Changes - Additions

New pages are constantly being added and old pages rewritten. In order to help people keep up with the changes, they will be listed on this page with the date of the change. Changes are recorded back to 8/1/97. This page is starting at 1/22/1999. You can get an idea of the activity taking place.

Date 5/30/2001

  1. Added some text on my Perpetual Calendar page. A gentleman from England pointed out that it wasnt correct at least for England. The calendar was changed from the Julian (Julius Ceasar) to Gregorian in 1582 (I believe from memory) but Great Britain didn't go along with the change until 1752. Which, I guess means we didn't either. My calendar shows a skip from Oct 5 to Oct 15, 1582, but the English calendar skips from Sept. 2 to 14th, 1752. All of this is to get the calendar to match the solar year. Just more confusion and more for us to worry about.
  2. Updated the Southwestern Virginia Surname Database, I believe all requests for changes are included.
  3. Added a URL for Family Reunions. Dont have any links to it yet but can be found at Reunion. Only one mentioned thus far is the SHEFFEY REUNION.

Date 5/28/2001

  1. Yes, I'm still alive. Working probably more than full time now trying to sell real estate and also consulting with Lufkin Industries. Have more information to share but little time to do it. Sorry.
  2. Added the Memoirs of Letitia Preston Floyd written Feb. 22, 1843. Dau. of Wm Preston and Susanna Smith. This rather lengthy document was supplied by Anne Baker. It contains a history of Southwestern Virginia and the early settlers there. Some things differ from other information reported. It is contained in the Documents section.

Date 2/5/2001

  1. Added about 6 more midis to my Midi Music Page. Have a total of about 173 now. This page gets almost as many hits as all my genealogy pages !! Neat music considering the size of the files.

Date 1/28/2001

  1. Added 3 requests for help on the Bulletin Board, check it out.
  2. Sorry about the inactivity lately but I have just become a licensed Realtor and working semi full time trying to sell real estate. If you have any interest in retiring to or otherwise relocating to East Texas, check out my Real Estate Site.

Date 11/26/2000

  1. Added 29 more Surnames to the SouthWest Virginia Surname Database.
  2. Added a comment about information on Henry Clay Preston requested by Wanda Nickoli on the Bulletin Board. 

Date 9/23/2000

  1. Added data to the BOWSER page and JOHN page. Both families are on my mother's side and located in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.

Date 8/27/2000

  1. Added the obituary of James Brainard Preston 1845-1922, my grandfather under Documents. Received some papers from the Preston Library at Virginia Military Institute which included letters from my great grandfather, John Fairman Preston, to VMI and one letter from James Preston to VMI, plus his obituary. The library by the way was named for John Thomas Lewis Preston, one of the founders of VMI. He was the son of Thomas Lewis Preston and grandson of Col. William Preston.
  2. Also received some pictures of tombstones in the Hollywood Cemetery from my friend Hillary Turner in Richmond. Markers for James B. Preston, his wife Hattie Bryan Tinsley, her parents Seaton Grantland Tinsley and Fannie Gaines Tinsley, also Hattie's sister, Jennie G. Tinsley. Made some corrections regarding the name Brainerd/ard. Apparently the mistake in naming Brainard was made by my great grandfather.
  3. I also corrected a picture shown as that of Elizabeth McIlwaine. Actually, Elizabeth McIlwaine Rhea b.1807 who married Joseph Anderson, see Joseph Rhea page.
  4. Added some dates on John Robinson and wife Hannah Leigh from Cheshire, England.

Date 8/20/2000

  1. Made some changes to the Pleasant Preston and Bowker Preston pages of the Bedford Prestons. New data supplied by Anne Lieberman regarding the DAVIS connection.

Date 8/15/2000

  1. Have finished, I think, maintenance on the Southwestern Virginia Surname Database.

Date 8/8/2000

  1. Added two more requests for help on the Bulletin Board. Both involve an Aaron Preston and both are from Connecticutt.
  2. Added pictures of Dr. William Fleming Gaines and Jane Elizabeth Spindle, courtesy of Hillary Turner of Richmond. She located the pictures in a Parks Service Center and got them to get copies for me, digital camera ?? Anyway, thanks Hillary.
  3. Found out from a RHEA authority, Ed Foley, that my picture labled Elizabeth McIlwaine is actually Elizabeth M. Rhea, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth Rhea. She, Elizabeth M. Rhea married Joseph Anderson. As soon as I locate the proper place for this picture, it will be moved.
  4. Still working on SW-VA Rootsweb Surname Database. Trying to remove all the bad links and there are a lot.

