Changes - Additions

New pages are constantly being added and old pages rewritten. In order to help people keep up with the changes, they will be listed on this page with the date of the change. Changes are recorded back to 8/1/97. This page is starting at 5/28/2001. You can get an idea of the activity taking place.


Date 4/20/07

  1. Have all links on web pages working now except email links. Need to find a email verifier especially for the email links on the SW VA Surname Database.
  2. Added a link on the Col. John Preston Page for the restoration of his home. Same link on the page with Home Pictures

Date 4/1/07

  1. Pages have been moved and I believe all links working. Only problem is Search Engines haven't found my pages yet.
  2. Added a page on DNA under Tools. There are several Preston DNA projects

Date January 2007

  1. Pages have been moved to Consolidated and all links on the main page
  2. Removing Fortune City headers from pages and changing the footer.
  3. Let me know if you can't find something. Have removed my email address from all pages so use guest book on the Main Page.

Date 12/10/06

  1. Posted a request for help on the Bulletin Board, check it out.
  2. Working on a complete revision of pages. My main page will just have links to the other areas, this will make it faster loading and simple to navigate. The biggest change will be less pop up ads on the pages.
  3. Going to remove music or at least turn it off and let you turn it on if you want, may be awhile before this is done.
  4. Not sure what to do about my email address. Don't plan to have it all over the new pages, get much too much junk mail. Try using my Guest Books and I'll try to remember to read them.

Date 11/30/06

  1. The main PRESTON PAGES have moved to Sorry for the inconvenience but things will get better soon. Email address also changed.

Date 6/27/06

  1. Added someone willing to share info on some New England Prestons. Check it out on the Bulletin Board.
  2. Added some info on the John Fairman Preston web page, near the bottom in bold.

Date 12/7/2005

  1. OK people, you aren't keeping me informed of problems on these pages. Also, don't put good information in the guest book unless it is intended primarily for others looking at the guest book. I just don't look at it often enough.
  2. I fixed one of the Site Search engines that wasn't working at all. Fixed all (I think) of the buttons or links on the Frames Page.
  3. Noticed occasionally the Fortune City logo would cover some pages, don't know why, part of the cost of having free web pages I guess. Got around it by either doing a Refresh or by going to another page and then coming back. Was usually gone.
  4. Also noticed some green hyperlinks on some pages, mostly on cities, states or famous people. I did not do this and don't know how to get them off. Obviously done by Fortune City and they are ads of one kind or another. All the ones I saw were a different color than my links.
  5. Going to move the sound controls to the top of the pages so you can cut it off quickly if you want.
  6. Fixed my Family Pictures page also.
  7. Many people are still doing searchs with multiple words --- DONT. Use one word and make it an unusual name or place. Searching for JOHN or PRESTON could get you so many pages you wouldn't accomplish anything. Tim, Amy, Joshua etc would be good.
  8. Still getting some PRIVATE Guest Book entries and I noted beside the Guest Book that I forgot my password and cannot access Private entries. Please just send me an email if it is Private.

Date 7/10/2005

  1. Don Stuart looking for info on Hamilton Gilbert Preston 1862-1942 NY. See Bulletin Board of more info.

Date 7/1/2005

  1. Added a request for help, wants information on a Sarah Preston b.1845 in Wilmington, Delaware. See Bulletin Board

Date 6/2/2005

  1. Added two requests on the Bulletin Board.

Date 4/20/2005

  1. Added a notice about the proposed destruction of the Robert Preston home in Bristol Va built in 1790's. Historical Society is trying to save it and we need all Walnut Grove Prestons and Sheffeys to contact council members to help save this structure. Information can be found HERE This is urgent, please act now.

Date 11/22/2004

  1. Added two more requests for help from Mary Lou from Minnesota. See Bulletin Board

Date 10/19/2004

  1. Added another request for help on a Edward Preston born 1825 in Pennsylvania. See Bulletin Board.

Date 9/26/2004

  1. Added some data on Emily Hays, dau. of Robert Hays. Data supplied by Shelby Wilson.
  2. Added a picture of Fannie Gaines Tinsley probably taken in late 1910's or early 20's.
  3. Added info supplied by John Montgomery Preston V son of John Montgomery Preston IV and Lula White Ellis, grandson of Rev. Cochran Preston and Virginia Graham.

