Smithfield Prestons are related, but the connection is not known, at least not to me. There are or were Prestons located in Scotland who were lairds of Craigmillar for almost 300 years. There was a Sir John de Preston of Gorton (Scotland) in the 1340's. There are numerous branches of Prestons in England including Preston-Patrick, Under Levins Hall, Holker Estate, Furness Abbey, Cockerham Estates, UpOttery, Devonshire, Askham Bryan Hall, Flashby Hall and Moreby and Dalby Park, Lincolnshire. These lines are mostly unconnected or at least I don't have the connection. Also, separate from these are the Gormanston Prestons and an off shoot called the Swainston branch, both of County Meath near Dublin. With all of these Preston families in Scotland, England and Ireland, it seems unlikely that someone decided to call themself Philip Preston and come to America and settle in Bedford County, Va, or call themself John and become either the Walnut Grove or Smithfield Prestons. All three Virginia lines started between 1740-1773. The New England Prestons started in the early 1600's and there is speculation that at least one branch was descended from the Askham Bryan Hall of Flashby and Moreby in Yorkshire. More than one unrelated person could have taken the Preston name, however it would seem likely that there are many connections to be found in all of these families.

The Walnut Grove line (my line) started when Robert Preston came to this country and settled in western Virginia in 1773 at the age of 23. Robert held a Commission as Surveyor from Oxford College in England. His trip and destination were probably arranged by William Preston of Smithfield. Robert liked this country and in 1774 he wrote his parents suggesting they also come to America. His father, John Preston, his mother, Eleanor Fairman Preston, his 19 year old brother Walter and his 17 year old sister Jane Preston all came to Virginia from Northern Ireland in 1775. After the organization of Washington County, Virginia, Robert was appointed surveyor of that county by Thomas Jefferson, Governor, in 1779. A position he held until 1831. (Robert received a certificate from William and Mary College appointing him as surveyor dated 12/20/1779 and signed by James Madison, college president.)I have a copy of a Statement of Service written by Robert Preston on July 16, 1799. Apparently Robert Preston was contending for a position which was being given to Robert Campbell by his brother Col. Arthur Campbell instead of Robert Preston, and apparently Col. Arthur Campbell had written some things about Robert's loyalty to this country. In the Statement Robert gives a chronological sequence of events from the time he came to America until 1799. Robert accounts for his service against the Indians and in the Revolutionary War, but it also states "In the year 1773 I came to America having ???? in it of very respectable character. In 1774 I wrote to my Father then living in Ireland earnestly recommending to him the country of which I had lately become an inhabitant, in consequence of which recommendation my parents were induced to remove and arrived in Virginia early in the year 1775 in which state they immediately became resident...." Elsewhere in this document it states that in 1777 or 1778 he was a resident of Botetourt County, and did not become a resident of Washington County until 1780. This leaves the question of how did he get here and with whom. The Smithfield Prestons settled in Botetourt County originally, did they send for Robert and was he living with them ??? Again, any information would be appreciated.

 The coat of arms of the Gormanston Prestons: Or on a chief, sa., three crescents, gold. Crest-on a chapeau, gu., turned up, erm., a fox passant, ppr. Supporters-Dexter, a fox, ppr.; sinister, a lion rampant, or. Motto-Sans tache (without stain). See Preston Arms.

PRESTONS of WALNUT GROVE (my direct line)

John Robert Jane   Robert Jr. John Fairman James Brainard

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Original 6/28/97
Last updated 4/17/2007
Page by F. L. Preston