Date 8/6/2000

  1. Have added some dates and places of burial for Tinsley's from data supplied by Hillary Turner.
  2. Have made some additions and corrections to the John Preston, Robert Preston and Walnut Grove Preston main page based on letters uncovered by Robert Coontz, Jr.
  3. Still working on Surname Database for SWVA Rootsweb group.

Date 8/5/2000

  1. Have been working on Southwestern Virginia surname database for the group. Checking email links, adding new names and changing email addresses.
  2. A friend, Hillary Turner, in Richmond has found the gravesites of many of my ancestors, including my grandmother and father and some Tinsleys before them. She is going to send pictures of the tombstones.
  3. A cousin, Robert Coontz, Jr., has been studying letters found in the Special Collection section of the library at William and Mary College. These letters are to and from Robert Preston 1750-1833. Letters from Northern Ireland referring to Aunts and Uncles etc. Also to James Preston and his wife Sarah Gilliland Preston whose son Robert Preston was brought to this country and adopted by Robert Preston, calling him Robert Preston, Jr. and known as "Irish Bob". He arrived in Philadelphia in late July 1793 with cousin Samuel. Would be great to get passenger list but so far haven't been able to find anything. Ships captain was 'Hickey'.

Date 8/2/2000

  1. Created a page on BAUSSER from more information supplied by Lisa Strobel. She has not had time to check this yet but I think I have it right. Esther Bowser was my GGGG Grandmother on my mother's side and lived in Pennsylvania, Bedford or Armstrong Counties. She was born 1758/68 and married Martin John.
  2. Made some changes in my main no nonsense page,  No Java, no Java Script, no sound, no frames, no pictures, just text. Mostly changed print from bold to regular so I could emphasize things.
  3. Have made some changes in the links at the bottom of some pages, no big deal.
  4. Have been working on the SURNAME Database which I maintain for the Southwestern Virginia Rootsweb group. This group consists of approximately 500 people who are researching Surnames from the counties in South Western Virginia. If you want to subscribe, click on link above and put SUBSCRIBE in the Body of the message. No subject, no signature, nothing else. If you want to check out the Surnames click on Surnames.

Date 7/29/2000

  1. Added another picture to Family Pictures, Harriet Bryan Tinsley, my paternal grandmother, 1861-1898.
  2. Had my site re spidered. All changes from 4/21/2000 through 7/28/2000 would be included. If I add more data now it won't be searchable until I have my site 're spidered'. So if I say I created a new page or made additions, you will have to go to the page until sometime later when I get it included in the search database.
  3. Minor changes to the John (Johns) page. Mostly on Bowser or Bausser. These families lived in Pennsylvania.

Date 7/26/2000

  1. Added considerable data on Maryland/Kentucky Prestons. Descendents of James Preston 1673-1729 supplied by Betty Higbee. I received this data in early December last year and apparently it got lost in the Christmas season, sorry. Betty and I would like for anyone interested to examine it and offer additions or corrections.
  2. Have added some of my family pictures. Added a picture of my father, Seaton Tinsley Preston, on the James Brainerd Preston page. Also added pictures of my mother, my self, my wife -Betty, and my brother Jim in the FAMILY PICTURES.

Date 7/20/2000

  1. Added considerable SPINDLE data supplied by Anne Baker. Jane Spindle was my GG Grandmother and she married Doctor Gaines of Gaines Mill Virginia. See story of the siege of Richmond in 1862 and the battle of Gaines Mill.
  2. Found that at least a few people have a problem with Java Script when using Netscape to view some of my pages. I have one main page that I thought was 'Plain Jane', that is no Java, no music, no frames .... however, it did have a small Java Script entry. 
  3. The reason I say this is in case of a provider change, these are the pages I would post a notice of my move to a new URL. If you are linked directly to a page like SPINDLE, then one day you may not find it and no way of knowing where I went. Another reason is these pages or on a paid provider that is almost always operational, almost all of my other pages are on Fortune City which is free but occasionally down.