Date 9/3/2004

  1. Added a request for help, looking for a connection between the STEWART NAME AND PRESTON.

Date 5/1/2004

  1. Added an old request for help from a Jenny Preston Lachian Young from South Africa. See the Bulletin Board.

Date 3/16/2004

  1. Added a request for help on Bulletin Board from a John Preston in New England.

Date 2/15/2004

  1. Adding data to Nathan Preston of Bedford County, VA.

Date 1/28/2004

  1. Added to William Hays, Jr. page. Some of the surnames were MAST, FLENNER, MONTGOMERY, TURNER, AND STEWART.

Date 1/16/2004

  1. Added more data to William Hays page and created a new page for his daughter Catherine Ann Hays. This page is not finished as yet. Surnames included are: STOUFFER, BOWSER, KELLAR, LAIRD, SHAFFER, MORUSAN, TOY, CROOKS, ANTHONY, WRIGHT, MILLER.

Date 1/14/2004

  1. Added considerable data to my GGrandfather's page, William J. Hays. Will eventually add a new page for his daughter Catherine Ann Hays since there is considerable data on her family. Most of this information has been supplied by Carolyn Raham, the HAYS family historian.

Date 1/13/2004

  1. Added a page showing bits and pieces of letters written by relatives in Northern Ireland to Robert Preston, Sr. in Virginia. Mostly just showing date, where mailed, from who and to whom. Then notes on names and events mentioned. This data was collected by Robert Coontz, Jr. at the Special Collections Library of William and Mary. I now know that the Special Collection section of the libraries at Wm & Mary, Univ. of Virginia and Virginia Tech all have information on my line and related lines of Prestons in Virginia. This 'letters' page is also linked from the Documents page.
  2. Renamed a link on my Wm. Hays page showing his service in the 62nd Pennsylvania Vol. Company E during the Civil War. William J. Hays was my great grandfather on my mothers side and he fought for the north in the Civil War. My paternal grandfather, James B. Preston, fought for the south.

Date 1/11/2004

  1. Corrected spelling of the Old Deery Inn, had shown Derry in several places. (located in Blountville, TN)
  2. Corrected email address of David Corley, referred to on several Georgia Preston pages. Sorry, still not correct.
  3. Going through Guest Book entries and trying to respond to them however it seems many people have changed email addresses in the last 3 years, guess I need to look at it more often. Use the GUEST BOOK to post things you want the world to see, but if you want me to take some action, send me EMAIL.

Date 1/10/2004

  1. Added a link to Site Search Engine from my frames page also,
  2. Changed text color and background on Prestons of Scotland page so it can be printed. Printing with yellow text isn't too good unless you use black paper.
  3. Have made some miscellaneous changes based on comments, additions and corrections from both email and my Guest Book.
  4. Removed an old non working Site Search from my Fortune City Home page and replaced it with the Free Find Site Search.
  5. Added a comment by most of my Guest Book locations as follows: DO NOT MAKE PRIVATE ENTRIES, I CANNOT ACCESS THEM. IF YOU FEEL SOMETHING IS REALLY PRIVATE, SEND ME EMAIL INSTEAD. THANKS. I know my user name and password but when I try to look at Private Guestbook entries I log into Lyco Guest World or whatever and it shows me lots of stuff but not the entry.

Date 1/8/2004

  1. Added a Site Search Engine under Tools. May add it to other pages later. I know it works with one word, not sure about multiple words. Select the most unusual word that you think will get you where you want to be.

Date 1/2/2004

  1. Added info on Lewis Preston Summers obtained from the Univ. of Virginia library website. Lewis was a graduate of Univ. of Virginia. For those who don't know, he wrote a History of Southwestern Virginia.
  2. Added a request for help from Scott E. Preston. Looking for ancestors of Jonathan Preston born 1808 in Suffolk County, Mass.

Date 1/1/2004

  1. Added considerable data on my 1st cousins, their children and grandchildren. See Barber

Date 12/26/2003

  1. Updated my Barber page which has many of my 1st cousins.

Date 12/25/2003

  1. Added more info on Ragland Page and doing some updating on Hays page. More details later.

Date 12/22/2003

  1. Finished the information on New Zealand Prestons. courtesy of Julie Preston, Waitara NZ.

Date 12/21/03

  1. Added a little bit of info on my Ragland page supplied by a Elizabeth Clements. Tried to locate her but email address has changed I guess.

Date 12/19/03

  1. Finished what I had on Australian Prestons. Haven't started New Zealand yet.
  2. Have been working on Samuel Rhea Preston and have it in much better shape. See link below.

Date 12/14/2003

  1. Starting to work on Prestons of Australia and New Zealand.
  2. Added considerable data on Samuel Rhea Preston and Ida Sutphen. Samuel was the brother of my grandfather, James Brainard Preston.

