Prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC was home to the Multiverse, an infinite number of universes separated by vibrational barriers. The Multiverse was created to address inconsistencies in DC's stories and characters that developed over the years from the late 1930s until the mid-1980s. For example, how could Clark (Superman) Kent be a member of the Justice Society of Americe during the 1940s and the Justice League of America in the 1960s on. How could his parents have been Jor-L and Lora (and foster parents, John and Mary Kent) in some stories and Jor-El and Lara (and Jonathan and Martha Kent) in others. The first appearance of what would become the Multiverse was chronicled in Flash #123 when the Silver Age Flash (Barry Allen) accidently traveled to another world where he Jay (the Flash) Garrick, who was a comic book character Barry read about as a child. Before long the Justice League of America on Earth-1 and the Justice Society of America of Earth-2 began having annual crossover adventures, many of which occurred on still other Earths.

Flash #123 and Justice League of America #21


Now, one would think DC would have named the Earth which was home to its Golden Age characters Earth-1 and the Earth on which the "current" heroes lived and their adventures occurred Earth-2. Well, nope! They got it backward. Even Julius Schwartz, the prime editor of the Multiverse, admits the blunder. Other Earths that were discovered later were numbered or, in some cases, lettered to help identify each world's unique characteristics.


Click on the Earths below to explore these worlds. Once you finish your journey, return to the bottom of this page.






I hope the information I've provided has been informative and fun. Other sites dedicated to the Multiverse may be found at:





Disclaimer: This page and related pages are a fan website celebrating DC Comics' Multiverse and the characters and events it contained. All characters, events, images, etc... are copyrighted by DC Comics, Inc. and are used here under the Fair Use principle.