Date 7/15/2000

  1. Added three requests for help on the Bulletin Board. Several unusual request and a repost. A Judy and Rob Preston from the UK are seeking info on their g. grandmother Jane Preston, born in Appleby, Lincolnshire, England 4-18-1847 and was killed in the United States while visiting relatives ? Only thing they have is a newspaper clipping from which they estimate she was about 60 years old at the time and it was 1910-1920. There is NO city or date on the newspaper clipping. Anyone know where Matherson Avenue is ?? Thought it might be in NYC but couldn't find one with my Precision Mapping Lite.
    Another unusual request is about a Fairman Preston Cole buried in Weaver Cemetery, Sullivan Co., TN. Looking for a connection to Prestons, more than likely Walnut Grove Prestons since Fairman is a family name and John Preston and wife Eleanor Fairman Preston are both buried in the same cemetery.
    The other request is a repost but email address is different. Involves Prestons who migrated from Pennsylvania to Morgan County, Ohio.
  2. Added several more names to Southwest Virginia Surname Database for Wanda Fox Evensen.

Date 7/11/2000

  1. Tara Fickle supplied some corrections on the Abram FICKLE page. I really appreciate this when people bother to send email on corrections, additions or whatever. Thanks Tara !

Date 7/2/2000

  1. Added some Sheffey data on the Col. John Preston page.
  2. Added data on descendants of Zenas Preston on the William Preston page of the Maryland/Pennsylvania Prestons.
  3. Have to change some links on all of my pages, haven't changed providers but they changed their URL from to so eventually I will have to have all my links changed, but for now both work.
  4. Changed 'Reading', Hunterdon Co., NJ to Readington, Hunterdon Co., NJ on an Aumack page.

Date 7/1/2000

  1. Added information on descendants of Humphrey Gaines and Sarah Watts supplied by L. Miller.
  2. Added some surnames to Southwest Virginia Surname Database.

Date 6/17/2000

  1. Updated a request for help with more information. Check the Bulletin Board.

Date 6/9/2000

  1. Added two more requests for help. See the Bulletin Board.

Date 6/1/2000

  1. Added some data on the GAINES PAGE and created a brief page on FLEMING which is linked from the Gaines Page.
  2. Started a new page for the Bulletin Board. Previous page was getting too big. Should be able to move around the three Bulletin Board pages with no problem.

Date 5/14/2000

  1. Added pictures of Archibald Gilliam Preston 1840-1905 and Martha Emily Mayo Preston 1848-1919 on the Archibald Gilliam Preston page.
  2. Added a picture of Gaines Mill as it appeared in 1940. The original structure was a 4 story brick building which was destroyed in the siege of Richmond in 1862. This was replaced with a wooden structure in about 1900 (the one pictured). It has since been restored but I don't have a picture.
  3. Added more data on the John Preston page (Smithfield), descendants of Margaret Preston and Rev. John Brown, primarily CRAIGHEAD. Will add more later.

Date 5/10/2000

  1. Added more data on the William Preston of Smithfield page. Data added on TAYLOR, WELLER, JONES, FREMONT, SATTERWHITE, JOHNSTON, ROGERS, BARR, BOILLEAU, JACOB AND COCKE.

Date 5/8/2000

  1. Not a change but a warning. Several people have used the search tool to find a Preston, i.e., Fred Preston. This will show every Preston page I have, which is a lot (maybe 200) because it searches for 'Fred' and for 'Preston'. To use the search select one word (not Preston, Tinsley, Rhea, Gaines, Campbell) and hope it is unusual, like a middle name or a wife's first or middle name (not Sarah, Elizabeth but maybe Petunia). Think of something unusual related to the person you want to find. Can be a location also (not Virginia). I suppose you could also search for a specific date, I usually use the format 1/1/xxxx, or 10/6/xxxx, seldom use preceding zeros. It works but I wish it would accept two or more words as a single search but it doesn't.