Date 12/11/2003

  1. Have been making some minor corrections like deleting reference to Oxford College for Robert Preston and only showing William & Mary College. Also, have looked at my Guest Book for the first time in about 2 years and have corresponded with some of the people making entries, and have made some corrections and additions they recommended. Cannot get into PRIVATE ENTRIES. I know the user name and password but still can't view any Private entries.
  2. Added considerable data on Zera Preston born in Ashford, Windham, CT and died in Roxbury, N.Y.

Date 11/16/2003

  1. Added another page in the Bedford Co., VA line, a William Preston son of Joel Preston, Jr. Also, I have found some info on Moses and his brother Nathan Preston, sons of Phillip Preston but won't add this for awhile.
  2. Posted a request for help finding the ancestors of a William Preston born in Scotland in 1784.

Date 11/14/2003

  1. Added a page for William Preston, son of Joel Preston and Esther Howard of the Bedford Co., VA. Prestons.

Date 11/11/2003

  1. Redid the Fleming page.
  2. Added a page on RYLAND.

Date 11/10/2003

  1. Completely revised RAGLAND page.

Date 11/9/2003

  1. Added a page on a Joel Preston, Jr. b.8/18/1794 in Bedford County, VA. Info supplied by Sonia Meyer.
  2. Added a request for help also by Sonia Meyer. Wants info on William Preston b.1783 in Bedford Co., VA son of Joel Preston, Sr.. Wm married Susanna Abston aka Sukey, Sukie. See Bulletin Board.
  3. Added info to Peter Preston and Abi Hole page.
  4. Corrected numbering of children on Spindle Page.

Date 7/27/2003

  1. Added another request for help, see Bulletin Board.
  2. Still fixing links. Any information on broken links would be appreciated.

Date 7/25/2003

  1. Still working on bad links, many Tinsley links weren't working and have found a lot of external links on Other Personal Pages that are not working. Have temporairily used Strike Out lines on the bad links on that page. Again, I ask that anyone having a problem send me email at Thank you.

Date 7/24/2003

  1. Added another request for help, see the Bulletin Board
  2. Corrected many links, old email addresses (mine) etc.
  3. Please contact me if a link doesnt work and tell me which link on which page.

Date 7/19/2003

  1. Fixed more links on pages with URL names beginning with 'J'. Also Southwest Virginia Roots web surname list up to G, had my wrong email address.

Date 7/18/03

  1. Someone told me many links not working and I found that on all of my Individuals Pages they didn't work. Please let me know when something doesn't work !!! Have many more pages to check out but go ahead and let me know, give me the page name and what isn't working and I'll fix it.

Date 7/17/03

  1. Added a response to an old request for help by RHODA in February 1998. Rhoda's email address at that time was but it has obviously changed. Sandra Hawkins has supplied some of the information Rhoda wanted regarding an EDWARD 'NED' PRESTON who died in 1944, and it is posted on the Bulletin Board. Let me know if you get the info Rhoda and I'm sure you will contact Sandra. Help in locating Rhoda would be appreciated.
  2. Added some information on Percy Cochran March and Margaret Sheffey on the Eleanor Fairman Preston (1812-1887) page. Info supplied by a John Percy March.

Date 6/17/03

  1. Added the will of a George Preston of Ingestrie, County of Stafford, England, dated 1716. Have no idea who this George Preston is the ancestor of. Wife's name was Anne, children were Phillip, George, Anne and Elizabeth. Had a brother John Preston and an illegitimate son John Preston. Any help connecting him would be appreciated.

Date 6/16/03

  1. Made a correction on DOCUMENTS page, Land Grant links were reversed.
  2. Corrected links to my Home Page and the Preston Page at bottom of all the WILLS, and misc. documents. Many links still show, or cox-internet and they should be Also, still finding some references to my old Ohhenry email address which of course is now changed.
  3. Made some minor changes on the SPINDLE page, the John Preston page and the Seaton Grantland Tinsley page.

Date 6/15/03

  1. Added the obituary of Seaton Grantland Tinsley, my great grandfather. This document was given to me by Hilliary Turner of Mechanicsville.
  2. Also updated the obituaries of James Brainard Preston and Jennie Tinsley adding links to the pages showing their ancestory.