Date 5/7/2000

  1. A date has been bothering me for some time. It is reported in several documents that James Patton was slain by Indians on a bright Sunday morning, July 8, 1755. The only problem is, if you look at my perpetual calendar you will find that July 8, 1755 is a Tuesday. I just noticed that in "The Preston Family" by John Mason Brown he shows the year to be 1753. And in this year July 8 is a Sunday. Therefore I made a change on my PATTON page.
  2. Added a coat of arms for GAINES on the Gaines page. The coat was supplied by Brenda Gaines Gulick.

Date 4/25/2000

  1. Added more pictures of RHEAs. List of pictures with links are shown on the RHEA page. Pictures now are Elizabeth McIlwaine, Matthew Rhea and wife Mary Looney, John Angus Rhea, Samuel and Robert Rhea and Robert Preston Rhea. All pictures supplied by cousin David McClain.

Date 4/16/2000

  1. Added 5 postings to the Bulletin Board and updated another. Will add 3 or 4 more in the next couple of days.
  2. When you want something posted please try to include as many names, dates and places as possible and re read it. I find some of them very hard to interpret, as you will find when you read them. Also, I had a request to post one for a Thomas Preston in Bedford Co., VA or Montgomery Co., KY. That was all the information. Thomas is a common name and with an approximate date or location it is not enough.

Date 4/14/2000

  1. Added considerable data on the descendants of Joseph Rhea, Jr., son of Joseph Rhea and Elizabeth McIlwaine. Considerable ANDERSON data. Material supplied by a descendant of Joseph Jr., David McClain.
  2. David also supplied a pencil sketch of Elizabeth McIlwaine which is on the page by that name and a picture of Samuel Rhea and Robert Rhea. Since there are about a dozen Samuel Rheas and three dozen Robert Rheas, I have asked an expert, Robert Rhea, to identify them. He is working on it. Their picture is on the Samuel Rhea page.
  3. Added some data to the James Patton Preston page. Data was supplied as part of the descendants of Benjamin Hart 1776-1853 and Mary Salley 1775-1812.

Date 4/9/2000

  1. Changed search engines. The one showing now has all of my pages, guest books etc indexed. It is still a one word search so pick your words carefully. Unusual first names, middle names, wife's name etc. Would like some feed back via email to let me know if it is doing any good.
  2. Added a page called "Computers for Dummies". It is linked from my HELP page. Hope it helps someone.

Date 3/29/2000

  1. Made numerous changes in my COMMENTS/HELP page, including instructions for using the search engine for this site. Will keep you posted on what is included in the search engine through the HELP page. More searchable pages were added today.

Date 3/28/2000

  1. Added some more music to Midi page including one MP3 and one exe file on How Much is that Doggy in the Window...cute.
  2. Added some links to the Fortune City Home Page and also a Search Engine for my site. Also added this search engine on my Frames and No-Frames pages and my People.GoPlay page. The search engine has a 40 page (URL) limit and since I have over 300 pages I cannot make it search the entire site. What I did was put those pages on it that have not yet been cataloged. That is, on any new page I add all the SURNAMES to my Surname database, all the PRESTONS to my pages on individual Prestons and all other INDIVIDUALS to their alphabetical page. I have at least 10 pages not yet done so these are on the search engine. Seems to work ok but remember if you search for William, you will also find Williams, Williamson etc. The pages currently searchable are as follows: Joel Preston (Bedford Co.), Augustus Preston (Kentucky), William, Joseph, Jonas, and Edmond Preston of the Pennsylvania/Maryland Quaker Prestons from England, Daniel Gaines ca. 1630 Virginia, and three pages on Aumack (wife's maiden name). Let me know how it works out. Will try to see what else I can add.
  3. Changed the name of a page previously called COMMENTS and only linked from my Frames Welcome Page, to HELP. Now linked from most main pages. Contains a lot of useful information on using my site. New comments in bold.

Date 3/26/00

  1. Added 10 Classical/Semi-classical Midi's to my midi music page and 2 to the American Traditional group.
  2. I had put some irish music on 3 of my home pages (, and for St Pats day. Also some dancing lepricons. These have been removed for another year.

Date 3/5/00

  1. Updated the SW Virginia Rootsweb Surname Database. Not really part of the Preston Genealogy but if you have an interest in families from the southwestern counties of Virginia you might want to check it out.

Date 2/21/00

  1. Taking advantage of the cold weather (50-60) to work on my model railroad. Also playing more tennis and doing some consulting. Will get back to these pages soon though. Was just accepted in the SAR through Thomas Tinsley V.

Date 1/31/00

  1. Added data about yours truly on the James Brainerd Preston page, can get there thru the main Walnut Grove Preston page.
  2. Added a green bar below title on pages in my direct line.....this is only for my kids to help them know what to look for.

Date 1/30/00

  1. Added another request for help on the Preston Bulletin Board. June Preston Krueger is looking for information on a T.S.W. Preston.
  2. Added data on descendants of Albert Sidney Preston, son of Joel Leftwich Preston and grandson of Isaac Preston of Bedford. Data supplied by Benjamin C. Preston.
  3. Added some data to the McIlwaine page first paragraph.

Date 1/27/00

  1. Corrected the name Johnson to Johnston on the McIlwaine page.
  2. Working on list of Individuals, Surnames and Prestons in the Georgia Preston pages, will add soon.

Date 11/13/99

  1. Added some more data on the Thomas Preston page (Georgia Prestons). Descendants of Joshua Preston and Lishea Feagins. Contributed by Sarah Rafter.

Date 11/10/99

  1. Added two more requests for help. Also realized I lost one that had been posted previously. In Sept. I rebuilt my computer and apparently lost some things. One of the request is normal, Mary Preston is looking for parents of a William Preston born in Ohio 1815. The other request is a little unusual. Paul Fleming of Drogheda, Ireland is looking for the parents of an Irish whiskey called "Preston Whiskey". It was produced in or near Drogheda, Ireland in the late 1800's and early 1900's. They had one of the last bottles but want more info to resurect the whiskey for a millenium project. Believe the Prestons were from the Gormanston Castle.
  2. Added some information on the Gormanston page provided by John McMahon who attended the Franciscan College on the Castle grounds. Changes are in bold and at the beginning of the page.

Date 11/8/99

  1. Fixed a messed up link to World News.
  2. Added another request for help on 2 Prestons ?? or are they ? These are New England Prestons but did they change their name or were they orphan Prestons or did they assume the name Preston. See the Bulletin Board, this is a genealogist nightmare !!!.

Date 11/7/99

  1. Now have 4 Aumack pages, all new as of about a week ago.
  2. Added three requests for help on the Bulletin Board, one for Ohio, one for Pennsylvania and one from Ireland to what is now West Virginia. Also updated one email address on BB.
  3. Added some info on the Samuel Preston page of New England Prestons. Specifically more on Susannah and David, children of John Preston and Mary Haines. Data was supplied by Nancy Lanni.
  4. Added some current information about the Gormanston Castle in Ireland supplied by John McMahon a graduate of Gormanston College. Page is under Prestons of Ireland, Gormanston. (In case it isn't obvious, I am going through my email and responding to questions, additions etc.)

Date 10/28/99

  1. Have received considerable data on AUMACK (Amak, Amach, Amok, Aumick, Aumock) from two distant cousins and have completely changed my previous Aumack pages and added two more. The progenitor of this family in New Jersey was a Dutch marine who came here with the Dutch Navy to retake New Amsterdam from the British in 1673. They were successful and he stayed here and raised a family. Aumack is my wife's maiden name.

Date 10/22/99

  1. Added another request for help...looking for information on Elizabeth Preston who put her son up for adoption in 1903 in Wheeling, West Virginia.

Date 10/19/99

  1. Finally added some more Surnames, 55 new ones and 52 new links. Also a reminder on each Surname page that a given Surname can appear more than once on a page, so check the whole page using the FIND function of your browser. I use the word 'page' to describe a unique URL, it could be one printed page or 20 printed pages. I show the surname and take you to a paragraph where it occurs but if it occurs elsewhere in the page I will not show another link. On the Surname pages you may see Jones 1 2 3 etc. These would represent 4 different pages where Jones appears. The Surnames just added are mostly from the Georgia Prestons, Thomas, Archibald Gilliam, Leonidas and a couple from Garland.