Date 1/27/03

  1. Added another request for help, California Prestons. See Bulletin Board.

Date 12/29/02

  1. Added another request for help from a Kate Preston regarding Prestons from KANSAS. See the Bulletin Board.

Date 10/23/02

  1. Added a request for information regarding Prestons who immigrated from Scotland to Europe in the 1500 or 1600's. Specifically related to a Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

Date 8/31/2002

  1. Added a request for help by someone trying to restore a Preston house in Prestonville, PA.

Date 7/20/2002

  1. Added some posts on the Bulletin Board.

Date 6/25/2002

  1. Still working on changing URL's and email addresses. Please change my email address from or TO
  2. Changed email address for Trevor Kirkpatrick on the AUMACK web pages.
  3. I know I lost at least one request for help on the Bulletin Board. If it was yours please contact me.

Date 5/30/2002

  1. CHANGING SERVERS FOR MAIN PAGES. PAGES THAT WERE will now be . Now changing everything to as of 2007.So far have just moved my original home page which is The old page is still there and I will try to keep the old pages until move is complete but make a note of new address.
  2. I am getting a lot of comments and some new data for the Preston Genealogy pages but have just been too busy with selling real estate, honey dews etc. to do much. Sorry. Will get back to it again soon I hope.

Date 2/26/2002

  1. Added three requests for information on the Preston Bulletin Board.

Date 1/12/2002

  1. Posted an answer to Wanda Nicoli's request for help originally posted on 8/26/1998 and then later on 11/26/2000 but Wanda's email address isn't any good and can't get in touch with her.
  2. Need to get back to work on these pages but just not enough time.
  3. All Fortune City web pages (including this one) will be down from Sunday Jan. 13 through Wednesday January 16, 2002. Fortune City is doing some maintenance. Sorry about that. I get 100 megs of web space free and that is one of the problems with things that are free !

Date 10/28/2001

  1. Posted two more inquiries on Preston Bulletin Board.
  2. Made some minor changes to some home pages for Halloween.
  3. Have received more information on several families via email and when I have a little more I will update those pages.
  4. Have been busy trying to sell real estate, consulting for Lufkin Industries and building a deck. Haven't done much with web pages or genealogy.

Date 6/29/2001

  1. Posted two new inquiries on the Preston Bulletin Board.
  2. If you have one you want posted and I haven't done it, let me know -- send it again please.

Date 5/31/2001

  1. Started a new Changes Page, this page.
  2. Added links to Computers For Dummies and Reunions on both the frames and no-frames main Preston pages.
  3. Added text to the Computers page regarding Viruses. Today at work someone got the Virus warning telling them to delete the file Sulfnbk.exe if they found it in the Windows directory. They immediately deleted this file from all the computers in the office (running Win98) and called, Faxed and sent email to everyone they knew. When I heard about it I told them to go to and look under Virus Hoaxes. There it was. This file is on everyone's computer who is running Win 98 and it is supposed to be there. If deleted it needs to be restored. Anyway, I added some info on Viruses and what to do when you hear about one. And don't let it convince you if they say Microsoft, AOL, Intel, McAfee, Norton, George Bush or even Clinton says this is the worst ever and act immediately. Check it out for yourself. And DO NOT pass it on if it is listed as a HOAX, just delete and forget it.

Date 5/30/2001

  1. Added some text on my Perpetual Calendar page. A gentleman from England pointed out that it wasnt correct at least for England. The calendar was changed from the Julian (Julius Ceasar) to Gregorian in 1582 (I believe from memory) but Great Britain didn't go along with the change until 1752. Which, I guess means we didn't either. My calendar shows a skip from Oct 5 to Oct 15, 1582, but the English calendar skips from Sept. 2 to 14th, 1752. All of this is to get the calendar to match the solar year. Just more confusion and more for us to worry about.
  2. Updated the Southwestern Virginia Surname Database, I believe all requests for changes are included.
  3. Added a URL for Family Reunions. Dont have any links to it yet but can be found at Reunion. Only one mentioned thus far is the SHEFFEY REUNION.

Date 5/28/2001

  1. Yes, I'm still alive. Working probably more than full time now trying to sell real estate and also consulting with Lufkin Industries. Have more information to share but little time to do it. Sorry.
  2. Added the Memoirs of Letitia Preston Floyd written Feb. 22, 1843. Dau. of Wm Preston and Susanna Smith. This rather lengthy document was supplied by Anne Baker. It contains a history of Southwestern Virginia and the early settlers there. Some things differ from other information reported. It is contained in the Documents section.

Changes 8/1/97-12/15/97 or Changes 12/16/97-6/10/98 or Changes 6/11/98 -1/22/1999 or Changes 1/22/99 - 5/28/2001

Original 5/31/2001
Last updated 4/20/2007
Page by F. L. Preston