Date 10/15/99

  1. Added another 80 Prestons to the list of Individual Prestons under Bedford Co., VA. These are actually descendents from the Georgia Prestons, Thomas Preston, Leonidas A. Preston and Archibald Gilliam Preston. (This is about 1764 Prestons listed now.)
  2. Working on the new Surnames related to these Prestons and also the list of all individuals involved.
  3. After this is done, I will start listing Prestons, Individuals and Surnames on the Maryland Prestons.

Date 10/11/99

  1. Updated the South West Virginia Rootsweb Surname Database.
  2. Fixed some bad links on the No-Frames Preston Genealogy Page.
  3. Not sure what the effect will be but the pages that were are now, this only applies to 3 pages I think. The main Preston Genealogy Frames and No-Frames pages and my original Home Page. All other pages are at Fortune City addresses.

Date 8/28/99

  1. Added about 4 requests for help on the Bulletin Board. Two of them involve Frederick Preston, didn't know there were so many Frederick Prestons. Check it out. Have some more to post probably tomorrow.

Date 7/26/99

  1. Added some dates to page on Joel Preston of the Bedford Co., VA Prestons. Data from a family bible supplied by Cathy Riggs and Sonia Meyer.

Date 6/19/99

  1. Finished the Joel Preston page. If anyone has any more information on some of the male Preston children in this family I would appreciate the info.

Date 6/18/99

  1. Added more data to the descendants of Joel Preston of Bedford Co., VA.

Date 6/17/99

  1. Added another request for help (Bulletin Board) on Albert Edward Preston from Cincinnati, OH and parents from Aberford, Yorkshire, England.
  2. Changed email address (on Bulletin Board) for Clay Preston searching for information on Thomas Suggett Wellington Preston b.1838.
  3. Added 20 more Church Bulletin Bloopers to the Fun Stuff Page and deleted a witty thing about the study of genealogy because even thou I showed the authors name at beginning and end she didn't think I gave her proper credit.

Date 6/16/99

  1. Added more info on the descendants of Joel Preston of Bedford Co., VA. Still more to come.
  2. Added a request for help on a Sarah/Sally/Serepta Preston b.1810 in PA m. Isaac Hopkins, d.1889 in Colorado.
  3. Added a few more names to the SURNAME Database being maintained for the Southwestern Virginia Roots Web group.

Date 5/28/99

  1. Added another request for help on a Preston family in Iowa with roots possibly in New York.
  2. Added some information on Mary Ballard, wife of Thomas Preston of Bedford Prestons.

Date 5/27/99

  1. Added the Will of Samuel Garlick, supplied by John Hill.

Date 5/26/99

  1. Added a notice of a family reunion for HILL and GARLICK, possibly CAMM. To be held July 23 and 24, 1999 in Ashland, Virginia. Located 16 miles north of Richmond. If interested contact John Hill. See the Garlick Page for more details. Also added links from the Garlick page to pictures of "Hillsborough", home of Humphrey Hill and "Bewdley", home of Samuel Garlick.

Date 5/18/99

  1. Started a new page in Bedford Co., VA Prestons, Joel Preston. More to come.
  2. On Feb. 20 I stated that I had updated the Isaac Preston page (Bedford) by adding some data on Stephen Pleasants Preston...actually I did the change but it never got uploaded. This is now on the web.
  3. Minor changes to some other pages, deleted notice of problem by Fortune City. Slowed down fireworks display in Applets (linked from my Home page). Goes really fast at 450 MHz.
  4. Still have problems...Patton page change listed below doesnt seem to be there. While building my new computer I ended up formating the HD during change from Win95 to Win98 and lost some things between about 4/26 and 5/10/99./LI>

Date 5/4/99

  1. Added six more requests for help on the BULLETIN BOARD...check it out. Prestons from VA, PA, TN, ND/IL and Australia.

Date 5/3/99

  1. Think I have all my files restored on Fortune City. If you have a problem be sure to send email.
  2. Added a request for help on 4/28/99 from Gail Budda, looking for info on some OHIO Prestons. Have many more requests to post as soon as I get to it.
  3. Updated the SURNAME Database I maintain for the SW Virginia Rootsweb List.
  4. On the PATTON page I inserted a picture of Patton's home "Solitude" located near the duck pond on Virginia Tech's campus. Also, added a link where the text refers to the BEVERLEY PATENT of 1736, to my MAPS page where you can find the Beverley Patent divided into 4 sections, NE, NW, SE, SW, showing who owned the land.
  5. Still not really doing much, have considerable info to add. Will be building a new computer Tuesday May 4 and how fast I get back to this will depend on how much trouble I have. A new motherboard, case, CPU, RAM, HD, Sound and Video cards. Hope it goes well.

Date 4/25/99

  1. Still not doing anything with new info on genealogy, however, Fortune City had a server go down and you might guess, my page was on it...actually almost 300 pages and 11.4 megs. They got the server fixed but their tape back up wasn't any good so they lost all my pages. I am in the process of uploading them now and having lots of problems. The server won't accept capital letters for image files or midi files and now I'm finding out even HTML files. A lot of my files are in caps and they have to be changed. Have tried to do a mass case change but having problems. Explorer or File Manager shows all files in lower case anyway. Front Page 98 and CuteFTP show them mixed but have no provision for a mass change. Therefore, I am renaming files one at a time and it is slow. Most of it should be available late tonight... sorry.

Date 3/31/99

  1. Sorry, still not working on my genealogy...painting, working on fence, getting ready to make about 10 gallons of wine, working on my model railroad and have done some consulting. Will try to get back to this about April 15th or so.

Date 3/18/99

  1. Posted another request for help on the Bulletin Board. Looking for ancestors of a Catherine Preston b.1463 in Frickley, Yorkshire, England. Married a John Anne or Aune and their dau. Joan Anne or Aune m. John Peck.
  2. Haven't been loafing, honest. Just got back from a wedding in Florida. Starting to replace 80 or 90 feet of cedar privacy fence, paint the inside of the house and working on a local Kiwanis web page.
  3. Have started listing the PRESTONS, INDIVIDUALS and SURNAMES in the new pages. Will take awhile to get them all up to date.

Date 3/1/99

  1. Added another request for help. A George Preston born in Hertfordshire, England and his son born in Nassau, Bahamas. See the Bulletin Board.
  2. Nothing new but just a reminder. The Prestons, Surnames and Individuals shown on the 4 new pages of Pennsylvania/Maryland Prestons have not been added the their respective lists yet. If searching for someone who may be from this area, go to the pages and use your FIND on this Page function of the Browser. The same is true for the Prestons of Kentucky page, the David Preston page of the unconnected line in Georgia, some added info on the Bedford Isaac Preston page, and Brunswich to Georgia pages of Thomas Preston and Gilliam Hulon Preston. Adding these names takes time. When done I will show it on this page.

Date 2/26/99

  1. Added 33 more Surnames to the SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA ROOTSWEB SURNAME DATABASE, submitted by 10 members.
  2. Have added more data to Maryland Preston pages and changed name of one from William to Joseph. Started a new page on William. These pages are essentially complete. There are a number of male Prestons with no data. Some of whom moved into Ohio. Also there are obviously other Prestons in Pennsylvania of whom I have no data.

Date 2/22/99

  1. Added a page on David Preston 1778-1849, born in Ireland, died in Knoxville, Crawford Co., GA. Shows up in Georgia slightly ahead of the Brunswick, VA Prestons but can't find any connection between the two families of Georgia Prestons. David m. Nancy McCann. I had this data posted in December but forgot to link it to anything, sorry. Data supplied by Peggy Mayville.
  2. Added another page on Augustus Preston who shows up in Fort Knox, KY in middle to late 1800's and raises a family there. Data for this was supplied by Betty Higbee.

Date 2/21/99

  1. Added some data to the Georgia Preston pages of Archibald and Thomas..much of the new data is in bold. (SORRY, all of the Archibald page is in bold... not much new, maybe a few dates, and I rearranged his children in order of birth. Have not added Surnames, Individuals or Prestons from the new Georgia data or any of the Maryland data.

Date 2/20/99

  1. Added links to the Maryland Preston pages, can be accessed from either the N0-Frames page or the Frames Page, under PRESTONS. Beware, data is incomplete and could have errors. Two sets of data from the same source contained some differences, some I would consider major. I believe the info on the Edmond Page is ok, but his ancestors may change.
  2. Added some information on the Isaac Preston page of Bedford, regarding Stephen Pleasant(s) Preston, courtesy Ruth Hunter.

Date 2/19/99

  1. Several new pages coming, Edmond Preston 1814-1893, primarily in Maryland. Also his ancestor Jonas Preston of West Riding, Yorkshire. Several pages finished but not linked as yet...will do that tomorrow (today).

Date 2/11/99

  1. Added a list of all Prestons who served in the Confederate Army from the "Broad Foot" collection. List was given to me by David Corley. I put it up just as received with the exception of my Grandfather who was listed as J. Preston and I put in his full name. There are duplicates, triplicates some very obvious but I left them in. Could almost divide the total names by 2 to get the number of Prestons involved. 

Date 2/10/99

  1. Added the Will of Thomas Preston, Jr. of Walton Co., GA. Supplied by David Corley.
  2. Still working on the Georgia Prestons.

Date 2/9/99

  1. Added more data to Thomas Preston page (Georgia Prestons), from data supplied by David Corley and Lisa Browning in answer to the request for help posted on the Bulletin Board for Allison (below). Still have more data to add and created a new page, Archibald Gilliam Preston 1840-1905.
  2. Working on a page showing Prestons who fought in the Civil War. Data supplied by Corley. Lots of names will take awhile.

Date 2/6/99

  1. Posted another request for help on the Bulletin Board. Allison Saxman is looking for the name of the parents of 8 children apparently born in Alabama. I presume related to Archibald Preston of the Georgia Preston clan. Check the Bulletin Board.

Date 2/3/99

  1. Added 44 more Surnames for 8 users on the Southwestern Virginia Surname Database. Also, changed the email and home page URL on 16 names.

Date 1/30/99

  1. Feel kind of guilty....haven't been working on genealogy. Been treading water for one thing, about 4-5 inches yesterday and more today. Working on model railroad and put up a web page for the Lufkin Tennis Association at thought that was a neat URL for playing tennis. Once I get a few more revisions on that page I'll get back to work on genealogy.

Date 1/25/99

  1. Added 50 more Surnames for 13 new users of the SouthWest Virginia RootsWeb Surname DataBase.

Date 1/24/99

  1. Would like some feedback on the following. Tonight, 1/23/99 about 11PM I could not access some of my main pages, got a message, FORBIDDEN..your client is not allowed to access the requested object. The pages involved were lcc pages, and some others. I am assuming LCC was having problems so I went to and got in. From there I was able to access most of my pages except the two main Genealogy pages, Frames and No-Frames, could still get to Surnames, Individuals and all the rest. Has anyone else had a problem and gotten this message ?
  2. Added another Award.
  3. Other than that, played with my Model Railroad and goofed off, sorry.

Date 1/22/99

  1. Created a new page for Leonidas Archibald Preston, son of Archibald Preston and his wife Nancy Hill. New data was supplied by Cheryl Preston Kuntz. Deleted the family info on Leon from the Archibald page and changed the links on the Individual Prestons of Bedford page. Have not added the new Prestons or Individuals other than Preston yet.
  2. HELP WANTED: I just found a link to the Joseph Preston page (New England Prestons) that didn't work. Fixed it, went to the page and found the numbering all messed up. If you find any problems like this be sure you let me know. My feelings won't be hurt. I've got a lot of pages and links to maintain and I need help. THANKS, Fred Preston.
  3. Obviously, created a new page for CHANGES. Can see changes since 8/1/97 by using links at the bottom of the page.

Changes 8/1/97-12/15/97 or Changes 12/16/97-6/10/98 or Changes 6/11/98 -1/22/1999

Home Page

Original 1/22/1999
Last updated 4/14/2007
Page by F. L. Preston